
Blackberry development on scripting language ?

From what I've seen, the preferred way to develop Blackberry applications is Java. Is this the only way? I'm dreaming of a rapid application environment where you can create GUIs (using the Blackberry UI components). Something like a port of Tcl/Tk on Blackberry... or Python/Tkinter... or something new, but similar. Does something li...

Tkinter: Changing a variable within a function

I know this kind of question gets asked all the time but either i've been unable to come across the answer i need, or i've been unable to understand it when i did. I want to be able to do something like: spam = StringVar() spam.set(aValue) class MyScale(Scale): def __init__(self,var,*args,**kwargs): Scale.__init__(self,*arg...

Do event upon text being entered.

Hi, i am using tkinter in python and would like to add an event to an Entry widget. I would like it to wait for text to be typed into it and then perform the action when text is typed. something to the effect of: self.entry(command=self.event) is there anyway to do this? ...

How can I explicitly disable compilation of _tkinter.c when compiling Python 2.4.3 on CentOS 5?

I'm trying to explicitly disable the compilation of the _tkinter module when compiling Python 2.4.3. It's easy enough to do by modifying the makefile but I'd rather just append a configuration option to avoid supplying a patch. I do not understand the complex interplay between Modules/Setup*, and their contribution to the gener...

Python tkInter text entry validation

I'm trying to validate the entry of text using Python/tkInter def validate_text(): return False text = Entry(textframe, validate="focusout", validatecommand=validate_text) where validate_text is the function - I've tried always returning False and always returning True and there's no difference in the outcome..? Is there a set ...

Python tkInter Entry fun

Playing around with Python - tkInter - Entry widget - when I use validatecommand (below), the check happens the first time the string > Max, but when I continue to enter text the check steps - there's no delete or insert after the first time? Any advice? (outside of not building a desktop app via python) #!/usr/bin/env python from Tk...

Tkkinter message box

I've been trying to build a fairly simple message box in tkinter,that has an "YES" and "NO" buttons. When I push the "YES" button internally it must go and write to a file YES. Similarly,when "NO" is pushed, file must be written a NO.Any idea of how I could do this ? ...

wxPython RichTextCtrl much slower than tkInter Text?

I've made a small tool that parses a chunk of text, does some simple processing (retrieves values from a dictionary, a few regex, etc.) and then spits the results. In order to make easier to read the results, I made two graphic ports, one with tkInter and other with wxPython, so the output is nicely displayed in a Text Area with some wo...

How to direct tkinter to look elsewhere for Tcl/Tk library (to dodge broken library without reinstalling)

I've written a Python script that uses Tkinter. I want to deploy that script on a handful of computers that are on Mac OS 10.4.11. But that build of MAC OS X seems to have a broken TCL/TK install. Even loading the package gives me: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? ImportError: dlopen(/System/Library/Framew...

Get rid of toplevel tk panewindow while usong tkMessageBox

Hello, link text When I do : tkMessageBox.askquestion(title="Symbol Display",message="Is the symbol visible on the console") along with Symbol Display window tk window is also coming. If i press "Yes"...the child window return yes,whereas tk window remains there. Whenever I am tryng to close tk window, End Program - tk comes. on ...

Tkinter button bind and parent deatroy

This is my code : print '1' from Tkinter import * print '2' class myApp: print '3' def __init__(self,parent): print '4' ## self.myparent = parent line1 print '11' self.myContainer1 = Frame(parent) print '12' self.myContainer1.pack() print '13' self.button1...

Developing user interface in Python - TkInter Vs PyQt

Hi If one wants to develop a user interface in Python, which one to go for: TkInter or PyQt. I just started with TkInter and I was able to get some simple UIs going with elementary widgets like label, button, text box etc. Just curious to know how good PyQt would be compared to TkInter? cheers ...

Python TkInter - AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

Hi I have seen a couple of other posts on similar error message but couldn't find a solution which would fix it in my case. I dabbled a bit with TkInter and created a very simple UI. The code follows- from string import * from Tkinter import * import tkMessageBox root=Tk() vid = IntVar() def grabText(event): if entryBox.get().st...

clipping text in python/tkinter

I want to draw text on a tkinter canvas, within a previously drawn rectangle. I want to clip the text to be drawn entirely within the rectangle, hopefully by just specifying a maximum allowed width. Is there a straightforward way to do this in tkinter? If not, could I be using something else that would make it easier? Thanks EDIT: "clip...

Tkinter button bind

Hello, Help urgently.. This is my code: import Tkinter from Tkconstants import * tk = Tkinter.Tk() class MyApp: def __init__(self,parent): self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk,relief=RIDGE,borderwidth=2) self.frame.pack() self.message = Tkinter.Message(tk,text="Symbol Disolay") label=Tkinter.Label(s...

close window in Tkinter message box

Hello, link text How to handle the "End Now" error in the below code: import Tkinter from Tkconstants import * import tkMessageBox tk = Tkinter.Tk() class MyApp: def __init__(self,parent): self.myparent = parent self.frame = Tkinter.Frame(tk,relief=RIDGE,borderwidth=2) self.frame.pack() self.m...

Python accessing multiple webpages at once

I have a tkinter GUI that downloads data from multiple websites at once. I run a seperate thread for each download (about 28). Is that too much threads for one GUI process? because it's really slow, each individual page should take about 1 to 2 seconds but when all are run at once it takes over 40 seconds. Is there any way I can shorten ...

How can you check if a key is currently pressed using Tkinter in Python?

Is there any way to detect which keys are currently pressed using Tkinter? I don't want to have to use extra libraries if possible. I can already detect when keys are pressed, but I want to be able to check at any time what keys are pressed down at the moment. ...

Tkinter locks python when Icon loaded and tk.mainloop in a thread.

Here's the test case... import Tkinter as tk import thread from time import sleep if __name__ == '__main__': t = tk.Tk() thread.start_new_thread(t.mainloop, ()) # t.iconbitmap('icon.ico') b = tk.Button(text='test', command=exit) b.grid(row=0) while 1: sleep(1) This code works. Uncomment the t.iconbit...

Which events can be bound to a Tkinter Frame?

I am making a small application with Tkinter. I would like to clean few things in a function called when my window is closed. I am trying to bind the close event of my window with that function. I don't know if it is possible and what is the corresponding sequence. The python documentation says: "See the bind man page and page 201 of Jo...