
Retrieve all hashtags from a tweet

Is it possible using the Twitter API to retrieve a list of all hashtags present within a single tweet? For example, let's say I have a tweet (let's say it has an ID of 12345) with the following text: Hi. I love #stackoverflow because it's #superawesome. #fb Is there an API call that will give me back #stackoverflow, #superawesom...

Twitter API + OAuth: Can't send status updates, getting 401

I'm trying to use Twitter's API and OAuth to send status updates (new Tweets). I am using Shannon Whitley .NET code example (as recommended on the Twitter API docs). I can read (GET) using OAuth just fine, however when I try to send a status update via http :// (us...

Twitter update_profile_image in C#

I am having trouble implementing Twitter's [update profile image] method. Does anyone have any sample code for passing an image as raw multiart data to the Twitter API? I am using .NET. ...

preg_replace(), and the abbreviations that go with it?

I've recently been working with a simple Twitter API for PHP and came across this code to make @username be linked with Unfortunately this code creates it so @username links to, resulting in error. There are many parts to this code I do not understand, such as ^\v and others (seen belo...

Destroying $_SERVER session?

Okay so I'm not using any session variables, rather my code looks like this: if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])) { header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Enter your Twitter username and password:"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo 'Please enter your Twitter username and password to view your followers.'; ex...

how to put header authentication into a form using php?

Hey guys, for the page I am doing needs a login authentication using Twitter (using tweetphp API). For test purposes I used this code below to do a successful login: if (!isset($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'])){ header('WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="Enter your Twitter username and password:"'); header('HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized'); echo ...

$.getJson function not working

var query1 = urlencode($('input[name="searchTerm"]').val()); //user1 $.getJSON(''+ query1 +' }); This is a simple code that gets the json data from the url (click url to view the json data) The data looks like...

Addition to php twitter status script

I'm using the script below to display my twitter status, but would like to add the option to not display tweets that start with a @username. I've done it so it won't display my username, but would like not to display tweets replied to another user. Thanks $doc = new DOMDocument(); # load the RSS if($doc->load('twitterurlrss')) { # ...

Twitter REST change "from API" to something meaningful

When using simple request to post to Twitter the messages are signed with "sent from API". Is there a way to change that to the actual name of your application? Is it another post parameter or something else? ...

How do I get around the Twitter API caching problem?

I'm building a Twitter app that requires to check user data somewhat frequently, but I'm facing trouble with a cache that's oddly on Twitter's side, not mine. Try the following user: users/show in XML: users/show in JSON:

upload a tweet using C#

Possible Duplicate: What is the best Twitter API wrapper/library for .NET? My boss wants to make periodic updates to the company twitter account but doesn't really want to mess with it through the web or follow others. I'm sure there is plenty of info but I thought I would start out by asking the experts is there a twitter cl...

hide updates in twitter

i am working on the Twitter API. I am going to use C# for developing the application. I found a more elaborated sample at for using twitter API. i need to show all tweets(Updates) of all the registered users in the application. I have the requirement to hide some of the updates of some users from the ...

Using the Twitter API within iPhone application

Hello I want to integrate Twitter API into my iphone application. I have read about JSON framework with iPhone SDK 2.2. But I am new to this type of application. Can anybody please explain how to integrate this Twitter's APIs with my application and how to use it. Also tell me how to open "svn checkout

Check who's blocking you with twitter API

is there a way to check who is blocking you with twitter api? ...

Using Twitter OpenAuth

I am currently starting a project that will interact with Twitter via it's OpenAuth system and I was wondering about a few of the details. If a user agrees to give my site access to their Twitter account, can I access their account even if they aren't on my site? For example, could I have a nightly job run that would pull in all of the...

Bad response code when uploading image with Twitpic API

Can anybody familiar with the source code for uploading image to Twitter using "Twitpic api" please tell why I get a 0 response code when I am trying to upload an image? Here is my code: - (BOOL)uploadImageToTwitpic:(UIImage*)image withMessage:(NSString*)theMessage username:(NSString*)username ...

How to deal with streaming data in PHP?

There is a family of methods (birddog, shadow, and follow)in the Twitter API that opens a (mostly) permanent connection and allows you to follow many users. I've run the sample connection code with cURL in bash, and it works nicely: when a user I specify writes a tweet, I get a stream of XML in my console. My question is: how can I acce...

Dealing with Twitter's Ups and Downs - API

Hello all, I make use of a great class made by Jaisen: Recently twitter has been up and down and I am sure it will continue to be the same in the future so I am trying to cut down on my dependency on twitter being actually working. The following is what I have in my header.php and it...

Right way to use twitter4j in appengine

I am practicing making a web app which tries to read the user's twitter profile, display his/her friends and show his/her picture. The code example at the Twitter4j website goes: public static void main(String args[]) thrwos Exception{ Twitter twitter = new Twitter(); twitter.setOAuthConsumer("[consumer key]", "[consumer secret]"...

Django : import problem with python-twitter module

Hi, When I try to import python-twitter module in my app, django tries to import django.templatetags.twitter instead of python-twitter module (in /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/, but I don't know why. :s For example: myproject/ myapp/ templatetags/ In import twitter # this impor...