
UTF usage in C++ code

What is the difference between UTF and UCS. What are the best ways to represent not European character sets (using UTF) in C++ strings. I would like to know your recommendations for: Internal representation inside the code For string manipulation at run-time For using the string for display purposes. Best storage representation (i.e...

to make an UCS icon in XAML C#

Hello, I want to make an UCS icon for the coordinate axes in XAML/C#. Could you help me, please. Regards Keneddy ...

What is the difference between System.Speech.Recognition and Microsoft.Speech.Recognition?

There are two similar namespaces and assemblies for speech recognition in .NET. I’m trying to understand the differences and when it is appropriate to use one or the other. There is System.Speech.Recognition from the assembly System.Speech (in System.Speech.dll). System.Speech.dll is a core DLL in the .NET Framework class library 3.0 an...