
Exclamation mark in <SolutionName.suo> file does not go away even after SVN commit

After I add and commit changes from my VS2008 solution folder, I have noticed that the the exclamation mark on all files and folders changes to a checkmark after the commit is completed to SVN repo, except for the file which is in the same folder as the folder. Even after I hit Refresh or perform SVN update and then Refresh, the exclam...

Can TortoiseSVN provide a cross-repository view of user activity?

Is there a way I can see my commit history for a given time period across multiple repositories using TortoiseSVN? It would be nice to be able to see this, and it's a little cumbersome to get my complete commit history if I'm working in multiple repositories. ...

Unable to merge branch back into trunk after repository re-arrange

Hi, I'm facing an issue with merging a branch back into a tree on SVN, this is my situation My branch was created some time ago Since then, we have re-arranged our SVN repository, and this project has moved under a different heirarchy. Now, I would like to merge that branch back into its trunk I seem to be getting a lot of tree con...

Codeplex SVN Access Error OPTIONS

I've got a little frustrated at trying to get SVN to work with Codeplex. I thought it was a firewall in the office blocking it, fair enough, so started trying at home and get exactly the same error. I'm trying to connect to some source on codeplex. I've tried the main main branch and I've also tried my Fork that I create through the sit...

Tortoise - is it possible to ignore new folder before committing it?

Hi all I just added a class library project to my .NET solution. When I built it, it created the bin and obj folders, which I want to exclude from version control. However, Tortoise won't let me ignore the folders before the first commit. (I think it says 'Cannot add to ignore list' or something similar). I have to check the whole lot ...

Why do I need tortoise SVN?

I just installed Visual SVN server and visual SVN and got a message that I do not have tortoise SVN installed so some features are not available. Why do I need tortoise SVN? edit0: From: In order to setup VisualSVN you should download and install TortoiseSVN. The current version of VisualS...

I cannot see turtoisesvn on windows server after installing it

Hello I just installed tortoisesvn on windows server 2008 but it is not showing any menus for tortoise when i right click any folder. can anyone help? ...

How do we rebase a Subversion trunk with all files from a branch?

We have developed version 2.0 of our website, in a branch. Now the site is live, and we want our branch to replace the trunk (inkl. all history etc.). We made a few bug fixes to the trunk, but they are all integrated in the branch. That is... all code in the trunk are dead code, and we want the trunk exactly like the branch.. Which ste...

Unable to commit code to google code with Tortoise SVN: Authentication Fails

I am trying to commit some updates to my personal project on google code and get prompted for the user and password as expected. When I enter what I know is the valid user and password it fails with the following error: Commit Commit failed (details follow): MKACTIVITY of '/svn/!svn/act/9a2c12c9-9adf-5d48-85da-616bfe91e95f': authoriza...

Assigning Code (commits) Master Version Numbers

Hi, I am using subversion for version control of my code (tortoise SVN on windows and VisualSVN as the server on another computer). Things are going great as far as keeping different versions of my code is concerned, with necessary logs etc. Sometimes I make a few non-essential/trivial changes to the code and commit them before leaving....

Remove properties recursively

Tortoise SVN has a choice to apply a propertie to all subfolder/subfiles recursively. Now I need to remove this properties. How can I do this recursively? ...

How to commit current changes in a new branche using TortoiseSVN & SubVersion

Hello, I'm in a situation where I don't want to commit my current changes to the trunk. I would like to commit to a private branch and work there a little until I'm sure that everything is OK. I will merge changes made in my branch to the trunk. What is the recommended procedure when you use SubVersion and TortoiseSVN ? I have the cl...

Can You Use AnkhSVN and TortoiseSVN at the Same Time?

When I attempt to use the above two tools together with Visual Studio 2010, after I open visual studio the tab "Pending Changes" contains the text "Team Foundation Server is not your current Source Control plug-in. Click here to set the current Source Control plug-in." When I click on this message, it opens the Options dialog that show...

iis 7 web deploy / source control interaction problem

I have an web application that I am deploying using ms web deploy to an iis 7 web server. I recently moved the project to source control with tortoise svn. Now web deploy isn't working since it is trying to copy the hidden read-only files (in a .svn subdirectory) that svn is using onto the iis server. How do I configure we...

Cannot commit folders using Tortoise

After a big refactor involving creating new projects and moving files around between them, I am having a big problem committing a folder (and its contents) which was moved. The folder currently shows as modified (i.e. red overlay with exclamation mark). When I try to commit it, I am told I need to update the working copy first. When I...

Error: Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported by 'svn://IP.Address'?

I am trying to merge a Branch to Trunk using the TSVN 'Reintegrate a branch' feature. However I get the following error. Error: Retrieval of mergeinfo unsupported by 'svn://IP.Address'? What is the reason for this error? Also is there some other way to merge the Branch to the Trunk. ...

rename file and replace old file name with file from previous revision in Subversion

I have a Subversion branch checked out using TortoiseSVN in Windows. I have a file, call it myfile.txt, that I want to rename, say to mynewfile.txt. I want to keep myfile.txt around, however, and just revert it back to a previous revision, say r15. So, I want myfile.txt to have content from r15 and mynewfile.txt to have myfile.txt's c...

Create a tag / branch from local working copy using SVN

I have a Nant script which updates a directory with the latest source code (checked out from the svn repository), then updates Assembly Info and a few other files and does some builds. I want the working copy which includes all changes made (after the build is run) be made into a tag revision (described in SVN help 4.19. Branching / Tag...

SVN how to remove local copy only?

Here is the scenario ... I am also using tortoise SVN ... I can create a new folder and do a checkout with the "only this item" option ... this will checkout just the top level folder, I can then go into the repo browser and select any subfolder i want to "update to revision" (in the repo browser right click, select update to revision) ...

svn:ignore Tortoise

When I add a something to the svn:ignore entry, is that stored in the repository or in my local copy? (In Tortoise, why items addet to svn:ignore appear on my changelist?) ...