
How should I replicate the functionality of C#'s 'using' keyword in Java?

I'm converting some C# code to Java and it contains the using keyword. How should I replicate this functionality in Java? I was going to use a try, catch, finally block but I thought I'd check with you guys first. ...

When to use and when not to use Try Catch Finally

I am creating web apps in .net 3.5 and I wanted to know when to use and when not to use Try Catch Finally blocks? In particular, a majority of my try catch's are wrapped around executing stored procs and populating textfields or gridviews? Would you use Try Catch EVERYTIME when you execute a stored proc and populated a data displ...

try finally in c#

if i want to use try { } catch(exception ex) { } how i can use try finally method where i use try catch who is better any one specific on both ...

Throw exception in try block

try { if (isFileDownloaded) //do stuff else throw new CustomException() } catch (Exception e) { // something went wrong save error to log } finally { //release resources } My question is would the catch catches the ApplicationException thrown in the try bl...

how to use finally

I never properly understood the use of the finally statement. Can anyone tell me what the difference is between: try { a; block; off; statements; } catch (Exception e) { handle; exception; e; } finally { do; some; cleanup; } on the one hand and: try { a; block; off; statements; ...

@try - catch block in Objective-c problem

Hi, Why @try block do not work? It crash the app, but it was supposed to be catch by the @try block NSString* test = [NSString stringWithString:@"ss"]; @try { [test characterAtIndex:6]; } @catch (NSException * e) { NSLog(@"Exception: %@", e); } @finally { NSLog(@"finally"); } Thanks, Alex. ...

C#: why bother having a 'finally' clause?

Possible Duplicate: Why use finally in C#? In C#, what is the point of having a finally clause? eg. try { // do something } catch (Exception exc) { // do something } // do something Won't the code at the end execute anyway? What is the point of a finally block? ...

why can't I assign object variables within the try block?

Why can't I assign object variables within the try block? If I attempt to do this and clean up the variable in the finally block I get a compiler error: "use of unassigned local variable". This makes no sense because the variable is declared before the try block, and in the finally block I am first checking whether the variable is nul...

try-catch-finally throwing exception in Java problem

I'm Java beginner, but I thought that when using try-catch-finally I don't have to declare the exception using throws SQLException. However if I don't use it the compiler gives me the error: "unreported exception java.sql.SQLException; must be caught or declare to be thrown". I included a catch so I'm not sure why this errors occurs. pu...

python try/finally for flow control

I'm sure this concept has come up before but I can't find a good, simple answer. Is using try/finally a bad way to handle functions with multiple returns? For example I have try: if x: return update(1) else: return update(2) finally: notifyUpdated() This just seems nicer than storing update() commands in...

Can I have business logic in Finally block?

Is it advisable to have business logic in a finally block? I have to send an email notification when a job is over (whether successful or not). Can I place the email logic in finally block? ...

throw-catch logic

try { try { throw new Exception("From Try"); } catch { throw new Exception("From Catch"); } finally { throw new Exception("From Finally"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } The above code's output is: From Finally. Why it's not From Catch? -or- ...

C# - Thread.Join(Milliseconds) and the finally block

I am using .NET 2.0 and the finally block does not seem to be getting executed if the Thread times out. For example, if I see the message "Child Thread Timed Out...", I will not see the message "Finally block started...". This means that the database objects (Oracle.DataAccess) may not be getting cleaned up properly. Is there a way to...