
Trying to toggle multiple DIV's with Jquery

Hello All, I have been trying to get this function to work for awhile now. I have 11 different divs that are hidden by default. Each have a "trigger" button that is supposed to get them to pop open. I was able to do this with a much longer series of functions for each specific div (which ended up being about 175 lines of code!). I wante...

jquery: Toggle class on mouseover/mouseout of element, but keep class if click inside element?

Hi, suspect I'm trying to be too clever for my own good with this one! I'm working on a jQuery plugin function that will toggle a class on/off on an element when you hover in/out, but doesn't remove the class if you click inside the element before hovering out and doesn't toggle if the element already has that class before hovering in. ...

jQuery flexible hide/show of fieldsets

I want to enhance some fieldsets with the option to show / hide their contents upon clicking their label. Currently, the HTML looks like this: <fieldset> <legend>Fieldset 1</legend> <!-- Some input, p, div, whatever --> </fieldset> <fieldset> <legend>Fieldset 2</legend> <!-- Some input, p, div, whatever --> </fieldset> ...

jQuery toggle/vertical slider effect with multiple Divs

Hi, Actually, I am new to jQuery and I am writting a sample page with jQuery functions. In this page I am making use of toggle function. Please help me to get the intended effect. I am trying to get it but it is not working properly. The effect I am trying to apply is; There are 2 buttons on the page, say Button1 and Button2. There ar...

HTML on Flash/Flash on HTML Toggle

HTML on Flash/Flash on HTML Toggle Hi. Does anyone know a Javascript API or some good way to launch HTML over Flash and then when the user interacts with the flash part it becomes Flash on HTML. It only needs to turn to html over flash when the user interacts with the flash part. ...

Javascript Toggling

Hiya, I'm trying to get a toggle effect but not quite sure how to do it or what to look for. (i jave Jquery loaded). assume html similar to <table class="left-dates"> <tr><td>All Dates</td></tr> <tr><td>01 dec 2009</td></tr> <tr><td>02 dec 2009</td></tr> <tr><td>03 dec 2009</td></tr> <tr><td>04 dec 2009</td></tr>...

How can I programmatically flip the value of an element attribute using JQuery?

Hello, I'm just starting to get into JQuery so I apologize in advance if this is a simple question. I'm working with the A List Apart article on Print Previews to try to get live Print Previews in the webapp that I'm working on. I've gotten it to work satisfactorily but I'm now trying to refactor my code to what I think it should look...

How to getElementByClass instead of GetElementById with Javscript?

I'm trying to toggle the visibility of certain DIV elements on a website depending on the class of each DIV. I'm using a basic Javascript snippet to toggle them. The problem is that the script only uses getElementById, as getElementByClass is not supported in Javascript. And unfortunately I do have to use class and not id to name the DIV...

jQuery slider problems: two buttons are getting confused about the state.

Hi, I have built a slider that has two possible buttons: one to .toggle, this one is always visible, and then the .click one which is only visable when the slide is open so i wanted it to only close. the problem is when you open with the .toggle and close with the .click then try to re-open with the original .toggle button. it needs 2 cl...

Multiple jQuery toggle links

I've managed to create multiple toggle instances on my page, however the toggle links themselves need to be unique, as at the moment toggling one link toggles all the rest. Here is my code so far: jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { $('.toggle').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('name'); $('#module' + id).slideToggl...

jQuery Toggle Cookie Support

I'm trying to implement the jQuery Cookie plugin into my slide toggle script, but so far haven't been successful. Here's my code (without any cookie implementation): jQuery: $(document).ready(function() { $('a.toggle').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('name'); $('#module' + id).slideToggle('fast'); $('a.toggle[name=...

Implementing jQuery Cookie Plugin

How would I implement the jQuery Cookie Plugin into this snippet of jQuery, so it saves the open/closed state of the toggles upon leaving the page? $(document).ready(function() { $('a.toggle').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('name'); $('#module' + id).slideToggle('fast'); $('a.toggle[name='+id+']').toggle(); retu...

Checking if a DIV is currently shown on the page

I'm learning jQuery and this is my code so far: <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#login').click(function(){ $('#login-box').fadeIn('fast'); }); }); </script> It works, when you click the login button the DIV called login-box shows on the page. What I wanted to do was if the login button ...

Jquery toggling each and every div with same id

I want to toggle a bunch of divs that each have the same id. My current jquery code only toggles one div. (I've tried using a mixture of .next and, but haven't found anything yet) $('#body'+id).toggle('400'); So: There would be multiple divs with a '#body2010' id. I want to toggle all of those. ...

link with href="#" scrolls page to top when used with jquery slidetoggle

hello to all, I'm using jquery's slidetoggle to show/hide divs. the element that controls the sliding is a text link ( some text inside <\a>) which has href="#" so it will look like a link (underline, cursor change). the problem is that when the link is clicked, in addition to the sliding effect, the page scrolls to top. i tried rep...

jquery passing $(this) to other functions

High! What i want to do is the following: i have a table with a onclick attached to a link that resides in the table of an even row. every odd row is hidden. on a click on that link, the odd row is shown and data is loaded into that row. Works fine Now what i want to do is that whenever that process is done, i want to attach a new clic...

Really smooth animate effects with jQuery

I have some jQuery set up on my page to swap out some DIVs when a user clicks a link. The DIVs have flash objects, paragraphs and images inside them and when I click the link to swap it out the effects aren't exactly... smooth. This is my code: $('#div').toggle('fast'); $('#anotherdiv').toggle('fast'); It kinda gets stuck on the flas...

iPhone Wi-Fi Manager SDK

I'm attempting everal methods trying to enable/disable Wi-Fi (toggle). Here are some things I am trying: //Enable WiFiManagerClientEnable(WiFiManagerClientCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0)); //Disable WiFiManagerClientDisable(WiFiManagerClientCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0)); -and- //Enable WiFiManagerClientSetProperty(WiFiManagerClient...

Toggle results from a database

Hi, I'm pretty new to jQuery, php and Databases, but i managed to create a database en retrieve data with php from that database. After a searchterm is filled in, The data (retrieved from the database) will be displayed in the resultpage. For example: when searching for Netherlands you will get a couple of cities as a result. These ci...

Click Toggle (jQuery)

$("li").hover( function () { // do x }, function () { // do y }); .. thats for hover, how would I do the same for click toggle, i.e do x on click and y on second click? Manythanks ...