
How can i change the output format of TextWriterTraceListener?

the default implementation shows the output as ': : ', now i dont want this format, i want to cut off the sourcename and eventid because it' s totally useless for me. is there any easy way i can accomplish that? my current workaround is to derive from TextWriterTraceListener and override the TrackEvent method. use reflector to copy the...

Application compiled by Flex Builder 3 does not trace

I've built a simple application in Flex Builder 3 with some trace() calls. It's an "ActionScript Project", no MXML or AIR involved. I don't run the app from within Eclipse, I just open the generated html file with Firefox. I'm using the Flash Player 10 Debug version. I've correctly set mm.cnf to log trace output, following the official ...


Hi I am testing a .NET website with Trace Enabled and everything seems normal, to me, except one thing: Category Message From First(s) From Last(s) End Load 4,69992678581181 4,699362 This seems like an extraordinarily large number for 'End Load'. I am clueless as to how to use a Trace result correctly, ...

Why can't I insert HTML into my database?

Hi, I have errors when inserting into my database. I have tried everything to sus this. Someone mentioned usind DBI's trace() to track what is going wrong but i cannot make heads or tails of what is going on. Could someone please take a look and see what they think might be the problem. D BI 1.607-ithread default trace level set to 0x0...

Flex/Flash: capture 'trace' in code?

In Flash/Flex, is it possible to capture the result of 'trace' in code? So, for example, if one part of the code calls trace("foo"), I'd like to automatically capture the string "foo" and pass it to some other function. Edit: I'm not interested in trying to use trace instead of a proper logging framework… I want to write a plugin for F...

Trace log Example does not work in Sharepoint 2010

The Sharepoint Trace Log Sample given at & explained at /en-us/library/aa979595.aspx does not work in in Sharepoint 2010. Any ideas of how to Write to Trace Log from webpart( non-sandboxed) ...

How to trace a recursive make?

I need to work on a system that uses automake tools and makes recursively. 'make -n' only traces the top level of make. Is there a way to cause make to execute a make -n whenever he encounters a make command? ...

How to replay a SQL Profiler trace on different database?

I've captured a trace (template: tsql_replay) on our production server for a specific database (filtered by database name). I'd like to replay on it on our test server, but of course the database id is different on the test server. So far, I've tried loading the trace file into a table and modifying the databaseid with an update query ...

How to disable stack trace generation in a java program?

I want to disable the stack trace getting generated when an exception is thrown. I have used, Runtime.getRuntime().traceInstructions(false); Runtime.getRuntime().traceMethodCalls(false); but still i could see the trace getting generated. How can you do that? Also i need to detect whether some one is debugging my class. I want to di...

Visual Studio insert tabs/newlines in breakpoint print message (tracepoint)?

Anyone know how to place a tab or newline into the print message of a breakpoint and have it show up correctly? Thus far I've tried '\t' and '\t' which give the same thing in the debug output. I've also tried just putting in 4 spaces, but they get removed after I click OK in the 'When Breakpoint is Hit' dialog. I'm using VS.NET 2008 wi...

Server-side tracing of SOAP messages for WCF service

I'm trying to follow this tutorial on configuring server-side SOAP tracing for my WCF service, as well as the MSDN documentation. When I run a test, I see Activity 00000000 in Microsoft Service Trace Viewer but the messages tab is empty. C:\temp\Web_tracelog.svclog is being written but C:\temp\Web_messages.svclog is not. I'm probably ...

AS3: How to print current class in trace statement for debugging?

Is there a statement in AS3 that will return current class and/or scope? I'd like to use that in trace statements so that I know the exact location of a trace. Thanks. ...

.word directives in MIPS assembly

.data VALS: .half 0xbead, 0xface RES: .space 4 .text la $t0,VALS lh $t1,($t0) lhu $t2,2($t0) sll $t2,$t2,16 or $t2,$t1,$t2 jal AVG .word -2 .word -6 la $t4,RES sw $v0,($t4) li $v0,10 syscall AVG: lw $v0,($ra) lw $t3,4($ra) add ...

How can I filter the WCF Trace?

I need to get the following information during tracing: 1. I need to know how long an operation was executed. 2. I need to know if the operation(method in the service) is executed successfully. 3. I need to know if there's an error. I know that we can see all of that using the Service Trace Viewer, but is there a way that I can filte...

as3 / flex builder - is it possible to change the color of a trace statement ?

howdy all - i suspect the answer here is "no", but i'm wondering if it's possible to set the color of trace statements which appear in flex's console pane. ie, i have a few "levels" of log statements, and i'd like the warnings and errors to really stand out. tia, Orion ...

Visual Studio 2008: How to redirect Trace, Debug and Console output to the Output window?

I have noticed recently that the Visual Studio "Output window" stopped writing out my Debug.WriteLine messages in my WinForms application. It does neither output the Trace.WriteLine messages. I have also used DebugView while running this application and it shows nothing. I am sure it worked in some VS projects some time ago - the output...

Trace not working in OnResultExecuted() in MVC

I'm trying to output to Trace.axd from an ASP.NET MVC app. I have traces in OnActionExecuting(), OnActionExecuted(), OnResultExecuting() and OnResultExecuted() and all of them output to Trace.axd except for OnResultExecuted(). For completeness' sake here's my code (exactly the same for OnActionX() ): protected override void OnResu...

How i can catch data, sended by compiled flash applet to server?

I have some compiled flash applet (swf) on web page, which interact with remote server by sockets. How i can catch sended data, without using complex sniffer, if possible. Thanks! ...

Tracing working ASP.NET MVC with IIS7?

From searching around it seems the old style trace.axd does work with MVC. Not sure how well, but people to appear to be using it. I am having difficulty getting running on my setup (IIS7, Windows Server, ASP.NET 3.5 with MVC 1.0. I have tried following classic the guidelines, but I get a trace not enabled message when trying to load tr...

Delays in .net app when connecting to oracle db using Oracle.DataAccess

I have a .net desktop app that connects to an oracle database. At times, there are very noticable delays. I ran a trace on the code, and it was always in the DataReader.Read(). I turned on sql tracing, and found the following, which corresponds to the delays I'm seeing: (2128) [23-MAR-2010 13:00:07:310] nsprecv: reading from transpor...