
JavaScript: toggle links active/deactive

How do I toggle HTML links from being active / deactive using JavaScript? Within my HTML, I have 2 hyper links that call a JavaScript function to sort a table: <a href="javascript:sort('asc');">ASC</a> | <a href="javascript:sort('desc');">DESC</a> What I would like to do is when someone clicks the "ASC" link, it then deactives the "A...

How to make it smoother with toggle ('slow')

I have the following code which works but it becomes a bit jumpy at the end of each toggle action. Will it be smoother if I toggle the paragraph? I am trying to get the paragraph, but I don't know how to do it. Can anyone help me please? Thanks in advance. <head> <style type="text/css"> body {width: 660px; margin: 0 auto; } .toppar...

Read more and read less mixed up.

I am trying to add read more / read less function to multi paragraph. I use the following HTML and jquery. However if I click different 'read more' link, it does not work properly. 'read more' stay 'read more', or read more and read less texts become confused. Could anyone tell me how to fix this? Thanks in advance. <div id="section...

jQuery toggle next two elements

I have a form select element that, when a certain value is selected, will toggle two other elements on the page (a dt / dd pair). The event is triggered correctly, but I can't get the elements to toggle - note I am using class selectors because the number of these element "sets" on the page is variable. Here is my code: $(".lender_id"...

Jquery Show/Hide Toggle

Hi there, I'm trying to recreate the effect shown on the BBC homepage where the links 'add more to this page' and 'set location' slide open their corresponding divs and show their relevant content. If you select 'add more to this page' it slides open the 'add more' section. If you select 'add more to this page' again it then closes the ...

Jquery Slickbox toggle issue

Here's the code I'm using $(document).ready(function(){ $('#slickbox').hide(); // toggles the slickbox on clicking the noted link $('a#slick-show').click(function() { $('#slickbox').show('slow'); return false; }); // hides the slickbox on clicking the noted link ...

How to toggle a div based upon the radio type selection?

Hi I toggle a div using something like this - <input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="myDiv_1" />MyDiv <input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="myDiv_2" />MyDiv2 <input type="radio" name="myRadio" value="myDiv_3" />MyDiv3 <div id="myDiv_1"> 1 Some input fields, text </div> <div id="myDiv_2"> 2 More input fields, text </div> <div i...

jQuery nextAll -- Click on h-element toggles all p-elements until next h

Hi, i'm creating an FAQ page where the answer is toggled by clicking on the question. The question is h3 and the answer is several "p" elements. Like this: <h3>The First Question</h3> <p>Answer Paragraph</p> <p>Answer Paragraph</p> <p>Answer Paragraph</p> <h3>The Second Question</h3> <p>Answer Paragraph</p> <p>Answer Paragraph</p> Ho...

How do you avoid JQuery toggle() on a layout div from causing your layout to move around?

I have a JQuery function that toggles one of the divs in my layout. The problem is that the whole layout moves around on the screen when the div appears or disappears. Is there a way to achieve the same show/hide effect without altering the layout? <script> $(document).ready(function(){ $("button").click(function () { $("#la...

What would cause myDivId.toggle() to work while myDivClass.toggle() does not?

I have some DIVs that I am using JQuery to hide and show using the toggle() function. This has been working fine. But I just recognized some relationships between some of these DIVs that would allow me to group some of them into a class. I was hoping that this would allow me to toggle the DIV class instead of each of the DIV ids. So ...

jQuery Examples – Horizontal Accordion - Table instead of Un-ordered Lists - UPDATED

Ok I got it working for anyone who needs this :) [Original Statement/Question] Here is and example of what I'm trying to do (But on click not hover): The Example JavaScript: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ // Get original font size var originalFontSize = $('html').css('font-size'); ...

jQuery show/hide/toggle works, but doesn't stay as it should - it reverts to original state

I am try to show/hide answers to FAQ questions using jQuery. The idea is that all the questions are listed and only when a user wants to see the answer they click the question (which looks like a link) and then the answer becomes visible. It kind of works except that the answer reverts to its original state as soon as it is clicked. In ...

jQuery.each() trouble

I will try to keep this short. I'm trying to create boxes of text that hide or show when user clicks on a expand button. I'm using the toggle() method. The markup is like this: <span id="toggle0">+</span> <div id="toggle0Container"> blablabla... <div> <span id="toggle1">+</span> <div id="toggle1Container"> blablabla... <div> ...

Toggle wordpress content

Hi, I am trying to intergrate this into wordpress. IS there a way to get custom divs for certain post I basicly just want to make a page like this updatible in wordpress.. any Ideas? ...

Toggling menu with jQuery

I've got some HTML like the following: <ul> <li><a href="#">Page 1</a></li> <li><a href="#" class="toggle">[Open|Close]</a><a href="#">Page 2</a> <ul> <li><a href="#">Page 2-1</a></li> <li><a href="#">Page 2-2</a></li> <li><a href="#">Page 2-3</a></li> <li><a href="#">Page 2-4</a></li> </ul> ...

JQuery Swapping the Toggle of elements, one at a time

I'm new to JQuery and I'd like to know if you've got any idea regarding how to accomplish the following with JQuery instead of JScript: You have a group of a's within a top div: <h3> <a id="acer" href="#acerca">acerca</a> | <a id="cur" href="#cursos">cursos y clases</a> | <a id="cal" href="#calendario">calendario</a> | <a id="con" href...

jQuery toggle and IF visible

Hi, I have a div which contains settings and options on an account management page. $("#moreOptions").slideToggle('slow'); if ($("#moreOptions").is(":visible") == true) { $("#lnkMoreOpt").text("Less Options «") } else { $("#lnkMoreOpt").text("More Optio...

changing an element's background using the CSS property

Hello guys, I have a div with a background, and I'd like to change the background's position on click. This is my jQuery snippet : $('#sprite').click(function() { $(this).css('backgroundPosition','-40px'); }); While this is working ok, I'd like to return to the original position with a 'second' click, resetting all. Mmm, is thi...

JQuery toggle Q&A: individual Q&As don't operate correctly unless you click on Open All/Close All first

I have a Q&A list with "Open All/Close All" at the top with individual open and close image buttons that toggle when clicked. That works fine. Then follow individual Q&As, and each has its own open and close image. If you click on "Open All/Close All" first, as soon as the page loads, and then click on the individual Q&A open/close im...

Using jQuery show/hide toggle in a table

Hi all, I'm trying to adapt Andy Langton's show/hide/mini-accordion ( to work within a table. I'm wanting to create a list of events with a confirmation form attached to each event. Upon clicking on the 'confirm' button in the last cell or the row, I would like the form associated with this pa...