
jquery toggle to work in multiple instances

I have a show/hide effect that works but I just need to be able to use it multiple times in a page. Currently it toggles all elements. Can't get my head around how to do it. Hope you can help. ...

jQuery Toggle with multiple unique DIVs?

I am using jQuery toggle with a link and a div. I will eventually have approx. 50 divs i want to toggle, and instead of creating a new function for each one, is there a way i can create a class and have it read unique ID's for each div? (if that makes sense) For instance, i will have A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, $(document).ready(...

jquery show/hide integrated with toggle/accordion effect

I have a show/hide toggle working well in multiple instances (thanks to help here - search for 'jquery toggle to work in multiple instances'). I want to integrate it into an expanding menu / accordion style for the main categories. I have a script and it works on its own but I can't get it to work integrated with the show/hide. Any he...

jQuery: .toggle() doesnt work properly on two different elements.

Hello there, This is my markup: <table class="col1table" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr> <td><a class="tips_trigger" href="#"><img src="/img/design/icon_tips_venn.png" /></a></td> <td><a class="facebook_trigger" href="#"><img src="/img/design/icon_facebook.png" /></a></td> <td><a class="twitter_trigger" href=...

jQuery toggling divs, expand collapse all and keep first item selected when page loads

Hi, I have a question about some functionality I'm trying to add to my jQuery to enable a button or text to expand/contract all the divs on click... and I'd like to figure out how to keep the first div open when the page loads. Here is the jQuery: (document).ready(function(){ //Hides containers on load $(".toggle_container").hide(); ...

Jquery toggle functions

I've a code to sort table using Jquery.I use toggle function to alternate clicks,and toggle beetween 'ascend' and 'descend' sort.Once you click header's table it should sort it contents. However,there's a bug: I click once,it sorts,then when i click again,nothing happens.I need to click again (second time) to execute the second functio...

Changing multiple objects with a new class name using Jquery

I'd like to click on a trigger and show a specific image. There are multiple triggers which would show a specific image related to it within a set. There are 4 sets The challenge for me is toggling the other images to hide only in this 'set' when one of these triggers are clicked, as there can only be one image showing at a time in each ...

How to align WPF Expander control toggle button

Hi I was wondering is it possible to align the toggle button on a WPF expander control to the far right side? ...

jQuery slider not visible after container div is toggled

I have a page which contains a jQuery-UI horizontal slider, created using a little function, inside a div which can be displayed / hidden by clicking on it's title, using $.toggle(). Problem is, once the div is hidden, when it is expanded the slider is gone. A simplified demo of the problem can be seen here:

Scrolling dynamically to the end of the page

I have a link which animates some div's height when its hovered, but the div has a big height and it goes beyond the visible bottom-end of the screen. I have to scroll to see the data and when I scroll I leave the hover area and the div toggles it's height to 0px. How to automatically scroll to the end of the div when it toggles? ...

jQuery toggle on a PHP foreach statement

The code for the page is the following <?php foreach ($organization->index() as $id=>$content) { ?> <a href="#" id="obtain_branch"><?= $content->name?></a> <div id="directory_brnach"><?= $content->about?></div> <?php } ?> The JavaScript code using jQuery is // Directory inner branches $('#obtain_branch').click(function(){ $('#dir...

opening a div closing the others

I'm trying to make a sliding panel using .animate function because I want it to slide left/right (jQuery allow slideUp and slideDown, but no other directions). I made the animation like this : jQuery('#slide1-button').toggle( function(){jQuery('#slide1').animate({right: 700},600);}, function(){jQuery('#slide1').animate({right: -700},600...

jquery toggle and fade in one function?

I was wondering if toggle() and fadeIn() could be used in one function... i got this to work, but it only fades in after the second click... not on first click of the toggle. $(document).ready(function() { $('#business-blue').hide(); $('a#biz-blue').click(function() { $('#business-blue').toggle().fadeIn('slow'); return fal...

Usefulness of Toggle functions

Is it better to write functions that explicitly do something (i.e. HideForm/ShowForm etc...) or is it better to write 'Toggle' type functions (i.e. ToggleVisibility)? I find Toggle type functions awkard because it's hard to track the state by reading the code. In what situations is a toggle type function useful? ...

Toggle two divs and classes

I have two links with classes (login-form and register-form) relevant to their target forms ID, they want to toggle. I have also a predefined 'slideToggle' function to toggle better. This is what I have tried so far: $('#userbar a').click(function() { var c = $(this).attr('class'); $('#userbar a').removeClass('active'); ...

Show/hide element using only CSS3 -- why won't this work?

I'm developing an offline web app that (for now) only targets Safari on the iPhone/iPod. Mostly for fun, but also as a way to lessen my dependency on jQuery event bindings (and thereby hopefully speed up UI responsiveness), I tried substituting some CSS3 for basic show/hide functionality. The following code is a simplified example that ...

IE8 isn't resizing tbody or thead when a column is hidden in a table with table-layout:fixed

IE 8 is doing something very strange when I hide a column in a table with table-layout:fixed. The column is hidden, the table element stays the same width, but the tbody and thead elements are not resized to fill the remaining width. It works in IE7 mode (and FF, Chrome, etc. of course). Has anyone seen this before or know of a workaroun...

Jquery animation query bubbling how to handle it properly when using ex. slideToggle???

Hello, I need an answer to the following question... I have the problem when I use slideToggle I can't handle it's animation query with .stop(), i can handle it with .stop(true,true) though but it cuts my animation. I want to handle it smoothly without any plugins for example : I want it to wait till the animation finishes. Thanks ...

Jquery Toggle & passing data

I have created a toggle button with jquery but I need to pass my $id so it can execute the mysql in toggle_visibility.php. how do I pass my variable from my tag ? <a class="toggleVisibility">Yes</a> <script> $("a.toggleVisibility").toggle( function () { $(this).html("No"); }, function ...

How would i go about showing the closest paragraph element to a unique link with jQuery?

The title is a bit rusty, sorry about that. Now let me explain what i'm trying to do. I have a few listed items, like this: <li> <a id="toggle" class="0"><h4>ämne<small>2010-04-17 kl 12:54</small></h4></a> <p id="meddel" class="0">text</p> </li> <li class='odd'> <a id="toggle" class="1"><h4>test<small>2010-04-17 kl 15:01<...