
rename file problem under subversion

I have a problem when I rename the checked out working file from Tortorise under subversion. After rename the local file, my local file got lost. I want to know how I can get my local copy back, either from Tortorise or other? ...

svn export and read only folders and files

When I use the svn export command, the folder structure is readonly (both folders and files). Is there a flag to tell it to export without read only flag? Here's the command I am currently using: svn export --force "MySvnCheckoutDir" "PathToMyLocalDir" Any help is appreciated ...

Ankhsvn not integrated to Visual Studio 2010

Hi , I have website project that has been subversioned already.I installed ankhsvn and when i open website project in visual studio 2010 it doesnt show version control icons in solution explorer???? Thanks ...

svn clean slate after branching

I have a web project that I want to version in SVN. SVN is up and running perfectly and I've setup the project repository and got everything imported and branched into a 1.0 version. Work will soon being on a new 2.0 version which will be completely different from the 1.0 version with very little to most likely zero carry-over of any f...

Updating multiple projects using svn:externals

Overview I am using VisualSVN in Visual Studiom VisualSVN-Server on Windows, and of course, TortoiseSVN. I wanted to know what the best method of sharing multiple projects over multiple solutions was, and if there was a better method. Layout My Repository kind of looks like this (not their real names): Library.Common Library.Web Lib...

Tortoise SVN - Merge experience and questions

We use TortoiseSVN on Windows and VisualSVN server. I just completed the merge and reintegration of a feature branch back into trunk. The experience wasn't as smooth as I'd hoped and I have some questions based on my experience. 1) Merging trunk changes into branch. I went through and identified all of the repository revisions that a...

A better release management strategy?

I work for a company that makes a web based tool. As part of my job, I was given the task of release engineering for this product(something I had never done before). I've setup the following system using SVN(Sorry, we can't use another repository before someone suggests switching to GIT or perforce or one of the myriad of other options...

How to manage historical externals in SVN

Hi! I have some projects which use a few externals (libraries) that are likely to change overtime. I try and keep the project clean with the trunk/branches/tags pattern, and when I make a tag (or release), I'd like to freeze the entire source in time, that is, the externals as they were at that time. I can think of two ways to do this:...

SVN - delete a revision, or make an older revision the head

I'm fairly new to SVN and I've never had to revert back to a previous revision, although I can get a copy of a revision from the repository okay. I'm using TortoiseSVN and the Visual Studio SVN plugin. I'd like to restore the trunk back to a previous revision. How can I restore the trunk - e.g. rollback to a previous revision and make...

Extract TortoiseSVN saved password.

Is there any way to extract credentials saved by TortoiseSVN? ...

Subversion with ldap authentication...

Hi Glenc, I noticed that this blog is rellay helping folks!!!! I really appreciate it. I'm facing issues with configuring SVN with LDAP. SVN Version: 1.6.6 Apache versio: 2.2 Using Tortoise client to access the repo. I've copied the "" and "" from svn to modules dir of the apache. Apache starts normally ...

Is there a hook available when creating a tag in Subversion?

I think the question explains it all, but let me explain what I want to do. I am playing around with the idea of whenever a tag is created in my repo, all the commit messages entered since the previous tag are entered into a wiki page. That way, people do not need access to the subversion server to see what commits were made for each t...

TortoiseSVN does not recognize changes withing the projectfolder upon trying to commit the solutionfolder

Something is wrong with one of my visual studio projects and tortoisesvn handling the source control. This is how I checked the folder out of the sourcecontrol: Solutionfolder -> .sln file -> .suo file -> project folder If I perform a rightclick on the solutionfolder, I see that this folder is assosiated with SVN. I can click commit, u...

SVN - Restore repository from backup

We have just had a file server fail which contained our SVN repository. We're trying to recover the file system but at the moment, that looks like it isn't going to happen so we're looking at backups. The best full backup that I have available is one week old. My plan is to restore this backup to a new SVN server. Then run through eve...

Commands to get SVN Log Output in a Copy,Pastable Format

I need to send a list of changed files with extra notes from commits I've done over the past week. I'm looking for a way to get SVN log output in a format I could paste into an email. I use VisualSVN and Tortoise SVN but I don't see a way to copy the log outputs. ...

Get local copy of all revisions of an SVN project

Is it possible to get all revisions of a project copied onto my local machine? Basically, what I'd like is to be able to pull projects W, X, Y, and Z out of a remote SVN repository and have access to them on my computer, ideally in a locally running copy of SVN. Ideally I'd like to do this using a GUI tool of some sort because my unix ...

queue commits on SVN

Is there a way to queue multiple commits (with message) before I actually commit them? On work we have a SVN server running and I update the code on my laptop. When I'm at home I can't commit, but I still like to log these commits. Is this where changelists are for? ...

Subversion: How to maintain separate version of a project as subdirectory of another project

I want to copy a subversion project (/signature_paper) into a subdirectory of another subversion project (/thesis). I will make changes in /thesis/signature_paper that will not go back into the original signature paper. At the same time, I will want /thesis/signature_paper to pick up most or all all of the changes made in /signature_pa...

SVN show files in working directory which are out of date

I am playing around with SVN trying to get a better feel for how it works. I added some files to my repository and checked them out into 2 separate working directories. For working directory 1 I am using my SQL client software (Aqua Data Studio) to modify the file and working directory 2 I am just using Windows Explorer with TortoiseSV...

Command to SVN commit current file or directory or higher in the directory hierarchy

I have this shortcut in my vimrc: map cmt :!start TortoiseProc.exe /command:commit /path:"%" /closeonend:3 <CR> What this does is whenever I press 'cmt', vim will open the commit dialog for the file I'm currently editing with vim. What I'd like to do is write this command in such a way that if I put a number in front of it, it will o...