
How to convert array of floats to array of doubles in Java?

Hi, I have an array of floats and I would like to convert it to an array of doubles in Java. I am aware of the obvious way of iterating over the array and creating a new one. I expected Java to digest a float[] smoothly where it wishes to work with double[]... but it can not work with this. What is the elegant, effective way of d...

Why system can not find the method BigInteger.ToDouble?

I am using F# Interactive, and I have added the reference of FSharp.PowerPack.dll. When I try to convert BigNum to double as the following code, let n = 2N let d = double n error comes out that "System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Double System.Numerics.BigInteger.ToDouble(System.Numerics.BigInteger)'. at Microsoft.F...

how to convert from char* to char[] in c

hello, here is a code sample void() { char c[100]; scanf("%s",c); char c2[100]=c; } my problem is when i do this assignment an error says that i can assign char * "c" to char[] "c2"; how can i achieve this assignment? ...

C++: Overloading operator=

Okay so I have a class that has 'weak typing' I.E. it can store many different types defined as: #include <string> class myObject{ public: bool isString; std::string strVal; bool isNumber; double numVal; bool isBoolean; bool boolVal; double operator= (const myObject &); }; I would like ...

Is there a way to do dynamic implicit type casting in C#?

Given this class with an implicit cast operator: public class MyDateTime { public static implicit operator MyDateTime(System.Int64 encoded) { return new MyDateTime(encoded); } public MyDateTime(System.Int64 encoded) { _encoded = encoded; } System.Int64 _encoded; } I can now do the following...

General type conversion without risking Exceptions

I am working on a control that can take a number of different datatypes (anything that implements IComparable). I need to be able to compare these with another variable passed in. If the main datatype is a DateTime, and I am passed a String, I need to attempt to convert the String to a DateTime to perform a Date comparison. if the ...

How to get the running of time of my program with gettimeofday()

So I get the time at the beginning of the code, run it, and then get the time. struct timeval begin, end; gettimeofday(&begin, NULL); //code to time gettimeofday(&end, NULL); //get the total number of ms that the code took: unsigned int t = end.tv_usec - begin.tv_usec; Now I want to print it out in the form "**code took 0.007 second...

Converting a float to std::string in C++

This is a seemingly simple problem, but I'm having difficulty coming up with an answer. I have a float value that needs to be put into a std::string, like so: float val = 2.5; std::string my_val = val; // error here Obviously they're of different types. How do I convert from float to string? All help is appreciated. ...

Convert Binary Data to Date

I have the following data: F0 60 5B 50 BB 27 C4 01 I am 99% certain that this represents the date: 21/04/2004 17:11:33 I cannot for the life of me work out how it is encoding it. Am I being dense? I've tried just reading it in as a binary date, but that comes back with a date way in the future. I've tried assuming it's number of ticks ...

input string is not in a correct format..

I want to calculate the percentage. But the compiler is giving an error that the input string is not in a correct format. Can some one elaborate what i am missing here? private double per() { double a = Convert.ToDouble(tbEnglish.Text+tbUrdu.Text+tbPhysics.Text+tbChemistry.Text+tbMaths.Text); double d = 500; double lblResult = (a...

Why is the C# "as" operator so popular?

In development blogs, online code examples and (recently) even a book, I keep stumbling about code like this: var y = x as T; y.SomeMethod(); or, even worse: (x as T).SomeMethod(); That doesn't make sense to me. If you are sure that x is of type T, you should use a direct cast: (T)x. If you are not sure, you can use as but need to ...

binary to string converter in php?

binary to string converter in php ...

convert from int to byte

Hello, I got the error: System.ArgumentException: Object must be of type Int32. in this code: MyBO target = new MyBO() { x1 = 20 }; In MyBO i have an attribute: public byte x1 {get; set;} What's wrong? I tried with MyBO target = new MyBO() { x1 = (byte)20 }; but i got the same error. Please help. Thanks! ...

System.ArgumentException when using RangeValidator

Hello, So, in a MyBO class i have: [NotNullValidator(MessageTemplate = "Cannot be null!")] [RangeValidator(0, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive, 20, RangeBoundaryType.Inclusive, Ruleset="validate_x1")] public byte x1 { get; set; } And in a test class: [TestMethod()] public void x1Test() { ...

scala 2.8 implict java collections conversions

I'm trying to convert a project over to scala 2.8 from 2.7 and I've run into some difficulty in the code that interacts with Java. Below is a slightly convoluted piece of sample code displaying the problem. Essentially I have class with a member variable of type mutable.Map[K,V] and I can't find a way to pass that through to a method tha...

In Java, how can I convert an InputStream into a byte array (byte[])?

My background is .net, I'm fairly new to Java. I'm doing some work for our company's java team and the architect needs me to implement a method that takes an InputStream (java.io) object. In order to fulfill the method's purpose I need to convert that into a byte array. Is there an easy way to do this? ...

Java SortedMap to Scala TreeMap

I'm having trouble converting a java SortedMap into a scala TreeMap. The SortedMap comes from deserialization and needs to be converted into a scala structure before being used. Some background, for the curious, is that the serialized structure is written through XStream and on desializing I register a converter that says anything that...

[Excel VBA]How to cast a shape object?

I want to assign a ComboBox control to a class member of ComboBox type. This control is in a group on a worksheet. The problem is through GroupItems property, I can only get a Shape object, not a ComboBox. So when assigning, it alerts "type dismatch". If the control was not in a group, I could get an OLEObject object through OLEObjects...

How to control Type conversion in C#

Hi, Is there a way to control the type conversion in C#? So for example, if I have two types with essentially the same details, but one is used for the internal working of my application and the other is a DTO used for communicating with non-.Net applications: public sealed class Player { public Player(string name, long score) { ...

Unsafe conversion

Is the following conversion safe? int b[10][10]; char *x; int a[]={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) for(int j=0;j<10;j++) b[i][j]=a[i]; for(x=(char *)&b[0];x<=(char *)&b[9][9];x+=sizeof(a+1)) // Problem lies here! printf("%d\n",*x); I don't think the above conversion in the for loop is safe (I think it is platfo...