
horizontal uiview's controls unresponsive.. or how to foul up a view hierarchy

Hello all, I'm working on an app that has two sections, a config section and a results section. My config section needs to be 2 separate views (horizontal and vert, and yes, I can hear the intake of breath from here), with one rotatable view for the results. b/c of layout restraints and a lot of pain around rotation, I'm not using a n...

iPhone OS:How set control custom states using UIControlStateApplication

Hi, In UIControlSate enum, there is 16 bits that can be used for custom control states. The problem is that UIControlState of a control is readonly. Is there a way to set the state of UIControl indirectly? I need this information, because I want to set different background images to my UIButton for custom states... Thanks for help ...

iPhone - Separated UINavigation Bar Items

Is there an existing API for this kind of separated controls for the UINavigationbar seen in Mail.app? More specifically this up and down arrows shown in the picture. ...

Forward event from custom UIControl subclass

My custom subclass extend UIControl (EditableImageView) Basically it contains 3 subviews: UIButton (UIButtonTypeCustom) UIImageView UILabel All the class works great but now I want to connect some events generated from this class to another. In particular when the button is pressed I want to forward the event to the owner viewcontro...

The right way to manage subviews in a UIControl

(iPhone SDK 3.x:) I have a UIControl subclass that creates a different number of subviews depending on the length of an NSArray property. Please take my word for it that this needs to be a UIControl rather than a UIView. Currently I implement subview management in drawRect, beginning by removing all subviews and then creating the appr...

Assign a value to a static text in GUI MATLAB

hi, how to Assign a value to a static text in GUI MATLAB. ...

UIButton addTarget:action:forControlEvents: results in [NSObject doesNotRecognizeSelector:]

Hi. I tried a lot of stuff, still no result. So I have the following button created programatically in a subclass of UIViewController: rightButton = [UIButton buttonWithType:UIButtonTypeCustom]; rightButton.frame = CGRectMake(0.0, 0.0, 110.0, 40.0); rightButton.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:GAME_FONT_NAME_STRING si...

how to set image in button

How set image in button when ever click the button image show me that button run.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor] I try this but it doesn't work, ...

Different between UIView and UIControl when drag inside UIScrollView

Hi there, I have a UIScrollView which contains some small UIView subclass. UIScrollView is scroll enabled, and I want each UIView can be dragged inside UIScrollView freely. My UIView subclass has this method: - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject]; if ([touch vie...

iPhone - Unrecognized Selector, "may not respond to addTarget"

I'm working on a basic iPhone app to test some events, and I'm running into an error that I can't understand or find any answers for. I'm not using IB at all (aside from the MainWindow.xib it creates). Right now it's about as basic as it could be. mainAppDelegate.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> #import "mainViewController.h" @interface mai...

UIControl -contentHorizontalAlignment: how to use in a subclass

UIControl has two properties that are documented to affect the layout of content in the control's view: contentHorizontalAlignment The horizontal alignment of content (text or image) within the receiver. controlVerticalAlignment The vertical alignment of content (text or image) within the receiver. I have a UIControl subclass t...

Forcing Interface Builder to change class of objects(UIButton->UIControl)

Hello all, I have a UIView filled with buttons that are all nicely hooked up to actions and outlets. However, in my infinite wisdom, I decided that I really would rather have the button behavior to be different and subclassed a UIControl. My plan was to hop into Interface Builder, change the class of the buttons to my new UIControl sub...

Decision maker question: compare ASP.NET / Ruby / Python on web UI controls

I need to learn a language for writing web applications (not websites!). After some research in google and stackoverflow I ended up that the choice should fall in: 1) Ruby + Rails 2) Python + Django 3) c# + ASP.NET For sure even pickng one randomly would not be a bad choice, but my question here is specific to UI controls. I come fr...

How do I add UIControls to a UIScrollView contentView?

I want to add UIControls to a UIScrollView, eg. UIControl *couponView = [[UIControl alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(drawX,drawY,couponWidth,couponHeight)]; couponView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor]; [[scrollView contentView] addSubview:couponView]; //may not respond [scrollview.contentView addSubview:couponView]; //not a ...

iphone ui control to manage multiple things

hi all! how is called this ui control to manage multiple things like in the contacts or for classic user/passwords? like this for example: ...

How can I detect a touch entering the frame of a UIButton?

Hi, I'm writing a class that implements a piano keyboard. Right now it's just a UIView and each key is a UIButton. I'd like the user to be able to drag their finger and hit several keys, but right now it only registers touch down. I've added UIControlEventTouchDragEnter as a way to trigger the key event but it only works if you hit a ke...

Creating custom button with multiple labels

Is it possible to create a button with multiple labels? e.g. imageView, textLabel and detailTextLabel. I don't think it's possible using interface builder, but maybe we can do it programmatically by adding the UIImage and UILabels to button's view. If i do write a custom UIButton class, what's the best way to handle the state changes? ...

UIControl (addTarget:action:forControlEvents:) @selector arguments

@selector(updateStuff:) This is automatically sends the parameter :(id)sender. Is it possible to override this to be something else? In my particular usage, the actual sender is meaningless. I'm using a UITableView and setting a UISwitch in the UIAccessoryView slot on every cell. Originally, I was adding the UISwitch to the UIAccessory...

UIControl for a Needle Gauge aka Google O Meter

For those times when a UISlider just isn't fun enough I was thinking I'd work up a custom UIControl to do something similar to a Google O Meter from the google chart API on iOS. Here's an example of what I'm talking about visually. My goal would be to enable touch manipulation of the needle and easy customization of the range labels and...

What is the "correct" way of making a control have keyboard focus on initial UIView display.

If I want a text field in my view to be focused for text entry immediately after the view appears on screen, is it correct to simply instruct the UITextField to "becomeFirstResponder" in a UIViewController's viewDidAppear. Eg: -(void) viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated { [super viewDidAppear:animated]; [myTextField becomeFirstRespond...