
Trying to add a ToolStrip to a ToolStripPanel side-by-side with an existing ToolStrip

I'm using .net 2.0 with Visual Studio 2005 and I am trying to add two different toolstrips to the top of the form such that they show up side-by-side. I want it to be like Word 2003, where you can add multiple toolstrips to the same row and have them show up in line with each other, rather than dedicating a row to each toolstrip. So I ...

Change ToolStripPanel overflow behavior for dynamically added ToolStripItems

I have a Windows Forms ToolStripPanel that I dynamically add new ToolStrips to it. Each ToolStrip has ToolStripItems that I dynamically add to it (mostly ToolStripButtons). I would like to have all the ToolStrips fit on one row as long as you can see all the ToolStripItems in each ToolStrip. If adding a new ToolStripItem to a ToolStrip...

C# ToolStripPanel Drawing Question

I am trying to get a ToolStripPanel to have the same drawing style as the embedded ToolStrips, so that it looks like one continuous bar. I have the ToolStrips using the ToolStripProfessionalRenderer so that they are styled the same as the Windows Task Bar. I have gotten close by creating a new Renderer derived from ToolStripProfessiona...

Locking a ToolStripContainer panel to only allow for one row of toolstrips

Title says it all. I want the ToolStrips to remain on one row, and for the user to be able to rearrange on that row but not create additional rows. I tried using SetBounds on the LocationChanged event, if the user attempted to change the Y position it just sprung right back. However, this created some visual bugs, such as the mouse alway...

Undocking a ToolStrip from a ToolStripPanel

Out of the box, there doesn't appear to be any built-in support for allowing your end-users to undock the ToolStrips in your applications from their parent ToolStripPanels. Clearly it's possible because even your Visual Studio IDE allows you to undock/tear-off/float your tool strips, it's just isn't possible with the default behavior of...