
Expanding tuples into arguments

Is there a way to expand a Python tuple into a function - as actual parameters? For example, here expand() does the magic: tuple = (1, "foo", "bar") def myfun(number, str1, str2): return (number * 2, str1 + str2, str2 + str1) myfun(expand(tuple)) # (2, "foobar", "barfoo") I know one could define myfun as "myfun((a, b, c))", but...

.Net 4: Easy way to dynamically create List<Tuple<...>> results

For a remoting scenario, the result would be very good to receive as an array or list of Tuple objects (among benefits being strong typing). Example: dynamically convert SELECT Name, Age FROM Table => List<Tuple<string,int>> Question: are there any samples out there that, given an arbitrary table of data (like SQL resultset or CSV ...

Forcing tuples within tuples?

I've got a python function that should loop through a tuple of coordinates and print their contents: def do(coordList): for element in coordList: print element y=((5,5),(4,4)) x=((5,5)) When y is run through the function, it outputs (5,5) and (4,4), the desired result. However, running x through the function outputs 5 and ...

match tuple with null

I don't understand why the following case doesn't match. Null should be an instance of Any, but it doesn't match. Can someone explain what is going on? val x = (2, null) x match { case (i:Int, v:Any) => println("got tuple %s: %s".format(i, v)) case _ => println("catch all") } prints catch all Thanks. ...

F# - On the parameters passed to C# methods - are they tuples or what?

I've read many times that Assemblies generated from F# or any other .NET language are (almost) indistinguishable. I was then experimenting with F# and C# interop on .NET 4 (beta 2). I created a new solution, and a C# project, with the following class: public class MyClass { public static int Add(int a, int b) { return a + b; }...

Efficiently search two-tuple

What's the best one-liner replacement for the code below? I'm sure there's a smarter way. choices = ((1, 'ONE'), (2, 'TWO'), (3, 'THREE')) some_int = 2 for choice in choices: if choice[0] == some_int: label = choice[1] break; # label == 'TWO' ...

Counting sort in java for tuples

Hi, I am building a class that has a mapping of strings to integers. So if I have 3 apples I would have a mapping of apples to 3. I need to write a class that sorts the name of the objects by decreasing numbers. So if I have (apples, 3) (oranges, 2) (bananas, 5) I will get (bananas, 5), (apples, 3), (oranges 2) I was wondering if t...

Iterate over a list, returning the current, next and the element before current

Hello StackOverflow, I have problems with writing an specific application in a scala-esque and elegant way. I tried this for some time now, but I cannot find a "good" solution to this Problem: Given that I have the following List: List("foo", "bar", "baz", "blah") I want to Iterate over this list, not only giving me the current elem...

Efficient reordering of coordinate pairs (2-tuples) in a list of pairs in Python

I am wanting to zip up a list of entities with a new entity to generate a list of coordinates (2-tuples), but I want to assure that for (i, j) that i < j is always true. However, I am not extremely pleased with my current solutions: from itertools import repeat mems = range(1, 10, 2) mem = 8 def ij(i, j): if i < j: return (i, ...

Returning binomal as a tuple

I want to save the results of my function binomal_aux to a tuple but I don't have an idea how to, here is my code I have right now. def binomal (n): i=0 for i in range(n): binomal_aux(n,i) #want this to be in a tuple so, binomal (2) = (1,2,1) return def binomal_aux (n,k): if (k==0): return 1 elif...

Why do we need tuples in Python (or any immutable data type)?

I've read several python tutorials (Dive Into Python, for one), and the language reference on Python.org - I don't see why the language needs tuples. Tuples have no methods compared to a list or set, and if I must convert a tuple to a set or list to be able to sort them, what's the point of using a tuple in the first place? Immutabilit...

Create tuples from seq of arrays.

Basically I'm looking to take the output of Seq.Windowed which returns a sequence of arrays and turn it into a sequence of tuples so I want to take this [[|1;2;3|];[|4;5;6|]] and turn it into [(1,2,3);(4,5,6)] Thanks in advance. ...

Scala: Parallel assignment of Tuples

Is it possible to assign tuple members in parallel in Scala. if not is there another technique to accomplish something similar? val players = List( new Player("Django Reinhardt", 42), new Player("Sol Hoopii", 57), new Player("Marc Ribot", 64) ) val winners, losers = players.partition(p => p.score > 50) // winners = List...

Map List of Tuples into a Dictionary, python

I've got a list of tuples extracted from a table in a DB which looks like (key , foreignkey , value). There is a many to one relationship between the key and foreignkeys and I'd like to convert it into a dict indexed by the foreignkey containing the sum of all values with that foreignkey, i.e. { foreignkey , sumof( value ) }. I wrote s...

F# pattern matching on types of tuples

I have a curried function that I'd like it to support different types of parameters, that are not on a inheritance relationship: type MyType1 = A | B of float type MyType2 = C | D of int What I tried to do is: let func x y = match (x, y) with | :? Tuple<MyType1, MyType1> -> "1, 1" | _ -> "..." However this is not possib...

python tuple division

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'tuple' and 'tuple' I'm getting above error , while I fetched a record using query "select max(rowid) from table" and assigned it to variable and while performing / operation is throws above message. How to resolve this. ...

What is the pythonic way to unpack tuples?

This is ugly. How would you do it? import datetime t= (2010, 10, 2, 11, 4, 0, 2, 41, 0) dt = datetime.datetime(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5], t[6]) Thanks in advance. ...

UI design pattern for true/false/null (for inheritance of values)?

Hi there. I'm trying my best to figure out a succinct, straightforward widget, using standard UI widgets available in any toolkit (e.g., checkboxes, radio buttons, or listboxes), that could model a true/false/null value. Why am I trying to do this? I'm storing a tree in a database (go ahead, criticise me for storing hierarchical informa...

Adding an entry to a python tuple

I have a list of tuples representing x,y points. I also have a list of values for each of these points. How do I combine them into a list of lists (i.e one entry for each point [x,y,val]) or a list of tuples? Thanks ...

Printing tuple data in normal text in Python

I have variable r=(u'East london,London,England', u'Mr.Baker in East london (at 2010-02-21 15:25:27.0)') in this format from webservice as a output from small program. How can I print these tuple data as normal string like: East london,London,England Mr.Baker in East london (at 2010-02-21 15:25:27.0) can anybody help me out of thi...