
jQuery manual toggle not working

Hi, I am trying to create a manual toggle to hide some div tags. But it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I added alerts to see if they even show up, but to no avail. Using the simple toggle(); function DOES work. In fact I am actually trying to work out how to show or hide all divs. Because at the moment, if some divs are open and so...

jQuery: move window viewport to show freshly toggled element

I have a simple bit of jQuery in doc ready which toggles a div containing a textarea: $('div#addnote-area').hide(); // hide the div $('a#addnote-link').click(function() { // click event listener on link $('div#addnote-area').toggle(); // toggle the hidden div }); The toggle works fine when clicking the link. The problem I'm havi...

Creating conditional statements for JQuery

Hi folks, I have a very novice question, so apologies if the answer to this is obvious. I am using JQuery to toggle the contents of items based on whether the item has been clicked. I have been able to successfully implement the toggle feature. I now need to have it load with the first two items set to show() with the rest set to hide...

Toggle Forums on bbPress

Looking to add a toggle button to categories on a bbPress site, something like a + and - that will open and close the category box. Anyone done this with a bbPress site? I have the jQuery toggle in place just need a way of getting it to talk to the forum categories as the cats don't have unique ID's applied to them and I also need the t...

Does something like jQuery.toggle(boolean) exist?

I write something similar to the following code a lot. It basically toggles an element based on some condition. In the following made-up example, the condition is "If the agree checkbox is checked and the name field isn't empty". $("button").click(function() { if ($("#agree").is(":checked") && $("#name").val() != "" ) { $("#mydiv...

How to show the DIV related with clicked link and hide other DIVs with Jquery?

Hello, As I summarized at topic I want to show the DIV related with clicked link and hide other DIVs with Jquery. To be able to understand what I am saying, please visit Worldlines You will see there the topics related with some news. When somebody clicked on a topic the news div will slide-down below clicked topic and previously read ...

javascript prototype problem

So I have a rather basic javascript problem which I have been slamming my head into a wall over for awhile: <div class='alist'> <ul> <li class='group_1'> An Item </li> <li class='group_1'> An Item </li> <li class='group_2'> An Item </li> </ul> </div> <div class='alist'> <ul> <li class='group_1'> A...

Toggle Blind Effect

Is there a way to alter this script to be used as the blind effect. // Andy Langton's show/hide/mini-accordion - updated 23/11/2009 // Latest version @ // this tells jquery to run the function below once the DOM is ready $(document).ready(function() { // choose text for the show/hide link - ca...

Jquery toggle function that doesn't return false?

Hi, Is it possible to stop the automatic preventDefault() from applying in a simple Jquery toggle function? $(".mydiv").toggle( function () { $(this).addClass("blue"); }, function () { $(this).removeClass("blue"); } ); The above prevents elements inside the div from responding normally to the click. I...

Hiding a dropdown menu without it flashing with prototype

I have a number of dropdowns and divs that are hidden when the page loads and can be toggled with a click or mouseover, but some of them flash b/c the javascript does not run in time. I have their display initially set to block and then I use javascript/prototype to find the element and hide it. I have tried loading these "hider" funct...

How do I save the edits for a checkbox that implements an email notification?

On my site, a user gets email notifications when someone comments on their profile, or comments on their blog etc...I have made a email settings page that has checkboxes to allow the user to decide to receive emails or not. This is what I am wrapping around the email notification code chunck for the pages that have the php mail: <...

jQuery: Toggling an image when toggling a DIV

Hey guys, I'm trying to write some jQuery that will toggle DIVs open and closed, and it's working, but I want an arrow that will change to "down" if the DIV is expanded, and "right" if the DIV is collapsed. What I have so far: $('.toggleHead').click(function() { $('#arrow').attr('src', 'images/icons/down.png'); $(this).next()....

JQuery Toggle Button Trigger

Hi all, i have this code: $('.access a').toggle(function() { $('link').attr('href', 'styles/accessstyles.css'); $('body').css('font-size', '16px'); }, function() { $('link').attr('href', 'styles/styles.css'); $('body').css('font-size', text_sizes[text_current_size] + 'px'); }); It works fine. But how would i programmat...

jQuery toggling div visibility

I have a HTML document with the below setup: <div class="main-div" style="padding: 5px; border: 1px solid green;"> <div class="first-div" style="width: 200px; height: 200px; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid purple"> First Div <a href="#" class="control">Control</a> </div> <div class="second-div hidden" style="wid...

Toggle 1 <div> at a time with Image Changing using JQuery

Please see this site: I've got it working, but am wanting the "+" to change to the "-" (expandbutton-close.gif). I'm using CSS right now to pull up the image, but I think I need to incorporate it into the JQuery code? <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(fu...

jQuery Toggle with Cookie

I have the following toggle system, but I want it to remember what was open/closed using the jQuery cookie plugin. So for example if I open a toggle and then navigate away from the page, when I come back it should be still open. By default all Toggles should be closed. This is code I have so far, but it's becoming rather confusing, some...

jquery toggle with cookie quick help

Hopefully a quick fix after spending quite a few hours trying to get this to work: Basically I to ONLY add the class "active" to .trigger anchor when when it has either been clicked or the cookie has made it open. And when the anchor is clicked again to close the container remove the class "active". Here is my code. Thanks. $(document...

Undesired "flashing" in Jquery dropdown menu?

Hi, I've got the following piece of Jquery: $("#collapse-menu > li > a").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass("expanded").toggleClass("collapsed").find("+ ul").slideToggle("medium"); }); What it basically does is expands or collapses a menu of nested "lists" which contain dropdowns (simplified example): <ul id="collapse-menu">...

jquery toggle+paginate+multiple instances

Hi, I'm a jquery newbie - wanted to ask what might be the best strategy for achieving what I am after as I think it uses a mix of jquery functions : If list of items exceeds 5 items a 'more' link appears which when toggled will reveal the rest of the items. If items list is 5 or less no 'more' link is shown. Hide button also at bottom...

jquery expanding menu+show/hide+multiple instances

Hi, I have 2 scripts working ok separately but can't get them working together - What I'm after is expanding menus where if the items exceed 10 a 'more' link appears that expands the list, which can also then be hidden. expanding menu is file test12.html toggle+limit: toggle is file test13.html (I...