
Django: Arbitrary number of unnamed urls.py parameters

I have a Django model with a large number of fields and 20000+ table rows. To facilitate human readable URLs and the ability to break down the large list into arbitrary sublists, I would like to have a URL that looks like this: /browse/<name1>/<value1>/<name2>/<value2>/ .... etc .... where 'name' maps to a model attribute and 'value'...

How do I set urlpatterns based on domain name or TLD, in Django?

How do I set urlpatterns based on domain name or TLD, in Django? For some links, Amazon shows url in native language based on its website tld. http://www.amazon.de/bücher-buch-literatur/ ( de : books => bücher ) http://www.amazon.fr/Nouveautés-paraître-Livres/ ( fr : books => Livres ) http://www.amazon.co.jp/和書-ユーズドブッ-英語学習/ ( ...

Django and urls.py: How do I HttpResponseRedirect via a named url?

I'm writing a member-based web application, and I need to be able to redirect the page after login. I want to use the named url from my urls.py script in my views.py file for the login application, but I can't for the life of me figure out what to do. What I have is this: def login(request): if request.session.has_key('user'): if requ...

Django site with lots of drill down options. How to effectively write the urls.py?

I am making a django site to showcase children's clothing. You start with an overview page where you see a listing with all the clothes. In a side bar you have the following options to refine your search: clothes for: boys girls clothes in: cotton wool clothes in size: 56 62 68 74 80 86 92 98 104 110 116 clothes with the...

Where to put Python files to be redirected to by urls.py in Django?

Where do I put python files to be redirected to by urls.py in Django? The tutorial showed something like this: urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^polls/$', 'mysite.polls.views.index'), Where do I set up pages to be easily linked as something.something.page like this? I am currently just trying to drop straight .py files in random...

Django can't find HTML file.

I have a html file ('search.html') with a form on it. I have saved it to ~/Django/Templates just for the sake of argument. The Django book said it doesn't matter where I save it, because the framework will find it. Anyway, I have set up a function in the views.py file to render this file. Here it is: from django.http import HttpResponse...

Django urls conf

So now I am still at the Django tutorial part 3: http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/intro/tutorial03/#intro-tutorial03 Trying to set up the urls.py with this piece of code provided by the tutorial from django.conf.urls.defaults import * from django.contrib import admin admin.autodiscover() urlpatterns = patterns('', (r'^polls/...

Django cannot find url pattern in URLConf although it is defined

I type the following url in my browser: http://localhost:8000/en/weblog/2010/aug/10/wie-baue-ich-ein-weblog/ an I get a "Page Not Found (404)" error, although the 10th entry (r'^weblog/(?P<year>\d{4})/(?P<month>\w{3})/(?P<day>\d{2})/(P?<slug>[-\w]+)/$', 'django.views.generic.date_based.object_detail', entry_info_dict), in my URLCon...

With Django, is there a better way to dynamically import views in urls.py?

Summary: Say I have a project in Django called "devsite" which will be deployed first to a staging project (also called "devsite") and finally to the live codebase (where the project is called "livesite"). During live deployments, I'd have to make manual changes to urls.py in order to import views from the right project. Which means url...

Django development server: templates render from custom views not getting static media

I have a development server running (and serving content) using the built in django server. All my templates that are rendered from generic views point correctly to the static media files (css/java/imgs) but ones that are rendered via custom views don't seem to prepend the /media/ folder to the urls. (At least this seems to be the proble...

Caught NoReverseMatch while rendering with generic PasswordChangeForm Django view

I'm trying to use the generic PasswordChangeForm and password_change view in Django, and running into a NoReverseMatch error. Here is my urls.py: (r'^change_pass/','django.contrib.auth.views.password_change', {'post_change_redirect':'/home'}), Then, I'm trying to call the following from the template: <form action="{% url django....

django url dispatching and middleware

Hi, In my development system (mac os x) I added the following lines at the end of my urls.py file: if re.match('darwin',sys.platform): # serving media files using the development server urlpatterns += patterns('',(r'^site_media/(?P<path>.*)$', 'django.views.static.serve', {'document_root': '/Users/henri/sites_django...

Catch-all routing using Tipfy

Using tipfy, how does one express a catch-all route in urls.py if more specific routes do not match? Tipfy uses Werkzeug-like routing, so there's this (in urls.py): def get_rules(app): rules = [ Rule('/<any>', endpoint='any', handler='apps.main.handlers.MainHandler'), Rule('/', endpoint='main', handler='apps.main.handlers.Ma...