
Groovy paginate problem

Hi, I have an application written in groovy and I am having problems with the pagination of a resulting set. I have a Controller called ReportingController. This controller has two methods called listdoiTln and listdoiEv. Both methods are similar and at the end both have to render a list of reports. The last lines of both are as follows...

Cakephp retrieving HABTM which Conditions

I'm using cakephp and would like to display all Submissions which are part of Category 'X' I have 4 tables with a HABTM relationship. Users -> (haveMany) -> Submissions <-> (hasAndBelongsToMany) <-> Categories but I would like to do so using the $this->paginate() and for each submission I would like to display the user who posted the s...

store a queryset in the session with django

I have problem storing a big queryset in the session. This queryset is from a search and I need to store it for paginate inside every result. This is the code in my view: c = queryset.order_by('-order') request.session['query_search'] = c You can see an example in my site: Th...

Solution for loading large JQuery image gallery

I'm upgrading some image galleries on a university website (needs to be standards compliant, to some degree). Most galleries are many pages of HTML. I've been using the jQuery plugin, Galleriffic, as well as some PHP code I wrote, to generate nice paginated galleries, and it looks great so far. I have two problems though. The first prob...

is there a way to slide more tabs into view using jquery UI tabs?

i am using jquery UI tabs. works great. i have right now 5 tabs using a fixed width. i will be adding more tabs but i don't want to grow the width any more. so what i want to provide is way to click on a "more" type link and display the next "page" of tabs. it would be cool if i could have the next set of tabs "slide" into view. n...

Iphone UIScrollView and multiple visible images

Hi! Im trying to implement a UIScrollView including multiple images, using paginate. The problem is that I want more then one page to be visible in the UIScrollView, but only one page should be selected. I found several solutions in which you handle touch down/up (touchesBegan and touchesEnded) myself and scrollRectToVisible, but I wa...

Jquery Cycle: How Can I Paginate the Pager?

Hello, I am using the Jquery cycle plug in with the pager. I have a lot of items to page through. Is there a way I can add back and previous arrows to paginate the pager? So I have like: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and I want the same but < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 > Is there an elegant way to code this? Many thanks for your h...

A question about the order of pagination

Currently I'm deal with a history message page using Cakephp.And I got a problem about records' order.In the controller,codes about pagination as follows $this->paginate['Msg'] = array('order'=>'Msg.created desc'); $msgs = $this->paginate('Msg'); $this->set('historymsgs',$msgs); Then I got the first page which contains the latest mess...

How to use jquery to paginate json data?

Duplicate: Paging Through Records(json data) Using jQuery… Good jquery pagination plugin to use with json Data… My json Data looks like this {"Table" : [{"Emp_Id" : "3","Identity_No" : "","Emp_Name" : "Jerome","Address" : "Madurai","Date_Of_Birth" : "","Desig_Name" : "Supervisior","Desig_Description" : "Supervisior of th...

javascript in grails paginate

hi, can we call javascript function from g:paginate tag . I need to call a javascript function when clicked on next page/number . I'm using like this but no luck : g:paginate next="Forward" prev="Back" max="100" maxsteps="15" controller="Links" action="list" total="${Links.count()}" onclick="return show_waiting();"/> function show_w...

jquery toggle+paginate+multiple instances

Hi, I'm a jquery newbie - wanted to ask what might be the best strategy for achieving what I am after as I think it uses a mix of jquery functions : If list of items exceeds 5 items a 'more' link appears which when toggled will reveal the rest of the items. If items list is 5 or less no 'more' link is shown. Hide button also at bottom...

CakePHP - Paginate / Query: find lowest of multiple fields & order by it

I am using CakePHP for a price-comparison website. I have a table products with fields: id, pride_regular, price_action. I would like to combine the fields price_regular and price_action into a dynamic field: price. The lowest value of these two fields should be the value of the new price field. Also I want to order on it Ascending. S...

cakephp paginate using mysql SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS

I'm trying to make Cakephp paginate take advantage of the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS feature in mysql to return a count of total rows while using LIMIT. Hopefully, this can eliminate the double query of paginateCount(), then paginate(). I've put this in my...

CakePHP 3-level-deep model associatons

Hi, I am relatively new to CakePHP, I am doing fine with the documentation, but I've been trying to find a way out to this problem for weeks and I don't seem to find the solution, I am sure it is easy and maybe even automagicaly doable, but I just don't know how to find it (maybe I don't know the jargon for these kind of things) My mode...

Any simple frameworks for pagination in App Engine?

I want to find a framework for pagination in Google App Engine. Do you know of one? ...

In Django-pagination Paginate does not working...

Hello. Python 2.6.2 django-pagination 1.0.5 Question: How to force pagination work correctly? The problem is that {% paginate %} does not work, but other {% load pagination_tags %} and {% autopaginate object_list 10 %} works! Error message appeared, when I add {% paginate %} into html page: TemplateSyntaxError at /logging Caught an...

cakephp paginate model with multiple association

I have three tables : Units, Offers and Agents with following associations Unit hasMany Offers Offer belongsTo Agent When I paginate Unit table I get all the units and all the corresponding Offers for each unit , but not the Agent that offer belongs to. Ex:  Unit1   offer1   offer2  Unit2   offer1   offer2   offer3 ... And I want t...

Paginating with Coldfusion

Is it possible to paginate and display number of pages in Coldfusion using only one query? My understanding is you can obviously paginate with one query, but you would need an additional query to create the pages. This is in order to calculate the total number of results. (currentPage - 1) * resultsPerPage = Offset in MySQL query. This...

Paginating get_posts() in Wordpress

This a template page in my wordpress (have removed html), it pulls out the posts from my wordpress database. I want to paginate it but have no idea! :( I wan't to get something like this << First Prev 1 2 3 4 Next Last >> <?php $postslist = get_posts('numberposts=10&order=ASC'); foreach ($postslist as $p...

How to paginate wordpress page + need help debuging + need help with POST/GET requests

This is the page, its a wordpress powered site: You select some value, it makes POST to same page and based on value you selected it makes a list pages. Now before you jump into my code i just want to say that im a newbie and that my main problem here were database queries so i didnt focus on other small stuff(lik...