
import problem with twisted.web server

I'm just getting started with twisted.web, and I'm having trouble importing a Python module into a .rpy script. in C:\py\twisted\, I have this: from twisted.web.resource import Resource from twisted.web import server class MySite(Resource): def render_GET(self, request): request.write("<!DOCTYPE html>") re...

threading.local equivalent for twisted.web?

In asynchronous environments, threading.local is not guaranteed to be context-local anymore, because several contexts may coexist within a single thread. Most asynchronous frameworks (gevent, eventlet) provide a get_current_context() functionality to identify the current context. Some offer a way to monkey-patch threading.local so it is ...

Basic HTTP Parsing Using Twisted

Hey, I am a newcomer to the Python and Twisted game so excuse the ignorance I will likely be asking this question with. As a sort of first program, I am trying to write a basic HTTP server using twisted.web.sever which would simply print to screen the HTTP request, and then print to screen the HTTP response. I am trying to print the ent...

Templating and form processing toolkits to use with twisted.web

As the title states, I am looking for something, that will help me automate form processing (validation/rendering/etc) in twisted.web. I am also looking for a suitable templating toolkit to use with it. As for templating, it is not so much of an issue as there are a lot of libraries in python, that do it. I was considering the following...

Why does Twisted think I'm calling request.finish() twice when I am not?

This is an annoying problem I am having with Twisted.web. Basically, I have a class that inherits from twisted.web.resource.Resource and adds some default stuff to Mako templates: from twisted.web.resource import Resource from mako.lookup import TemplateLookup from project.session import SessionData from import make_non...

How can I accomplish file uploads in twisted.web that don't suck?

I've searched and searched but can't seem to find a way to upload files to my twisted.web application in any reasonable way. Currently, posting file uploads to a resource results in a request.args['file'] variable, that is a list populated with file contents. I can't find a way to get any information about the file: mime type, filename,...

Am I parsing this HTTP POST request properly?

Let me start off by saying, I'm using the twisted.web framework. Twisted.web's file uploading didn't work like I wanted it to (it only included the file data, and not any other information), cgi.parse_multipart doesn't work like I want it to (same thing, twisted.web uses this function), cgi.FieldStorage didn't work ('cause I'm getting th...

twisted web getPage, 2 clients in 2 classes, manage events between the two

Hi All, i'm trying to create a bridge program in twisted.web that receives data from a web server and sends it to another server, thus i'm using 2 getPage applications that i have wrapped in a class for convenience, the class contains all the callbacks and the client "routine".. 1)auth 2)receive data 3)send data, all this is done in a c...

Overloading twisted.client.getPage to set the client socket's bindaddress !

For the past 10 hours I've been trying to accomplish this: Translation of my blocking httpclient using standard lib... Into a twisted nonblocking/async version of it. 10 hours later... scoring through their APIs-- it appears no one has EVER needed to do be able to do that. Nice framework, but seems ...a bit overwhelming to just set a ...

Twisted Web Proxy

Found the Answer. In Firefox set the proxy ip address not to localhost or but instead set it as the 192.168.x.x or the 10.10.x.x to find this open cmd and type ipconfig /all (windows) or on linux ifconfig and find out what your ip address is. I have been running this code (from: ): ...

Building a comet server from twisted.web, for a twisted.web site.

So I have a website already set up, and I need a comet server for a chat application. The site is built with twisted.web, and I want to build the comet server with twisted as well since I'm already somewhat familiar with it. But I'm not sure how to do it. I've looked at this post and understand the mechanics in the code snippet -- but I...

Designing a interface to a websites api

Ok I am programing a way to interface with Grooveshark ( Right now I have a class Grooveshark and several methods, one gets a session with the server, another gets a token that is based on the session and another is used to construct api calls to the server (and other methods use that). Right now I use it like so....

Python Twisted framework HTTP client

I want to write a simple SSL HTTP client in Python and have heard about the Twisted framework. I need to be able to authenticate with a REST service - so I was thinking I'd just POST a user name and password to the target server. Assuming authentication is successful, the client will receive a cookie. Will an HTTP client built on Twist...

Twisted HTTP Proxy Channel set to None on LostConnection but loseConnection hasn't been called yet

Ok I have been writing a proxy to take http GET requests and translate them into HTTP POST requests (because a lot of media players for python only support GET). So I know am working on caching those results that way I only download a url once, I moved a lot of code from the super class to the sub class and changed it so that I could sen...