
Auto-generating WSDL file for a Python Twisted SOAP Server

Any recommendations for auto-generating the WSDL for a Python/Twisted SOAP Server? I've found lots of examples for taking an existing WSDL and generating the stubbed Python code, but am looking for the reverse operation. ...

Twisted UDP Server - daemonize?

I have the following UDP server using Twisted: # init the thread capability threadable.init(1) # set the thread pool size reactor.suggestThreadPoolSize(32) class BaseThreadedUDPServer(DatagramProtocol): def datagramReceived(self, datagram, (host, port)): #do some stuff here... def main(): reactor.listenUDP(PORT, BaseT...

twisted on centos missing mail.smtp?

I'm trying to get buildbot running on centos5, and getting the following error: File "/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/buildbot/status/", line 14, in ? from twisted.mail.smtp import sendmail, ESMTPSenderFactory ImportError: No module named mail.smtp I have the following twisted packages installed (and don't see anything e...

Twisted + Django + Reverse Proxy

Hello everyone, I am deploying twisted as a web server for my site. I am looking into possibilities of reverse proxying. I have the following code right now hooked up to my reactor for django. I am using comet, and I realize that I absolutely must use port 80 hence I am looking into possibilities of reverse proxying. On this site, I fo...

Twisted threaded tcp client

Hi there. I am trying to write a simple TCPServer and a client with Twisted python. Everything is working well; but, there is a way to defer some tasks to different threads? For example, is it possible to do: take an input from the user until \n, then send the data to the server; accept all the incoming messages from the server and wri...

How do I use ReverseProxyProtocol

I have the following: My webserver running on twisted My comet server, aka orbited Note that 1 and 2 are different processes. Basically, I want 1 and 2 to share the same port. Request that are should go to the webserver and anything starting with should go to the orbited server, i.e...

Escaping unicode strings for MySQL in Python (avoiding exceptions.UnicodeEncodeError)

I am using Twisted to asynchronously access our database in Python. My code looks like this: from twisted.enterprise import adbapi from MySQLdb import _mysql as mysql ... txn.execute(""" INSERT INTO users_accounts_data_snapshots (accountid, programid, fieldid, value, timestamp, jobid) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s...

Multiple communication channels with Twisted Python

I am currently researching the Twisted framework as a way of implementing a network-based backup application, and I would like to achieve something that I cannot find any examples of on the net. I plan to implement the system using the Perspective Broker, but I will also need a way of transferring binary files from the client to the ser...

Qt C++ tcp client with python twisted server

Hello, I'm trying to connect a very basic twisted "hello world" server with a basic Qt tcp client. The client uses these Signals: connect(&socket, SIGNAL(connected()), this, SLOT(startTransfer())); connect(&socket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readServer())); and then readServer() looks like this: ui->resultLabel->setText("Readin...

Threads vs. Async

I have been reading up on the threaded model of programming versus the asynchronous model from this really good article. However, the article mentions the following points. An async program will simply outperform a sync program by switching between tasks whenever there is a I/O. Threads are managed by th...

Why is there a need for Twisted?

I have been playing around with the twisted framework for about a week now(more because of curiosity rather than having to use it) and its been a lot of fun doing event driven asynchronous network programming. However, there is something that I fail to understand. The twisted documentation starts off with Twisted is a framework desig...

Closing Perspective Broker connection in Twisted

Hi! I have program which has servers interacting with each other using Twisted's remote procedure calls, and I run in problems with closing connections when they are not needed anymore. Connections should be able to close itself in both sides. Case 1: How do I close connection in connecting part? factory = pb.PBClientFactory() reactor...

Stopping an application (punjab) that is run using Twisted

I am trying to run punjab connection manager with very less python knowledge. I followed the punjab docs and can start the application. But how do I stop/restart it ? twistd -y punjab.tac starts punjab first time but after that if I enter the same command , it says Another twistd server is running, PID 3726. Precisely I want to se...

Can twisted be implemented in Java?

I remember reading that the following features lead to the development of interesting frameworks/libraries in Python:- (I read the article from A simple class model, which facilitates inheritance. Dynamic typing, which means that the code needs to assume less. Built-in memory...

python twisted : retrieve a deferred's execution time

I would like to know how long a Deferred takes to execute, from the time the first callback is fired to the final result. Any ideas on how to do that, possibly in a non-invasive manner ( meaning no modification on any of the callback functions in order to track the execution time ) ? ...

How is event driven programming implemented?

I was looking on how the twisted and node.js frameworks work and I am trying to understand exactly how the operating system supports I/O operations using callbacks. I understand it's good because we need less threads because we don't need to have blocked threads waiting for I/O operations. But something has to call the callback once the...

twisted dns doesn't work

I'd like to know why the following doesn't work. from twisted internet import defer, reactor from twisted.python.failure import Failure import twisted.names.client def do_lookup(do_lookup): d = twisted.names.client.getHostByName(domain) d.addBoth(lookup_done) def lookup_done(result): print 'result:', result reactor.sto...