
How to tell if Type A is implicitly convertible to Type B

Given Type a and Type b, how can I, at runtime, determine whether there's an implicit conversion from a to b? If that doesn't make sense, consider the following method: public PropertyInfo GetCompatibleProperty<T>(object instance, string propertyName) { var property = instance.GetType().GetProperty(propertyName); bool isCompatib...

String to Integer Smalltalk

Pretty simple question I need to get an integer from the user and I only know how to get a string from them. So if there is a way to get an integer from the user or to convert the string to an integer please let me know. ...

How do I convert strings starting with numbers to numeric data in XSLT?

Given the following XML: <table> <col width="12pt"/> <col width="24pt"/> <col width="12pt"/> <col width="48pt"/> </table> How can I convert the width attributes to numeric values that can be used in mathematical expressions? So far, I have used substring-before to do this. Here is an example template (XSLT 2.0 only) that shows...

Convert Scala Set into Java (java.util.Set)?

I have a Set in Scala (I can choose any implementation as I am creating the Set. The Java library I am using is expecting a java.util.Set[String]. Is the following the correct way to do this in Scala (using scala.collection.jcl.HashSet#underlying): import com.javalibrary.Animals var classes = new scala.collection.jcl.HashSet[String] c...

How to convert a generic List<T> to an Inerface based List<T>

I am sure I am missing something simple, however I am trying to convert a strongly typed list of objects that all implement an interface in to a list of that interface type. Below is a sample to demonstrate the error: public void ExampleCode(){ List<Cube> cubes = new List<Cube>(); List<Shape> allShapes; allShapes = cubes;/...

Find average date from collection of dates (Ruby)

Hey guys, I have a table of guesses, within each guess is just a date. I was wondering how I would go about turning two or more dates into an average. <div id="logic"> <% foo = Date.today %> <% bar = Date.today + 10 %> <%= (foo + bar) / 2 %> Something like this, but obviously Ruby wont let me divide the two dates, any help much appr...

Converting method signatures

Hi. typedef void (__thiscall* LPVOIDPROC) (void); class ClassA { LPVOIDPROC m_pProc; void SetProc(LPVOIDPROC pProc) { m_pProc = pProc; } void OnSomeEvent() { m_pProc(); } } class ClassB { ClassA* pCA; void Proc() { /* ... */ } void Init() { // Assume pCA != NULL pCA->Set((LPVOIDPROC)&ClassB::Proc); // error ...

operator bool() converted to std::string and conflict with operator std::string()

How can operator bool() cause an error when declaring operator std::string in a class and also serving as an implicit conversion to string by itself? #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class Test { public: operator std::string() { cout << "op string" << endl; return "whatever";} operator bool() { cout <<...

Java library for converting Object to numeric (Integer, Long etc..)

I need to convert array of Objects into a Long/Integer.. Problem is that those Objects are sometimes BigIntegers, sometimes BigDecimals and sometimes even something else. Is there any good libraries for accomplishing this? for example... for (Object[] o : result) { Long l = SomeClass.convertToLong(o[0]); Integer i = SomeClass.c...

check if value is integer or double in objective c

Hi, I have a case where I should get the elements from an array and I do not know if the type is double or integer. [array objectAtIndex:2] and the problem is that I can not identify the type. If i knew the type I simply would perform: [[item objectAtIndex:2] intValue] or [[item objectAtIndex:2] doubleValue] Is there any way to detect...

In C#, how to create an object given the name of its type?

I know the type of object (let's say IAnimal) I need to instantiate, and the name (lets say Tiger). How do I write the code to instantiate Tiger, given that the variable that knows the object name is a string. I'm likely missing something simple here, but am currently stuck on this. Update: I meant Class Tiger : IAnimal, changed abov...

Converting String to Long ...in LINQ to Entity Framework using a MySQL adaptor.

I have a table with a column of type varchar where the majority of rows have numerical looking values, that is, each string contains nothing but the digits 0 through 9. +------+ | n | +------+ | 123 | | 234 | | BLAH | -- This row is an exception to the rule. | 456 | | 789 | +------+ In MySQL, this works: SELECT * FROM t WHERE n...

string <-> int/float conversion pain in .net winform

the Text property of control on winform is always string type, so if i wanna expose property of other type for custom control, i have to do the conversion as following, if i have dozens of properties to expose, it will be such pain for me. public int ImageGroupLength { get { return int.Parse(this.image...

Different ways of type-conversion. What is the difference.

I am trying to get a difference between the type casting methods. eg. Method 1 public byte fun() { object value=1; return (byte)value; // this gives me error } Method 2 public byte fun() { object value=1; return byte.Parse(value.ToString()); // this runs } Method 3 public byte fun() { object value=1; return Co...

Property grid item and DoubleClick.

Hi, I'm using PropertyGrid control for editing some objects in my application. I'm using custom TypeConverters and TypeEditors for better user interface. I have problem with custom TypeConverter for boolean properties. If I have this class: public class MyClass { public string Name { get; set; } [System.ComponentModel.TypeCon...

How do I implement polymorphic arithmetic operators pythonicly?

I'm trying to create a class that will allow me to add/multiply/divide objects of the same class together or add/multiply numeric arguments to each member of the class So my class is for coordinates (I am aware there are great packages out there that do everything I want better than I could ever hope to on my own, but now I'm just curio...

C#: Dynamic parse from System.Type

I have a Type, a String and an Object. Is there some way I can call the parse method or convert for that type on the string dynamically? Basically how do I remove the if statements in this logic object value = new object(); String myString = "something"; Type propType = p.PropertyType; if(propType == Type.GetType("DateTime")) { ...

Explicit casting doesn't work in default model binding

I am using ASP.NET MVC2 and Entity Framework. I am going to simplify the situation a little; hopefully it will make it clearer, not more confusing! I have a controller action to create address, and the country is a lookup table (in other words, there is a one-to-many relationship between Country and Address classes). Let's say for clari...

Automatic type conversion in Java?

Is there a way to do automatic implicit type conversion in Java? For example, say I have two types, 'FooSet' and 'BarSet' which both are representations of a Set. It is easy to convert between the types, such that I have written two utility methods: /** Given a BarSet, returns a FooSet */ public FooSet barTOfoo(BarSet input) { /* ... */...

Possible loss of precision; extracting char from string

I am getting a string from the user and then doing some checking to make sure it is valid, here is the code I have been using; char digit= userInput.charAt(0) - '0'; This had been working fine until I did some work on another method, I went to compile and have been receiving a 'possible loss of precision' error since then. What am I ...