
webapp, tipfy or django on google app engine

which one are you using on google app engine? what were the reasons behind your decision? ...

Getting HTTP GET variables using Tipfy

Hey everyone, I'm currently playing around with tipfy on Google's Appengine and just recently ran into a problem: I can't for the life of me find any documentation on how to use GET variables in my application, I've tried sifting through both tipfy and Werkzeug's documentations with no success. I know that I can use request.form.get('va...

How do I make a tipfy app accept own-auth, OpenID, and more?

Tipfy's user-authentication tutorial advertises its unified system that accepts all of Google, own-auth, OpenID, OAuth, and Facebook authentication; but the examples so far show exclusively Google auth and exclusively own-auth. How do I make the other authentication options available? ...

Proper way to edit existing entity in tipfy

I'm using a PersonEditHandler class in tipfy to edit a Person entity. I have the get() and post() methods formed, but when I reference self.person (to check if the get method found the existing person by key), I get an 'object has no attribute' error. This is because I never initialize it in the init method since I'm inheriting from...

How do I store a fetched entity in memcache for App Engine?

Because each new request in App Engine creates a new Handler, the entity I'd like to alter and put (using POST) has to be retrieved again. This seems wasteful, since I've populated the form with the information from GET a moment earlier. How do I store a key, fetched entity, or key/entity pair in memcache for App Engine? ...

Multiple forms with one page in tipfy

I haven't been able to find an example of using multiple forms on one page (or one Handler) for tipfy. I'm trying to allow users to both answer (form 1) and comment on an item (form 2) from the same page. One approach to doing this in PHP is submitting a hidden form and checking for it before processing. However, I'm not sure what t...

tipfy on google app engine (gae) installing extensions

I'm trying to get tipfy working on google app engine (GAE). I'm using Windows XP. The "hello world" example is working fine. What I'm not understanding is how to correctly install extensions. I'm trying to use the "multi-auth" example without much success. I'm receiving the following error: ImportError: No module named wtforms.valid...

Using PayPal with AppEngine (Python)

I'm looking to use Google AppEngine (Python). The Tipfy framework looks very good. How do I add PayPal and/or Google Web Payments into my app. Is there a simple extension or similar that I can drop in? ...

Catch-all routing using Tipfy

Using tipfy, how does one express a catch-all route in urls.py if more specific routes do not match? Tipfy uses Werkzeug-like routing, so there's this (in urls.py): def get_rules(app): rules = [ Rule('/<any>', endpoint='any', handler='apps.main.handlers.MainHandler'), Rule('/', endpoint='main', handler='apps.main.handlers.Ma...