
How to handle timezones in CFML?

How to handle timezones in CFML? So far all apps I've wrote just use the default timezone of the CF server and/or SQL server. What do you guys usually do? Do you store all dates in GMT with GetTimezineInfo() and then DateAdd(), and translate all time to the correct timezone based on logged in user's preference? Or do you guys use any...

Python - Can't subtract offset-naive and offset-aware datetimes

I have a timezone aware timestamptz field in PostgreSQL. When I pull data from the table, I then want to subtract the time right now so I can get it's age. The problem I'm having is that both datetime.datetime.now() and datetime.datetime.utcnow() seem to return timezone unaware timestamps, which results in me getting this error: TypeEr...

TZ4Net: DST abbrev for a time zone

In TZ4Net, if you have an OlsonTimeZone instance, you can say tz.IsDaylightSavingTime(someDateTime), and use that to display tz.StandardName or tz.DaylightName. Great. I want the standard/daylight abbreviation. I only see ways to get the standard abbreviation (tz.Abbreviation, say). Is there a way to get this? Am I missing something...

In MySQL caculating offset for a time zone

Is there a way in mysql to calculate the offset for any timezone. For example to get the local time in the time zone 'Asia/calcutta' what i want to do is calculate the offset for this time zone and add that offset to GMT to get the local time. ...

Set System Time Zone from .NET

Does anyone have some code that will take a TimeZoneInfo field from .NET and execute the interop code to set the system time zone via SetTimeZoneInformation? I realize that it's basically mapping the TimeZoneInfo members to the struct members, but it does not appear obvious to me how the fields will map exactly or what I should care abou...

Wrong hour in C++

// Simple program to get the date and time on Windows // It compiles and works fine but displays the wrong hour! // Using Visual C++ 2008 Express on XP SP2 #include <Windows.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void main() { SYSTEMTIME st; GetSystemTime(&st); cout << "Year : " << st.wYear << "\n"; cout...

Can I add a reference to System.Core.dll (.net 3.5) to a .net 2.0 application and use it

Can I add a reference to System.Core.dll (.net 3.5) to a .net 2.0 application and use it I am trying to use the TimeZoneInfo class which is available in .net 3.5 only, by referencing System.Core.dll Alternatively, is their an alternate for TimeZoneInfo in .net 2.0 (or a customised class) ...

Can someone explain how a DaylightSavingsRule can have a "StartMonth" after it's "EndMonth"?

Using C# (the .NET framework), I'm looping through all the TimeZones and their AdjustmentRules... and for "Mauritius Standard Time" {(GMT+04:00) Port Louis)} - the adjustment rule is as follows: IsFixed = false; DaylightTransitionStart.Month = 10; DaylightTransitionEnd.Month = 1; From what I understand, 'IsFixed=false' means that I do...

call function between time intervals

In app engine I would like to call a function if the current time is between a particular interval. This is what I am doing now. ist_time = datetime.utcnow() + timedelta(hours=5, minutes = 30) ist_midnight = ist_time.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) market_open = ist_midnight + timedelta(hours=9, minutes = 55) market_...

Java - Store GMT time

Hi, i have a question: My server has GMT+7, so if i move to another server has another GMT timezone, all date stored in db will incorrect? Yes Q1 is correct, how about i will store date in GMT+0 timezone and display it in custom GMT timezone chosen by each member How i get date with GMT+0 in java ...

fmt:formatDate and timeZone

I have fields in a Mysql database typed datetime. I store, for example, a payment's date with next Java code: payment.setCreatedOn(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())); In my view layer I use fmt:formatDate to format dates: <fmt:formatDate value="${payment.createdOn}" pattern="EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"/> My ...

How do i get the gmt time in php

I have a server which is set to EST and all records in the db are set to EST. i would like to know how to set it to gmt? I want to put a time zone option to my users. ...

Automatically detect user's current local time with JavaScript or PHP

I often need to display information based on or influenced by a user's actual local time which differs across time zones. Is there a reliable way of getting a user's current time and/or timezone? Key Issues: Server-side code is based on the website host or user's ISP Client-side code is based on the user's system clock which is too ea...

.NET 2.0 DateTime.ToString() conversion to different time zone

is there a format in ToString() method of DateTime to convert the time Zone to say UTC ? I know I can programatically first convert the DateTime to UTC and then call ToString, but I have a UI where the user can specify format, can they at the same time convert to UTC ? ...

On GAE, how may I show a date according to right client TimeZone ?

On my Google App Engine application, i'm storing an auto-updated date/time in my model like that : class MyModel(db.Model): date = db.DateTimeProperty(auto_now_add=True) But, that date/time is the local time on server, according to it's time zone. So, when I would like to display it on my web page, how may I format it according th...

Converting Time/DataTime/Data into java.util.Calendar?

Is it possible in easy way to convert JRuby Time/DataTime/Data into java.util.Calendar including the timezone? On #jruby I was given such code cal.set_time_in_millis(time.to_i) but I lost information about timezone in betwean. So the more specific question is how to convert the timezone but I prefered to ask more broad questin in case t...

Display DateTime data in users TimeZone in DataTable

We have a reporting application where all DateTimes are stored in UTC in the database (SQL server 2005) The reporting application works simply be retrieving a DataTable and binding to a DataGrid displaying the information. If we know the logged in users time zone (e.g. +3 GMT), is there any way to update the DataTables dates which are ...

ASP.NET app and local timezone

I have an ASP.NET application that is hosted in timezone A and is being used by users in timezone B. Is there any way to set the whole web application's timezone to B even though the hosting environment is in A? I've already set the globalization tag in web.config with appropriate uiCulture and culture values and they work great for days...

What standard does this "ISOTIME" structure represent?

In our code, we have a 16-byte packed struct that we call "ISOTIME": typedef struct isotime { struct { uint16_t iso_zone : 12; // corresponding time zone uint16_t iso_type : 4; // type of iso date } iso_fmt; int16_t iso_year; // year uint8_t iso_month; // month uint8_t iso_day; // day uint8_t iso...

Extracting time zone from Oracle JDBC TIMEZONETZ object

Is there a way to extract timezone information directly from an oracle.sql.TIMESTAMPTZ object (selected from a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE column)? Ideally, I'd like to be able to pull the time zone information directly out of the object without jumping through potentially expensive or fragile hoops (like converting things into strings and...