
Creating and Resizing a UIImageView

I would like to be able to add UIImageViews to my screen and also be able to re-size them, rotate them etc during run-time. How are the images resized, rotated etc.? Is openGl needed for this? thanks ...

Show photo with SCRATCH OUT EFFECT by finger

Hi there, I need your help to know how to create an iPhone application to show a photo with SCRATCH OUT EFFECT. Something like the effect in this flash tutorial http://www.tutorial5.com/content/view/115/46/ Please help. Thanks. ...

iPhone: Image mask with text/image running through mask

This question is hard to explain, so I will try my best. I know that you can create a mask by just building a .png with a transparent window, then put whatever I want inside that so it shows through. My question is, can I somehow mask an area? Say I have a background image with a second "mask" image over it. I want to marque some tex...

uiimageview and uiscrollview

Hello Everyone i am moving the uiimage view from the main view to the uiscrollview and it is moving well on touches ended event the uiimage view is placed onto the uiscrollview . the problem is that after placing the uiiamgeview onto the uiscrollview it is not moving i want to move the uiimageview from the uiscrollview can anyoone help...

Is there any other way than @2x to let iOS know that the graphic is Retina Display ready?

I have a web service producing two versions of graphics; one for Normal Display and another for Retina Display. Unfortunately I can't add the @2x to the filename since I don't have access to that code. Is there any way to let the iPhone know that what's loading from the web is a @2x graphic? ...

locating image files from hard disk to UIImageView

I have downloaded the image from ftp server ,the downloaded images are stored in hard disk , i want to locate those images files in my ImageView . ...

Image not appearing in UIImageView

I have a UIImageView in Interface Builder connected to an outlet called imageView. The statement [imageView setImage: [UIImage imageNamed: @"xxxx.png"]]; displays an image successfully if placed in viewDidLoad, but NOT if placed in an action method in the same view controller. There's an NSLog in the action method so I know it's firing...

Trying to reuse variable to avoid abandoned memory

I've got a TapDetectingImageView class that is pertaining in memory after usage because I do not reuse it in my code. I change my code now to reuse it instead of re creating a new one each time. The goal is to configure that TapDetectingImageView object and put it in a view. I'll do it 8 times but with the code below, only the last one ...

Dynamic creating uiimageview

For my client i get the images from the server and store it in local directories and get the images . in that server they add images while they add images my app dynamically create image view an store images in that imageview...... then i want to get file names of that images.... ...

Set the maximum zoom scale on a UIImageView ?

Is there a way to set the maximum zoom level on a UIImageView? ...

GesutureRecognizer on UIImageView

I have a UIImageView, which I want to be able to resize and rotate etc. Can a GestureRecognizer be added to the ImageView? I would want to add a rotate and pinch recognizer to a UIImageView which would be created at runtime. How does one add these recognizers? Thanks ...

UIControl touchEvent

Hello people, i have implemented the following viewDidLoad() Method: - (void)viewDidLoad { [super viewDidLoad]; // loading images into the queue loadImagesOperationQueue = [[NSOperationQueue alloc] init]; AFOpenFlowView *openFlow = self.view; theControl = [[UIControl alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.frame]; NSStr...

Create a UIImage with UIGestureRecognizer at runtime

I would like to be able to add a new UIImageView of a certain size which should have a few UIGestureRecognizers detecting touch on the UIImageView. How does one subclass UIImageView or how would this be best achieved? I want the user to be able to add UIImageViews as they want at runtime and then the gestureRecognizer will allow them ...

dynamic creation of uiimageview in for loop

Hi i am new to iphone.. I have stored the images in array .I want to know how to display those images in UIImageView ,where the UIImageView should be created dynamically according to filelist count increases, in for loop. this is the code NSArray *filelist; NSFileManager *filemgr; int count; int i=0; int t=0; filemgr = [NSFileManager ...

iPhone animation delay problem

I'm trying to get this animation to delay for 60 seconds and take 125 seconds to complete it's animation cycle. then repeat infinitely. the problem is that the delay only lasts 20 seconds. Is there a limit on the delay you can specify? or, perhaps a better way to do what I'm attempting? here's my code: - (void)firstAnimation { ...

How to change the icon of an image to represent it has been selected on an iPhone.

I am trying to simulate the same behaviour as the defaults "Photos" application found on the iPhone OS 3.X-4.0. Basically when the user selects multiple photos in the Album via the UIImagePickerController from the Image Library,an icon (tick mark) appears on the image to represent that the image has been selected by the user. How to impl...

How to display images of type .jpeg or .gif or .tiff in iphone sdk

Hi Guys, I am facing a problem while displaying the image in iphone. I used the below code but it work only for .png files. UIImageView* imageView=[[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(6,10, 80, 80)]; imageView.image = [UIImage imageWithData:[NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:customerListObject.custo...

UIImage in IUUmageView in UIScrollView?

Hey folks, i need a little push to the right direction i think. What i want to do is displaying pages of a brochure at the iPad Display and allow the user to flip through the pages (left to right & right to left). The user should also be able to zoom in to articles at the pages. I tried it with laying an UIImage into a UIImageView an...

Rotate the image corresponding to the touch drag in iphone

Hi i want to rotate the image in clockwise or anticlockwise corresponding to the user touch drag with its speed. i think this can be do with some math logics. any one give me the little bit code sample for this. thanks in advance ...

Create a UIImage from another view controller

How does one create a UIImage within one viewcontroller, when the action which I want to trigger the creation is a button in another viewcontroller? So I would like to have a button in a viewcontroller, which when pressed, dismisses this view and create a UIImage in the other view. How is this done? Thanks ...