
How to skip fields using javascript?

I have a form like this: <form name="mine"> <input type=text name=one> <input type=text name=two> <input type=text name=three> </form> When user types a value in 'one', I sometimes want to skip the field 'two', depending on what he typed. For example, if user types '123' and uses Tab to move to next field, I want to skip it and go to f...

Skipping Iterations in Python

I have a loop going, but there is the possibility for exceptions to be raised inside the loop. Which of course would stop it all together. I want to catch the exceptions and basically just skip to the next iteration in the loop. Is there a keyword or way to do this? ...

Print a file skipping X lines in Bash

Hi I have a very long file which I want to print but skipping the first 1e6 lines for example. I look into the cat man page but I did not see nay option to do this. I am looking for a command to do this or a simple bash program. I know how to do it using a program in C but I want to do it using the common commands. Any way to do it? Tha...

How can I make my .htaccess skip rules conditionally?

I want to redirect all URLs that do not contain "_js","_css", "_img", etc., to my dispatch script. Somehow it doesn't work. For instance, all files inside my /_js/ folder are unaccessible (meaning: they are sent to index.php instead of getting to the physical files residing in that folder). Here is my htaccess: IndexIgnore * Options +...

Linq to Sql Skip function problem?

Hello I have a problem with Skip function.. I code I have for fetching data is db_stamperDataContext context = new db_stamperDataContext(); //var modifier = (from m in context.Modifiers // where m.Modifier1 == "Public" // select m).First(); //var item = from p in context.It...

how to skip one label having same class name of other in jquery

How to skip one label having same class name of other in jquery <label for="myCb1">test1</label> <label for="myCb1">test</label> <input type="checkbox" id="myCb1" value="1" /> when i try to invoke the label of myCb1 both are display so please help how to skip one label using jquery ...

Store procedure select all fields from One table using join

Hello I am very frustrated from linq to sql when dealing with many to many relationship with the skip extension. It doesn't allow me to use joinned queries. Not sure it is the case for SQL server 2005 but I am currently using SQL Server 2000. Now I consider to write a store procedure to fetch a table that is matched by two tables e.g...

Skip AIR update

Hi. Imagine I have an AIR application to update: the preceding version number is 0.0.1, the current one is 0.0.2. Now, the preceding app is installed on many different pcs. I want to update ONLY some clients, based on a particular ID. Is it possible to skip update process for some clients? ...

Maven - skip parent project build

I know it's mauvais ton to ask twice in a single day but here's another Maven puzzler: I have a parent POM which defines 5 modules (5 subprojects). Since each module is executed in exactly the same way I pull <profile><build> section into the parent POM to get rid of the duplicate code. Now - if I execute build individually from each mo...

Skip a project while building a solution using msbuild 3.5

I have a solution with a number of libraries + web site on folder. When I use msbuil vs. this solution it precompiles web site to a new folder name PrecompiledWeb. I want to skip it, just build all libraries. How can I do that? ...

Skip first column and get distinct from other columns

I need to select distinct rows from Textfile display below. TextFile 123| one| two| three <br/> 124| one| two| four <br/> 125| one |two| three <br/> Output should like this 123| one| two| three <br/> 124| one| two| four <br/> OR 124| one| two| four <br/> 125| one |two| three <br/> I am using this code to work out this ...

Can't use "Skip" in LINQ query

I have a linq query in which I need to specifically do a left join. However when I attempt to commit a lambda Skip function on the query it errors and says that the skip cannot be performed on a linq query with a join. Here's the query (the skip variable is a parameter into the function and clientDB is the datacontext): Dim...

LINQ, Skip, OrderBy, and SQL Server 2000

I'm accessing a data context object that is auto-generated by using LINQ to SQL. The SQL database is a SQL Server 2000 box. The class I'm working with is a SQL View. I have a statement that is similar to this: query = _context.OrderDetails .Where(w => w.Product == "TEST") .OrderBy(o => o.DateCompleted) .ThenBy(t => t.LineIte...

Can one configure gdb/ddd to never step into certain functions?

I have some infrastructure C++ code (containers, memory managers etc.) and I want the debugger to never step into those methods while debugging an application issue. I know this can be done with Visual Studio and I have used that before on other projects:

Skipping data in winsock?

Is it possible to skip a portion of the incoming data on a TCP stream socket, instead of having to read it into a buffer? Preferably, I'm looking for something that also works asynchronously. ...

Skip when error occurs

Hello, i have the following code in batch (cmd): for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /b /s Example') do ( command if %errorlevel%==1 ( command SKIP ) command ) EDIT: To make things more clear: for /f... searches for a directory called 'Example' and loops to search for more directories than one. the first command is a delete command, it dele...

maven prevent denpendency compile

I have a custom jar which including java sources; Maven tries to compile when it builds. How do I skip source compile in the jar file? I have tried such as exclude with some pattern in the compiler-plug in and source directory define but I have not get any luck. Thanks! C05 ...

FileInputStream negative skip

I'm trying to find more about history of operation when n is negative. According to InputStream documentation: If n is negative, no bytes are skipped. It seems that implementation of FileInputStream from Sun used to throw IOException instead, which is now also documented in Javadoc: If n is negat...

LINQ: How to skip one then take the rest of a sequence

Hi All, i would like to iterate over the items of a List<T>, except the first, preserving the order. Is there an elegant way to do it with LINQ using a statement like: foreach (var item in list.Skip(1).TakeTheRest()) {.... I played around with TakeWhile , but was not successful. Probably there is also another, simple way of doin...

Custom UITableViewCell changing indexPath While Scrolling ?

I have a custom UITableViewCell which I created in Interface Builder. I am successfully Dequeuing cells, but as I scroll, the cells appear to begin calling different indexPaths. In this example, I am feeding the current indexPath.section and indexPath.row into the customCellLabel. As I scroll the table up and down, some of the cells will...