
Sending formatted text with UCMA 2.0

Has anyone been successful in sending formatted text over an Instant Message flow using the UCMA 2.0 sdk? It doesn't seem to be very well documented on MSDN. Are there any examples out there? Any books that talk about this? ...

Can't connect to Office Communication Server through Unified Communications API

I am trying to connect to Office Communication Server using the Unified Communications Managed API. I have tried my user and a fresh user enabled for OCS. Both account can successfully log into the Office Communicator client, but fail using the API. When creating the network credential, if I pass in the username in the form domain\use...

Recording A Live Meeting session on OCS R2

Hello all, I've been dabbling around with UCMA 2.0 SDK and was able to write a web app to schedule Live Meeting events via OCS R2 for a school environment. I got stuck trying to record those meetings so that late, absent or revising students can view the recordings later on. Is there any way I can have the meeting recorded automatically...

UCMA 2.0 SDK core api connecting to OCS Server 2007 R2

Whiling trying to setup UserEndpoint object, I am getting this error. I am getting error NegotiateSecurityAssociation failed, error: -2146893039, not sure I am getting this? I have enable TLS between host of UCMA app and OCS server. but UCMA app is in different domain? does it matter? if I call the same method and same credentail from...

Using UCMA to connect to 3CX?

Has anyone used Microsoft's UCMA 2.0 SDK to connect to 3CX's free IP PBX to add voice capabilities to their application? If so, does it work? What I am trying to accomplish is having a windows form app running on 2 or more computers, and each person can connect to another person and carry on a voice conversation using their headset con...

What is the difference between System.Speech.Recognition and Microsoft.Speech.Recognition?

There are two similar namespaces and assemblies for speech recognition in .NET. I’m trying to understand the differences and when it is appropriate to use one or the other. There is System.Speech.Recognition from the assembly System.Speech (in System.Speech.dll). System.Speech.dll is a core DLL in the .NET Framework class library 3.0 an...

Receiving incoming SIP:SUBSCRIBE messages using UCMA 2.0

I have an Office Communication Server 2007 R2 installed, and with a static rule to reroute all the messages with a specific domain to my UCMA application. What I am trying to do is to receive the SUBSCRIBE messages in my UCMA application and handle them. However, the messages are rejected by the API with 500 Internal Server Error before...