
Maximum number of trace sources in app.config

Is there a maximum number of trace sources for app.config, and by definition listeners as well? ...

How To Trace Win32 Socket Calls and Requests

How can I effectively trace the raw data sent to my socket server listening on a win32 machine? I want the trace to be specific to the port my server is listening on, so I can monitor only that traffic. I want to see how the data exchange works on the wire. ...

Can I output Trace messages to a separate window in Visual C# 2008 Express?

Console, Debug, and Trace messages all seem to be displayed in the "Output" window, which is fine in most cases, but I'd like to have my Trace messages displayed separately (so they're not interleaved with everything else). Is there any way to do this without writing to a file/log? ...

android Traceviewer

Hi I am Trying to use trace viewer by Debug.startMethodTracing("sampletrace"); Debug.stopMethodTracing(); And I pull the sampletrace to a folder from sdcard. When I try view the tracefile using the following command. D:\Android\android-sdk-windows\tools>traceview D:\trace\sampletrace.trace it is showing the following line Key sec...

Java application profiling / tracking

I have a closed source Java application for which vendor has provided APIs for customization. As I have no other documents, i rely completely on the API's javadoc. I want to trace what methods are actually called in different classes for a particular use case. Is there any way to do that with eclipse? ...

Visual Studio .NET C# executable traces

Hey, i've got a question, is it possible to identify the creator of a .NET assembly, just with traces from VisualStudio within the assembly ? Or can you even get a kind of unique ID of the creator out of it? I don't mean the application information like company or description, they can be edited too easily. ...

Adobe Air, packaged install fails with my trace routine... how come?

I cobbled together some code from here and there for a trace I like... it generates an error to get a stack trace and picks out the traced routine name, I like that detail in the trace log. Problem: it fails in an installed AIR file. I wonder why? I don't expect it to do anything as is... just, I'd prefer it not cause the program to f...

Anyone had any experience with *.pcap manipulation libs?

I'm using the SharpPcap + PacketDotNet libraries to process some .pcap files and came across a bug in the way the timestamps are calculated. Take this Timeval property, which is something along these lines: PosixTimeval Timeval { DateTime Date; ulong Seconds; ulong MicroSeconds; } The problem is as follows: Suppose you ha...

Google Chrome Speed Tracer what does Request Timing and Response Timing actually measure?

I'm testing out the Google Chrome Speed Tracer on a few common web pages and taking a look through the results. One thing I'm not sure I understand is what the "Request Timing" and "Response Timing" properties of resources are actually measuring. Initially I thought Request Timing must measure the time from a request for a resource bei...

How can I print the calling program/module inside a method in Perl?

I have written a Perl API and it is used by many programs across teams. I want to track all programs calling my API method. I want to have something like the below debug("The calling method is ", $XXXX); How to get $XXXX ? ...

Anybody Know of any Tools to help Analysing .NET Trace Log Files?

I am developing a C# .NET application. In the app.config file I add trace logging as shown, <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <configuration> <system.diagnostics> <trace autoflush="true" /> <sources> <source name="System.Net.Sockets" maxdatasize="1024"> <listeners> <add...

How to enable BDS2006's C++ WARN & TRACE macros.

I am trying to find out how to enable (& use) Borland's WARN & TRACE macros. My starting point was this link: However, that appears to be for BCB5, and not the 2006 Borland Developer Studio. I've set the two define...

Macros giving problems with dladdr()

I have implemented tracing behavior using the -finstrument-functions option of gcc and this (simplified) code: void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site) { Dl_info di; if(dladdr(this_fn, &di)) printf("entered %s\n", (di.dli_sname?di_dli_sname:"<unknown>")); } This works great, except for one thing: m...

How to use traceit to report function input variables in stack trace

Hi, I've been using the following code to trace the execution of my programs: import sys import linecache import random def traceit(frame, event, arg): if event == "line": lineno = frame.f_lineno filename = frame.f_globals["__file__"] if filename == "<stdin>": filename = "" if ...

any way to trace pci communication on windows ?

I can't change the screen brightness of my laptop screen on Linux, so I thought I might find out what to do by replicating what happens (eg. with setpci -s blabla foo=bar) when I do it on Windows. I've never done any pci debugging, it'd be nice if it's easy to understand. ...

Matab - Trace contour line between two different points

Hi, I have a set of points represented as a 2 row by n column matrix. These points make up a connected boundary or edge. I require a function that traces this contour from a start point P1 and stop at an end point P2. It also needs to be able trace the contour in a clockwise or anti-clockwise direction. I was wondering if this can be ac...

problem with C# TraceSource, "Cannot access a closed file"

I have a Trace source object with name "MyTraceSource" in class "AppTrace" c# application. TraceSource _traceSource = new TraceSource("MyTraceSource"); I use this TraceSource to generate trace messages. In the application/exe I have used App.config to attach a SourceSwitch and TextWriterTraceListener to the TraceSource with name "...

Flash builder 4 tracing problem in debug mode.

Hey everybody I am trying to use trace() in flash builder 4 - but it doesn't work! I am running in "debug", also I added to the flex compiler options the "-debug=true" option. What am I doing wrong ??? Thanks! ...

Capture query results using SQL Server Profiler

It's possible to capture a query's result using SQL Server Profiler? i.e. the resultset generated by the query ...

Kink detection in drawn polylines

Users can sketch in my app using a very simple tool (move mouse while holding LMB). This results in a series of mousemove events and I record the cursor location at each event. The resulting polyline curve tends to be rather dense, with recorded points almost every other pixel. I'd like to smooth this pixelated polyline, but I don't want...