
Single user checkout in SVN

I want to do the following: When one user is editing a file from SVN, no other user can edit this file until the first user commits his changes. That is there would be some kind of writelock on files in svn. Is this possible in SVN? How to do it? Is it possible to set this for a single file or directory (not for the whole r...

Tortoise SVN: Resolve conflict using 'theirs'. What does it mean?

Can someone please explain the difference between the following two options of Tortoise SVN on conflicted files: Resolve conflict using 'theirs'. Resolve conflict using 'mine'. On a side note. Why on earth no one has ever reported this confusing use of terminology as a bug? ...

Need advise organizing an SVN repository

I've been working on a one-person project for a while and I'm using an online-hosted SVN repository as source control. Now, we are hiring a few offshore developers to help me on the project. My concern is - I don't want them to start checking code in to my repository at least while they are learning. I'd rather have them check it in to s...

tortoiseSVN - file is out of date

I am having problems with tortoiseSVN and Subversion. Process is as follows: I create a new repository on computer A. I checkout the repository to a working copy on computer B (we use a peer to peer network, both PCs with Windows Vista). I copy files and directories for an ASP.NET website into the working copy. I add the files, then c...

Is it possible to Merge trunk and branch without pulling the source using Tortoise SVN?

I have recent source in branch containing some features. I want to merge them to the trunk source. 1) I cannot pull the source locally. Because, I have to merge nearly for 30+ sources in different different locations. 2) I cannot delete the trunk source location and move the branch sources using the Copy To option. So, I just want to m...

How to checkout few files and folders alone without checking out entire source.

In my project I have many folders. I certainly know I want have changes in only few files (around 15) each of them are in 7 different folders. Also, I don't want to checkout the entire source to accomplish it. Is it possible to checkout only the required folders alone? I'll have this scenario too often for different sources. Is it poss...

How to change password , using tortoisesvn

I need to change my svn password. I am using TortoiseSVN client. Not able to find password change option. Is it possible or not. Is there any work around or command line syntax. ...

The Dual Nature of svn:ignore

Reading around, the svn:ignore command seems to work one of two ways: If the file or directory is not already under version control, meta data will be added to the repository ignoring the file or directory for all other team members who check out the project. If the file or directory is already under version control, the ignore will on...

Omit Versioned Files or Folders from Commit List

Follow-to this question: Is there any way to accomplish the second scenario? i.e. Stop Tortoise SVN or plain SVN from listing a fixed set of files which have local modifications but are under version control from appearing in the commit list? I am on a project wher...