
Connect to an existing transaction on SQL Server using C#

Hello, Maybe this question is a little far-fetched but i'll give it a shot.. Can i connect to an ongoing transaction in some way? The problem is that i have [C++ Program A] that does various operations on a database and then calls [C# Program B] that does more operation on the same database. I want all those operations from both programs...

Read changes from within a transaction

Whatever changes made to the MySQL database, are those changes readable within the same transaction? Or should I commit the transaction to read the changes? I could easily test this. But putting a question in SO brings up a lot of good suggestions. Thanks for any input. ...

Do DB locks require transactions?

Is it true that "Every statement (select/insert/delete/update) has an isolation level regardless of transactions"? I have a scenario in which I have set update of statements inside a transaction (ReadCommitted). And another set not in a transaction (select statements). In this case when first set is executing another waits. If I set R...

Transactional updates that are applied to DB regardless of no commit or rollback

I was under the impression that all updates to a SQL server database are first added the T-Log before being applied to the underlying database. In the event of the server crashing, the restore process would rollback any uncommitted transactions. This I also assumed works with transactions, if a commit or rollback is not called the change...

.net C# FirebirdSql Inetr Base transaction scope : transaction abort exception

I am using FirebirdSql for Interbase database in C# .net environment. My application is divided into 3 parts, 1. Handler 2. Connector 3. DBLayer In Handler I set all my fields property, Like Decimal name =; Decimal convRate = payment.ConvRate; string remark = "Some Text"; retValue = Payment.Insert(name,convRate,remar...

msmq read data from Sql

Hello , I need to use queue mechanism . I have read some articles about msmq . It seems that I have to send data to msmq from sql by using triggers when a data is inserted to sql table an insert trigger pushes the data to msmq. Lets assume that I have stopped msmq service for a minute. At that time I have inserted data to sql table. As ...

SQL Server 2005 – How to split multiple Insert into... Output Select TOP (z)...From if (Approximate) Max number of child rows in a Transaction is known.

I have these staging tables: - Order (PK=OrderID), - SubOrder(PK=SubOrderID, FK=OrderID) and - Item(PK=ItemID, FK1=SubOrderID, FK2=OrderID). I established relationships on the client (C#.NET and copied tables to staging tables in SQL Server suing SQLBulCopy). Now I need to establish Parent/Child/Grand-Child relationships on the ser...

Transactions billing on Windows Azure

My company currently has some serious problem. We've got an application as showcase on Azure which makes use of 1 web role, 1 worker role, a message queue and table storage, but in very moderate rates. We are billed for 8 days now and our billing for "storage transactions" seems to be abnormally high. We are at 25 EUR now which is reall...

Rails after_commit ?

Has anyone implemented an after_commit hook in Rails ? I am not looking for model based after commits on update/create/etc, I want to be able to dynamically define a block that will be executed only if the current (top-most) transaction passes: def remove_file current_transaction.after_commit do FileUtils.rm(file_path) end end ...

Is there a transaction management for DAO in Spring framework?

Is there any kind of out-of-the-box transaction management support for pure DAO in Spring framework? ...

Android: SQLite transactions when using ContentResolver

The goal: refresh database from XML data The process: Start transaction Delete all existing rows from the tables Per each main element of parsed XML insert row into main table and get PK Per each child of the main element insert record into 2nd table providing FK from the previous step Commit transaction Pretty standard stuff as far...

A completely managed database solution?

Hey, I'm looking for an open source database engine, that is completely written in C# (no any native dll, not mixed mode, etc...). It should support basic actions on tables (INSERT, UPDATE, SELECT, DELETE and TRUNCATE) and transactions. SQL support is not needed. Thank you. ...

Spring Transaction - Proxy confusion

<tx:advice id="txAdvice" transaction-manager="jtaTxManager"> <tx:attributes> <tx:method name="*" /> </tx:attributes> </tx:advice> <aop:config proxy-target-class="true"> <aop:pointcut id="fooServiceOperation" expression="execution(*" /> <aop:advisor advice-ref="txAdvice" pointcut-ref="fooServiceOp...

Grails 1.2.0 - Forcing a service to rollback

Hi, I have a service class that calls other utility classes. These classes themselves sometimes save domain objects and flush them (ex: new User(...).save(flush:true)). I'm calling my service class from a test. Is my service transactional? From what I can see in the logs, the Flush Mode is always changing: impl.SessionImpl setting f...

multiple database and transaction problem

hello! If i use two database, i have to start to transaction? Is this correct, or this code is wrong? If i make a mistake in the second query, then call rollback(), but unfortunatelly won't rolli'n back the frist query... $conn_site=mysql_connect("localhost", "us", "ps"); mysql_select_db("site",$conn_site); $conn_forum=mysql_connec...

Database mnemonics

I'm looking for mnemonics to help me with databases, the relational model and transaction theory. For example I learned "ACID" to help me remember the properties of a transaction: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. What others are out there? ...

MYSQL mass deletion FROM 80 tables

Hi, I have 50GB mysql data base (80 tables) that i need to delete some contents from it. I have a reference table that contains list if product ids that needs to be deleted from the the other tables. now, the other tables can be 2 GB each, contains the items that needs to be deleted. my question is: since it is not a small database, ...

Multiple servers checking and writing flag in database

Hi, I have an environment with 4 servers and 2 oracle database servers which have streams between them for instant 2 way replication. I have a servlet (I cannot control which of the 4 servers it goes to) which checks if a job is running and if not it starts the job in a thread. Only one of these jobs should be running at any time. I ...

Rails transaction doesn't rollback on validation error.

I have two models: user and company. They both get created from one form and I'm using a transaction like this: User.transaction do! @company.user = @user! @user.reload = @company! flash[:notice] = "Thank you for your registration." redirect_to_index end The user g...

JTA transaction timeout exception - weblogic 10.X

I changed the JTA transaction timeout from admin console and set to 300, even after changing it fails saying JTA transaction unexpectedly rolled back (maybe due to a timeout) with a: weblogic.transaction.RollbackException: Transaction timed out after 181 seconds` To make sure whether my changes (timeout value 300) got reflected for th...