
With Twisted, how can 'connectionMade' fire a specific Deferred?

This is part of a larger program; I'll explain only the relevant parts. Basically, my code wants to create a new connection to a remote host. This should return a Deferred, which fires once the connection is established, so I can send something on it. I'm creating the connection with twisted.internet.interfaces.IReactorSSL.connectSSL....

Is there a correct way to 'yield' in the cooperative threading sense in javascript?

I'm writing a ubiquity plugin the long function callback for an ajax query is blocking up the GUI Thread causing firefox to lock up. The obvious solution seem to be to use some sort of deferred execution of (i.e we want to periodically add the carry out doing this query function to the end of the event queue and then allow other comman...

Maven - skip parent project build

I know it's mauvais ton to ask twice in a single day but here's another Maven puzzler: I have a parent POM which defines 5 modules (5 subprojects). Since each module is executed in exactly the same way I pull <profile><build> section into the parent POM to get rid of the duplicate code. Now - if I execute build individually from each mo...

What is the maven reactor?

I've been reading about maven reactor and am confused by its terminology usage. I've read the a multi-module is a reactor, that you can manipulate the maven reactor and that the reactor is a plugin. What exactly is the reactor? I've also noticed a strange, seeming non-correlation of the use of the [reactor] tag here on SO. ...

Is is possible to use IOCP (or other API) in Reactor-style operations?

Hello, Is there any scalable Win32 API (like IOCP not like select) that gives you reactor style operations on sockets? AFAIK IOCP allows you to receive notification on completed operations like data read or written (proactor) but I'm looking for reactor style of operations: I need to get notification when the socket is readable or writa...

Annoying Twisted Python problem

I'm trying to answer the following question out of personal interest: What is the fastest way to send 100,000 HTTP requests in Python? And this is what I have came up so far, but I'm experiencing something very stange. When installSignalHandlers is True, it just hangs. I can see that the DelayedCall instances are in reactor._newTimedCa...

[Django + Twisted + PyQy] Having PyQt app controlling all. How use reactor?

Hi all. I've a django application, served via Twisted, which also serves ohter services (three sockets, mainly). I need to have it working under windows, and I decide to write a PyQt4 application which acts quite like Apache Service Monitor for windows. I was not able to connect twisted reactor to pyqt application reactor, so any hint...

Is twisted.internet.reactor global?

For example, if one application does from twisted.internet import reactor, and another application does the same, are those reactors the same? I am asking because Deluge, an application that uses twisted, looks like it uses the reactor to connect their UI (gtk) to the rest of the application being driven by twisted (I am trying to under...