
Convert troff to nroff

My project requires me to convert DITA to nroff, but the toolkit I'm using (DITA Open Toolkit) only converts to troff. Are there any toolkits (preferably java, but any language will do) that can convert from troff to nroff? I'm not even sure of what the difference is, but from some googleing they appear to be very closely related. ...

groff: can I embed images?

I'm generating some troff-style documentation. Is there a way to embed an image (jpg, etc) into a groff file? ...

Period in a man page?

I have a bold line, followed by a line starting with a period. man thinks that the . is the start of a command... is there a way to "escape" it? .B bold words ./something The ./something is a command to type in a terminal, not a man macro. I want man to display it. Things I've tried: ../something \./something ...