
How to set a class of my creation to be a key in a TreeMap (Java)

I created a class DateTime (which wraps GregorianCalendar). I also created a class Event. I would like to create a collection of events from which I can retrieve an event by its date. For instance: event is of type Event; date1 and date2 are of type DateTime and also date1.equals(date2); 'events' is my event collection. event.put(date1,...

How to create an iterable wrapper for TreeMap and HashMap (Java)?

I have a class MyMap which wraps TreeMap. (Say it's a collection of dogs and that the keys are strings). public class MyMap { private TreeMap<String, Dog> map; ... } I would like to turn MyMap iterable with the for-each loop. I know how I would've done it if my class was a LinkedList wrapper: public class MyList implements Iterabl...

Treemap visualisation with PHP?

There seem to be examples for TreeMaps for almost every language but PHP. Has anyone got a link to some basic code? ...

what is the best web based treemap visualization tool?

i see this but it looks pretty ugly when you have small boxes. Are there any better treemap generators out there? ...

Databinding staticresource dictionary to treemap from wpf toolkit

Hi, I am trying to bind some diagrams to a dictionary of string, int, and I am using a view-viewmodel pattern. I have bound the dictionary already to a bar-diagram, but now I would like to bind it to the treemap control from the WPF Toolkit. It's not really documented anywhere online, except here for silverlight:

TreeMap randomly stops properly returning values

I have the following TreeMap: TreeMap<String, Integer> distances = new TreeMap<String, Integer>(); and it contains both strings, "Face" and "Foo", with appropriate values, such that: System.out.println(distances); Yields: {Face=12, Foo=2} However, distances.get(Face) returns null, even though distances.get(Foo) properly returns...

Scala 2.8 TreeMap and custom Ordering

I'm switching from scala 2.7 and ordered to scala 2.8 and using ordering. It looks quite straight forward but I was wondering could I make it a little less verbose. For example: scala> case class A(i: Int) defined class A scala> object A extends Ordering[A] { def compare(o1: A, o2: A) = o1.i - o2.i} defined module A If I then try to c...

Consistent Equals() results, but inconsistent TreeMap.containsKey() result

I have the following object Node: private class Node implements Comparable<Node>(){ private String guid(); ... public boolean equals(Node o){ return (this == o); } public int hashCode(){ return guid.hashCode(); } public int compareTo(Node o...

Create a SortedMap in Java with a custom Comparator

I want to create a TreeMap in Java with a custom sort order. The sorted keys which are string need to be sorted according to the second character. The values are also string. Sample map: Za,FOO Ab,Bar ...

TreeMap - Search Time Complexity

What is the time complexity of a get() and put() in a TreeMap? Is the implementation same as a Red-Black Tree? ...

Searching in a TreeMap (Java)

I need to do a search in a map of maps and return the keys this element belong. I think this implementation is very slow, can you help me to optimize it?. I need to use TreeSet and I can't use contains because they use compareTo, and equals/compareTo pair are implemented in an incompatible way and I can't change that. (sorry my bad engli...

java.util.TreeMap behavior question

The class docs state that Entrys cannot be modified via .setValue(...) but also caveat that put(...) works fine. Does that mean put(...) will work fine when iterating over the collection views like navigableKeySet() (i.e., not result in a ConcurrentModificationException), as long as no structural modifications (i.e., adding a new key) a...

Python treemap infograph

What is the easiest way to draw such graph in python ? Is there any library that suports it and I need only to provide data ? link: ...

How can I order TreeMaps or ArrayLists holding Persons based on their ID, name, or birthdate?

I have tried almost everything and I can't seem to get my lists to order themselves. Here's some code: private List<Person> names = new ArrayList<Person>(); private Map<Integer, Person> peopleMap = new TreeMap <Integer, Person>(); for(int i = 0; i<20; i++) { Person personOne = new Person(); peopleMap.put(personO...

Retrieving the first element of a TreeMap using JSTL/EL/JAVA

I am trying to access the first element of a TreeMap, I have the following HTML in a JSP file: <c:forEach items="${subscriber.depent}" var="entry" begin="0" end="0" step="1"> <c:set var="dep" value="${entry.value}" /> </c:forEach> This code gets me the first element of the TreeMap but this just seems like a 'hack' to me. I have a...

When should I use a TreeMap over a PriorityQueue and vice versa?

Seems they both let you retrieve the minimum, which is what I need for Prim's algorithm, and force me to remove and reinsert a key to update its value. Is there any advantage of using one over the other, not just for this example, but generally speaking? ...

Does a TreeMap's entrySet() return a TreeSet

Does the entrySet() function that is called from a treemap instance return a TreeSet of entry's or simply a set of entry's.Is the order ensured? Instead of getting it as a set of entry's how can a get a list of entry's in order? ...

Java search replace

Hi All, I want to do search and replace with the help of java. I have TreeMap that contains file names and its contents. I have one another TreeMap that contains word and its meaning. I want to search file contents and replace found word with its meaning. Thanks P.S: It is not an assignment. I used simple reading file and replace ...

Set Depth : java.util.TreeMap

How can we set depth of a TreeMap object. Suppose we are trying to build an auto suggest feature on top of underlying data structure of a TreeMap, how would depth of a tree as we know affect the performance? ...

finding empty folders and listing them

hey great community, I'm attempting to find empty folders in the CVS and list all folders that are empty in a text file. I would look in the HEAD. Would ideally use a TreeMap (string to store mailer name, boolean to store true or false) and a For loop for the scan. boolean should be set to true at first and if a mailer is empty (folder) ...