Ubiquity Hack
What's the most useful hack you've discovered for Mozilla's new Ubiquity tool? ...
What's the most useful hack you've discovered for Mozilla's new Ubiquity tool? ...
I'm trying to open a new browser tab with the results of a POST request. I'm trying to do so using a function containing the following code: var windowManager = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"] .getService(Components.interface s.nsIWindowMediator); var browserWindow = windowManager.getMostRecentWindow("...
I can't seem to find details on how to unsubscribe from ubiquity commands. The command list page only seems to have information about the installed commands and there are no links to deleting them. Am I missing something? ...
How can I save or copy the response to Translate command in Ubiquity? ...
While discussing specifications and functional requirements for a recent project, we were talking with the domain experts about accounting terms in Dutch since the whole team and the customers were all native Dutch speakers. When development started, we naturally implemented the domain classes and interfaces in English since we write al...
I found a new search engine that speeds up finding piracy files from rapidshare, how could I automate a tool that finds our product using this engine and outputs the list of the rapidshare URLs that will be then sent to abuse@rapidshare.com. search engine: http://rapidlibrary.com/ (note, the captcha image appears just once there) Belo...
I'm trying to write a simple Ubiquity command that will run a query on Wolfram Alpha, and display the results in the Ubiquity preview object. I need to set the innerHTML of the preview object. I am currently doing this to get the HTML, which is only a start: //... jQuery.get( 'http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=' + input.text, ...
I'm using a Greasemonkey script to pull data from the RSS feed here http://www.instapaper.com/folder/48337/rss/11185/QBV0RZfH4KBO7GwgrR3D8b7sv90 and insert it into a page with jQuery. The address returns valid RSS, but when Greasemonkey fires ajax call below it always returns an empty request and fires the error callback. What am I missi...
I'm writing a ubiquity plugin the long function callback for an ajax query is blocking up the GUI Thread causing firefox to lock up. The obvious solution seem to be to use some sort of deferred execution of (i.e we want to periodically add the carry out doing this query function to the end of the event queue and then allow other comman...
Hi, I was writting a Ubiquity command but I have 0 expriece on JS. How to open an url (http://www.stackoverflow.com for example ) using JS? EDIT: Thanks you all, I believe you are correct, but with following code I was not be able to jump to so. It might be something related with Ubiquity but It was declared to be JS. CmdUtils.Create...
I'm attempting to write a Ubiquity command that allows you to replace a selected link or URL pointing to an image with that image itself. However, the CmdUtils.setSelection() function (documented here) seems to do nothing if any html tags are present in the selection, making it useless for replacing any links. When selecting plain text, ...
I am interested in the state of the art with respect to mobile, ubiquitous and pervasive computing. For example, uses of ubiquitous computing in healthcare, business, logistics, context aware mobile business applications, ad-hoc peer-2-peer etc. What applications have you seen, worked on or maybe read about in research papers that you c...