
tag for UITabBarItem

When I use the this method to initialize a UITabBarItem: - (id)initWithTitle:(NSString *)title image:(UIImage *)image tag:(NSInteger)tag Do I need to have a distinct tag for each tab bar item, or (since I don't use them) can I simply use the same tag value for all of them? ...

iPhone UITabbar item double-click pops controllers

Hi there, just found out something: If you have a Tabbar combined with a NavigationController (that has some views on it's stack) and you double click the TabBarItem, the view pops to the first ViewController, whether you like it or not. Is there a way to prevent this? ...

UITabBarController embedded in a NavigationController

I know this question has been asked before and the solutions I've heard is to not use a UITabBarController but to add a UITabbar to a view and push its corresponding viewController to the navigation controller. However, when I use this method, I can see the tab bar, but I can't display the tabbaritems on the tabbar. It only shows a tabb...

Iphone UITabBarItems titles overlap

Hello, in my app i use a navigation controller and a tabBar for my views. The problem is that the titles that i have for the views are a little too long to fit.. they appear like in the photo below. could someone give any suggestions for resolving this problem? i tried subclassing UITabBarItem but i can't add a label as a subview, i c...

iPhone dev - UIViewController title, tabBarItem, tag

I have a UITabBarController that manages 5 View Controllers. I create their tab bar items in their "init" methods so that they will be displayed before the view is loaded. I'm just wondering what way I should do it, because there seems to be so many ways. For example, for my DatePickerViewController: - (id)init { if((self = [super i...

Preventing a UITabBar from applying a gradient to its icon images

When I make icons for a UITabBar, it applies a gradient to the images. I need to know how to prevent it from having this gradient. ...

In Tabbar we have 2 tab items, we need to allow one tabitem's view to rotate to landscape but the other one always in portrait only.

In Tabbar we have 2 tab items, we need to allow one tabitem's view to rotate to landscape but the other one always in portrait only. ...

Where can I find custom UITabBarSystemItem icons?

Is there a resource out there some place that has custom UITabBarSystemItem icons that others can use. I know you get some from Apple to start, but I would imagine there are a lot more that are very common. I don't see a reason for each person to recreate the wheel for things like home, settings, etc... ...

iPhone - use the Featured Tabbar item image with custom title

Hi I would like to use the "Featured" tabbar item image with a custom title. I have gone through the various questions on SO regarding this and looked everywhere in the SDK frameworks but could not find the PNG for this item. I am using IB to initialize the tabbar and it is a tab-based application. Can someone please help me out, where...

Customizing icon position and title of UITabBarItem's (iphone sdk)

Hello, I have a tabBar, and I want to customise the items in the tab bar. I want to prevent the display of the title (easily achieved by setting the title to nil), and reset the icon position to be in the central vertical position. Does anyone have any idea of how this can be done? Thanks. ...

UItabBarItem highlight state image

I'd like to be able to change the highlighted state image on an UITabBarItem when it is selected? Is it possible to subclass and access this? or do I need to roll my own navigation code? -> start edit I didn't articulate what I was looking for earlier. I am looking for the semi-transparent white overlay reference that the device adds to...

Action performed by UIViewController in UITabBar and Switched Back to Original View

In have a UITabBarController with 3 view controller subviews. The default subview for the app is viewOne (with viewControllerOne). The other two are viewTwo and viewThree with the ordering in the UITabBar as expected. My objective is to have an action be done when viewTwo is selected in the UITabBar while viewOne is active. The viewTwo...

Custom iPhone "More" TabBarItem

Does anybody know how to rename the "More" tabBarItem? In other words: How to access to this object? ...

Max number of UITabBar items allowed in iPhone SDK?

I currently have 8 UITabBar items, all of which are editable in the More view. My question is, what is the absolute maximum number of tab bar items allowed? I understand 5 is the most that can be visible at one time; I'm looking for the most you can have period. ...

UITabBar not selected during app startup

I'm trying to replicate the look of my app during start-up with how iTunes and App Store appear. Specifically my app has a tab bar that will get populated when it has finished downloading info from a web site - until then it should look empty. The only way I can appear to do this so far is to have an empty name and image for the UITabB...

How to add "more" button to Tab Bar?

My iPhone app has a tab bar controller at the bottom of the view - and at the moment I have three buttons on it. However, I want to add more, but to do so I need to turn the last of the three buttons into a "More..." button, because otherwise the text on the other buttons runs into each other. I know that if you have over 5 buttons in t...

How to use Apple custom UITabBarItem images?

Apple has provided an example the View Controller Programming Guide, for creating an UITabBarItem, like this: - (id)init { if (self = [super initWithNibName:@"MyViewController" bundle:nil]) { self.title = @"My View Controller"; UIImage* anImage = [UIImage imageNamed:@"MyViewControllerImage.png"]; UITabBarItem* theI...

Why is my UITabBarController empty?

I created a UITabBarController like this: InfoViewController *iVC = [[InfoViewController alloc] init]; self.infoViewController = iVC; // retain property UITabBarItem *tabBarItem = [[UITabBarItem alloc] initWithTabBarSystemItem:UITabBarSystemItemSearch tag:0]; self.infoViewController.tabBarItem = tabBarItem; UINavigationController ...

UITabBar + UINavigationBar conflict title

Hi, I have a UITabBar and a UINavigationBar created in IB, when I launch my application everytime I navigate the UINavigation title change because I'm using self.title = @"NAME"; my problem is that the UITabBarItem will change with the same name at the same time. I want to put a static name only for the UITabBarItem, how to do it i...

UITabBarItem title does not show up

I have created UITabBarItem using Interface Builder by specifying both the icon/image and title. The Interface Builder displays them as expected - the title is just below the icon. But when I ran my application, it just shows the icons without the title. I want to display both the icon and the title. Why does the title does not show up...