
Remove highlight on a selected button from a ToggleButtonBar

Well, title explains all. I'm trying to get rid of the highlight that comes around of the selected button in a ToggleButtonBar ...

Android: How to get a radiogroup with togglebuttons?

I want a group of buttons where a user can choose one of them as option. It has to be a radiobuttongroup like behaviour, but I don't want the radio circle to be present. I just want the user to be able to toggle only one of the buttons. I think I would need someting like a togglegroup. Does something like this exist in Android? ...

how can i disable the tooltips of the buttons on a flex 3 togglebuttonbar

Hello stackOverFlowers, I'm creating an flex 3 application with 3 togglebuttonbars. What i would like to do is disable the tooltip of the buttons on one togglebuttonbar. Does anybody know how i can access the buttons on the togglebuttonbar to disable the tooltips? I don't want to disable all the tooltips off the total application(Tool...

flex remove buttons border from toggle button bar

hi, how to remove the border of a togglebuttonbar button, with keeping the theme color?? i want to put the style in css file ...

flex togglebuttonbar buttons width

Hi, How could i use percentage width for buttons at tooglebuttonbar, because i dont want to use the width property. ...

flex 3 togglebuttonbar vertical text label in buttons

Hi, How could i write vertical text on a toggle button bar that is vertically arranged. ...