
How to load uitableview in one of the segment of segmented control ?

Hello iphone devs, i am developing an iphone application in which i want to apply table view on tapping on one of the segemnt of the segmented control . i have done it as i am simply doing with uitableviewcontroller as parent class . But how can i do so with uiviewcontroller as parent class. is there any way to do tableview.hidden = N...

Using Segment Controller to "Push" rather than UINavigationController

Hi, I;ve involved myself so much in NavigationControllers that I've become kinda ignorant with other options. Heres what i want to accomplish, I've built Subclassed ViewControllers to Push via NavigationController that works pretty fine. However, to avoid the Idea of going back and getting to a new view doesnt fit for quick access s...

UISegmentedControl register taps on selected segment

Hi, I have a segmented control where the user can select how to order a list. Works fine. However, I would like that when an already selected segment is tapped, the order gets inverted. I have all the code in place, but I don't know how to register the taps on those segments. It seems the only control event you can use is UIControlEven...

adding segmented control with in the Navigation Bar

can anybody help with the code on how to add segmented control within the navigation bar....i have seen it on some applications and want to implement it thanks ...

UISegmentedControl without rounded corner?

Is there a way of get rid of UISegmentedControl's rounded corners or it is the default behavior? ...

how to implement view hierarchy using segmented control?

I want to implement something like this.Main screen shows login info.After login i want to show a view with 4 buttons in upper part of view.Names button1,button2,button3,button4 The first time view appears i want to show a view below buttons.And by clicking each button show different views? BTW for buttons i took UIsegmentedControl in a...

UISegmentedControl, UIToolbar and UINavigationItem

I've create a UISegmentedControl and successfully attached it to my navigationItem.tableView. But when I try instead to attach it to a UIToolbar, it blows up. I'm sure I've seen UISegementedControls on toolbars before - but can't seem to get it working. Thoughts? // works NSArray *statusItems = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:@"one",...

UISegmentedControl Color in a UIToolbar

My question revolves around the distinction of a UISegmentedController on a UINavigationBar vs a UIToolbar. If I drop a UISegmentedControl into a navigation bar as follows: navigationBar.barStyle = UIBarStyleBlackTranslucent; all is well. The UISegmentedControl identifies the selected option with a slightly darker black. But, if I dro...

Add both UIBarButtonSystemItemAdd and UIBarButtonSystemItemTrash to one side of a Navigation Item or a UISegmentedControl

Hi there, Well, the title says it all. I'd like to have a UIViewController which has an Add and a Trash button both right to the title, either by adding two UIBarButtonItems to the navigation item/bar or by adding them to a UISegmentedControl and then adding the SegmentedControl to the item. Is this possible? If yes, how is it achieved ...

Segmented Controller (Multiple Choices) with Core Data

I have a Core Data based application which is built around one main entity. There are several other entities which are connected to it, one of which is an Entity called "Notes". This Notes entity has a Date (NSDate), a Description (NSString), and one other attribute. This attribute is to have 4 possible options, of which each entity w...

How to attach outlet to UISegmentedControl in UIToolbar

I have a view in an application. The view contains a UITableView and a UIToolbar, and within the UIToolbar I have UISegmentedControl that is contained within a UIBarButtonItem object. I can get the segmented control to link to an IBAction event, and it then acts upon a value change, but I cannot see how to add an IBOutlet to this item. ...

UISegmentedControl delegate/Touch Events

I have a UISegmentedControl that has six segments, I want them to call a method when the value changes, but also when each segment gets a UIControlEventTouchDragIn because I want a UILabel to show up with it's name when the person is trying to select something on it and drags their finger across the control, but the segmented control doe...

Change the table View when segmented Control is tapped. Exactly as in APPSTORE app. How to do it?

I am having a SampleViewController in which a segmentedControl is added at the top below nav bar(not inside it).Now below the segmentedControl i want a tableView which loads from another class CommonTableViewController. When a segment is tapped the a new tableView from same CommonTableViewController should be loaded. How can it be done? ...

Proper way to setup a UISegmentedControll on UINavigationController UINavigationBar all inside UITabBarController

The title pretty much describes it all. The problem being the handling of the UISegmentedControll callbacks (button presses). If the content type of all of the nested views was the same (i.e. some UITableViewControllers) then I could just switch dataSource'es and reload the tables. However this is not the case, I have 3 very differen...

UISegmentedControl Best Practice

Hi all, I'm trying to work out the "best" way to use a UISegmentedControl for an iPhone application. I've read a few posts here on stackoverflow and seen a few people's ideas, but I can't quite sort out the best way to do this. The posts I'm referring to are: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1559794/changing-views-from-uisegmentedc...

UISegmentedControl, setting text color on not selected item...

I'm using a UISegmentedControl 2 times in my app. Both use the following settings... [segmentedControl setSegmentedControlStyle:UISegmentedControlStyleBar]; [segmentedControl setTintColor:[UIColor darkGrayColor]]; The 1st appears on a navigation bar and works as expected, i.e. the selected control displays white text and the other co...

Using a UISegmentedControl to switch between multiple arrays using a uipickerview

I am working on a core data using app and one of the views is EditingViewController, which acts as the controller for a number of ui elements which describe the attributes of objects. Inside the EditingViewController, all of my ui elements are being called and hidden with the .hidden = YES/NO; operation. One of my ui elements is a uipick...

UISegmentedControl - altering height in Interface Builder

I'm creating a number of static custom UITableViewCells and have dragged a UISegmentedControl onto one of the custom cells. Whilst the segmented control allows me to alter its width I cannot alter its height in Interface Builder (that property is greyed out on 44 in the 'size' section of the property inspector). I know that a UISegmen...

UISegmentedControl Changed Event misfires when adding a method inside

Here is my code for the UIControlEventValueChanged event for a UISegmentedControl: - (void)segmentAction:(id)sender{ if([sender selectedSegmentIndex] == 0){ pendingIsShowing = YES; [freeCutsTable reloadSections:[NSIndexSet indexSetWithIndex:1] withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationFade]; }else if([sender ...

UISegmented Control does not refresh after selectSegmentIndex = 1 is set;

Hi, I have a tableview with custom cells in it one has a UISegmented control in it. in the cellForRowAtIndexPath method I create the cell and attempt to initialize the segment controller but it doesn't change whats displayed in the cell, what am i missing.. code below. segcell = [self FRCell]; [segcell setSelectionStyle:UITableViewCe...