
Setting a UIImageView with swipes

I currently use a left and right arrow to switch between images, but would like to add functionality so that the user can swipe in the direction to change the image. How does the device detect a left swipe or right swipe and use that as an IBAction or similar to the button triggering execution? Is there a build in method or does it ne...

UIImageView and XML Parsed Data

Hello people that are way smarter than me, I got two xml elements, one is title and the other URL of image. I am trying to show both the UILabel and UIImageView. My problem is the image not showing up. Here is what I have done so far... If I pass _track.consultant_pic into an UILabel I can see the string (http://mysite.com/ted.jpg) in...

Refreshing subview of uiview?

hi... I want to refresh the uiview which has uiimageview and uilabel as a subview of uiview. I don't know how to do this.Plz help me out to do. Thank u... Renya ...

Showing picutre in lanscape Mode on the whole screen

Hello People, i implemented a small code to show pictures, but why is the picture on Portrait Mode optimized to the iPhone screen and NOT optimized in Landscape Mode could you please help me, here is the code: -(BOOL)shouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation:(UIInterfaceOrientation)interfaceOrientation { // Return YES for supported or...

Detect touch in UIImageView in UIScrollView.

Hi i have images in my UIScrollview which is added in View. plz go through my code- @interface ScrollViewController : UIScrollView <UIScrollViewDelegate>{ UIImageView *productImage; UILabel *productName; NSArray *productArray; } @property(nonatomic,retain) UIImageView *productImage; @property(nonatomic,retain) UILabel *pr...

Uiimage won't be shown upon uiscrollview

Hello, i've created a tabbar application. Within the app i have a tab item containing a uinavigation controller.My problem is to display a uiimage upon a uiscrollview i pushed. Instead only the UIScrollview will be shown. My nib file of the pushed view looks like this: +UIView +UIScrollview -UILabel +UIImage(with shadow)...

Animated stretch of an image frame (iPhone)

So I'm trying to animate an image stretching from a zero width to full size while fading in. The fade in comes across fine, but for whatever reason the thing appears at the full frame at the start of the animation, instead of growing as the alpha effect happens. My code is as follows: [UIView beginAnimations:@"FadeButtons" context:nil];...

How to place ImageView's ontop of each other?

I want to display a play button (ImageView) ontop of a thumbnail (another ImageView). How can I place UI controls ontop of each other? Programatically or in XML? ...

Releasing UIImage after use

I want to learn the right way to alloc an uiimage and release it for memory management. When i use the following code it crashes when deallocating, if i dont use [imager release]; program doesnt crash but it shows a leak for imager. Any ideas for solution? UIImage *imager = [[UIImage alloc] initWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] ...

repeat an image when scrolling on iphone

Hi, i've got an UIImageView, now i want to repeat this image, that it always shows up again when scrolling left or right. Little Example: is this possible? it should feel like an infinite loop ...

iPhone : Best way to detect the end of UIImageView image sequence animation

We know that UIImageView has a very nice support for image sequence animation. We can easily create an array of UIImage objects, set the animationImages property, configure animation duration, repeat count etc. and then just fire. But there seems to be no way to know when this animations has ended. Say I have 10 images and then I want t...

UIImageView Touch Event

Hi, I want to call my button click event while touching the uiimageview named as(image1).Imageview placed in uiview(view1). This is my code: - (IBAction)buttonClicked:(id)sender { myTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:2.0 target:self selector:@selector(alphabutt:) userInfo:nil repeats:NO]; } -(IBAction)alphabutt:(id)s...

iPhone development custom shaped UIImageview

Hi, I would like to know how to create a custom shaped uiimageview so that around the shape I'll be able to see the app's background. Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks! ...

Looking for guidance on detecting overlap of UIImageViews

The scenario is that I have a UIViewController containing multiple "InteractiveUIImageViews" (inherited from UIImageView) each containing their own UIImage. In InteractiveUIImageView I have iplemented methods for touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchesEnded to handle their movement and behaviour on screen. Certain objects of this type wil...

Custom UITableViewCell imageView not updating after setImage

I've got a custom UITableViewCell class whose model object performs an asynchronous download of an image which is to be displayed in the cell. I know I've got the outlets connected properly in IB for WidgetTVC, I know that image data is being properly returned from my server, and I've alloc/init'd the widget.logo UIImage too. Why is th...

Each Image in AFOpenFlow the same size?

Good morning to all, i have now the following method that shows the AFOpenFlow: NSString *imageName; for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) { imageName = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"cover_%d.jpg", i]; imageView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:imageName]]; CGRect frame = [imageView frame]; frame.size.w...

iPad SDK, how to handle orientation with an UIImageView

Hello I'm developing an app for iPad and I try to handle multiple orientation. My app contains a webview and a loading UIImageView that appears when my webview is loading content. This UIImageView has a background image that I set in InterfaceBuilder. When I change orientation to landscape, the image is cut. I'd like the UIImageView t...

Inserting a Background Image using Quartz2d and Context ?

Hi all, I have written a game using Quartz2d. I would like a insert a background image to the game. I have tried doing this using the view.insertSubView method however the background image is always placed on top of the other sprites. Even using sendSubviewToBack does not solve this. I assume I need to somehow draw the background image ...

Using TinyPic.com (or another site) to store user's images in my iPhone app.

I'm writing an iphone app and don't really have the resources to rent sql server space to store user's pictures. Is there another way? Could a site like TinyPic.com be used? What objective-c code could I use to send/store a picture there... and then later retrieve it as needed? ...

Using Instruments to improve memory-management with modal view controllers

I feel like I don't understand something fundamental here. I've been working on memory management in my app while using Instruments to check out live allocations. I have a modal view controller (settingsViewController) that has an image for a background. One thing I noticed was that even after settingsViewController dealloc is called,...