
Replace BIT values with some text

I have a BIT column with gender (0,1) and want to replace 0 and 1 in the resulting view with the words "man" and "woman". Can i do this right in the view with some system finction or i have to write my own function to do that? ...

SQL syntax error

Im using Microsoft SQL Server which I think is T-SQL or ANSI SQL. I want to search a database with a string. The matches that fit the begging of the string should come first then sort alphabetically. I.e. If the table contains FOO, BAR and RAP a search for the string 'R' should yield: RAP BAR In that order. Here is my attempt: S...

SQL select statement filter

Hi I am struggling with a filter for clients in our system. Each Client has a plan that is carried out monthly. For each plan there are can be multiple visits and for each visit there can be different visit tasks with each task falling under a category e.g. ClientNo VisitNo VisitTaskID TaskCategory ------------------------------...

Why I can't use template table in dynamic query SQL SERVER 2005

Hello! I have the following t-sql code which generates an error Declare @table TABLE ( ID1 int, ID2 int ) INSERT INTO @table values(1, 1); INSERT INTO @table values(2, 2); INSERT INTO @table values(3, 3); DECLARE @field varchar(50); SET @field = 'ID1' DECLARE @query varchar(MAX); SET @query = 'SELECT * FROM @table WHERE ' + @f...

How to create schema that have an access as that of dbo and can be accessed by sa user

I am new to schema, roles and user management part in sql server. Till now I used to work with simple dbo schema but now after reading few articles I am intrested in creating schema for managing my tables in a folder fashion. At present, I want to create a schema where i want to keep my tables that have same kind of functionality. When ...

T-SQL Operations on a Calculated Date Field

Can I do WHERE operations on a calculated date field? I have a lookup field, which has been written badly in SQL and unfortunately I can't change it. But basically it stores dates as characters such as "July-2010" or "June-2009" (along with other non date data). I want to extract the dates first (which I did using a LIKE opertor) and th...

Dynamic SQL and Functions

Hi all, is there any way of accomplishing something like the following: CREATE FUNCTION GetQtyFromID ( @oricod varchar(15), @ccocod varchar(15), @ocmnum int, @oinnum int, @acmnum int, @acttip char(2), @unisim varchar(15) ) AS RETURNS DECIMAL(18,8) BEGIN DECLARE @Result decimal(18,8) DECLARE @SQLStrin...

Find records produced in the last hour

I have a smalldatetime field named myTime recording when the record was created. I need the syntax that selects records created within the last hour. thought it would be: and DATEDIFF("hh", datePart(hh, myTime), DatePart(hh, GETDATE()) < 1 where datediff 1) looks for hours; 2) looks at the hours portion of the data in myTime as st...

How does one SELECT block another?

I'm looking at output of SP_WhoIsActive on SQL Server 2005, and it's telling me one session is blocking another - fine. However they both are running a SELECT. How does one SELECT block another? Shouldn't they both be acquiring shared locks (which are compatible with one another)? Some more details: Neither session has an open transa...

where to add a COLLATION in an SPROC

i've got a collation error happening in a stored procedure in SQL Server. Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CS_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation. The database's collation is Latin1_General_CS_AS The error happens on the INSERT INTO line. Where should i add a COLLATE statement...

Query performs poorly unless a temp table is used

The following query takes about 1 minute to run, and has the following IO statistics: SELECT T.RGN, T.CD, T.FUND_CD, T.TRDT, SUM(T2.UNITS) AS TotalUnits FROM dbo.TRANS AS T JOIN dbo.TRANS AS T2 ON T2.RGN=T.RGN AND T2.CD=T.CD AND T2.FUND_CD=T.FUND_CD AND T2.TRDT<=T.TRDT JOIN TASK_REQUESTS AS T3 ON T3.CD=T.CD AND T3.RGN=T.RGN AND T3.TASK ...

I need to remove a unique constraints that I don't know the names of

I maintain a product that is installed at multiple locations which as been haphazardly upgraded. Unique constraints were added to a number of tables, but I have no idea what the names are at any particular instance. What I do know is the table/columnname pair that has the unique constraints and I would like to write a script to delete an...

T-SQL For Each Alternative?

I need to take data from one table and import it into another table. In pseudocode, something like this: For Each row in table1 If row.personid is in table2 then update table2.row Else insert row into table2 End If Next What is the best way to do this in T-SQL? As I understand it T-SQL doesn't support For Each..Next, so what alt...

not including null values in sql join

Hi, I have two tables CustomerAddress(CustomerId, City, Country) and CustomerTransactions(TransactionId, CustomerId, CustomerContact). Here are the values in the tables: For CustomerAddress: 1001, El Paso, USA 1002, Paris, France 1003, Essen, Germany For CustomerTransactions: 98, 1001, Phillip 99, 1001, NULL 100, 100...

Repeatedly execute a stored procedure

I have a situation where I need to repeatedly execute a stored procedure Now this procedure (spMAIN) has a cursor inside which looks for a value from a table as T1,which has the following structure ID Status ---- -------- 1 New 2 New 3 success 4 Error now the cursor looks for all rows with a status of 'New' Now...

Is timer good solution for this?

Hi! I have application that use MSSQL database. Application have module that is using for sending messages between application users. When one user send message to another i insert message in database, and set message status to 1( after user read message database I update and set message status to 0). Now,i am using system.timers.timer...

In SQL Server, how can I insert data into a table that has just one column which is of identity type?

In SQL Server, how can I insert data into a table that has just one column which is of identity type? Such as insert into the following table t. How can I write the insert statement? CREATE TABLE t ( id INT IDENTITY(1, 1) PRIMARY KEY ) Great thanks. ...

Get all related products based on their full-text search relationship

I have a Product table with the fields Id, Title, Description, Keywords (just comma separated list of keywords). Table is full-text indexed. When I view one product, I do a query and search the full-text catalog for any related products based on the Keywords field. select * from Products where Contains(Products.*, @keywordsFromOnePr...

Add a column and update it in same stored procedure in SQL Server 2008

if I have a stored procedure say CREATE PROCURE w AS ALTER TABLE t ADD x char(1) UPDATE t set x =1 Even when it lets me create that stored procedure (if I create it when x exists), when it runs, there is an error on the UPDATE statement because column x doesn't exist. What's the conventional way to deal with this, it must come up a...

How to query on table returned by Stored procedure within a procedure.

I have a stored procedure that is performing some ddl dml operations. It retrieves a data after processing data from CTE and cross apply and other such complex things. Now this returns me a 4 tables which gets binded to various sources at frontend. Now I want to use one of the table to further processing so as to get more usefull inform...