
Cocoa Touch Updating UITableView from Core Data

Hi there, Say I have two UIViewControllers, all working under a UINavigationController: RootViewController hosts a UITableView which contains a list of domain names. CodeViewController shows a domain. A user can view any domain they like; once the domain is viewed in CodeViewController, the name is added to the store via Core Data. ...

Stop Images Disappearing when scrolling UITableView

I have a UI Table View Controller. Each Cell Loads an image from my webserver. If I scroll the TableView so that a particular cell scrolls out of view and then scroll back again the image for that cell has vanished and I have to wait for it to reload. I'm guessing this is some performance/ memory management thing build into iphone? How...

NSmutable array returns null in subviewcontroller: iphone objective C

Hi, I have a root view controller that I'm adding a subviewcontroller to. Rootviewcontroller: I'm trying to add a value from a dictionary as the sole member of the moviewController.list NSMutableArray. However its not getting added and the NSlog is telling me that the "list: (null)" for (id key in dictionary) { MovieController *m...

uitabbarcontroller + uitableviewcontroller + uiviewcontroller

I'm using the code extracted from the URL http://www.iphonemusings.com/2009/01/iphone-programming-tutorial-creating.html to show initial screen with tab bar and having table view in both the tabs. It is displaying the text in cells as well after taking necessary changes in table view delegate. Now I want to show a view on click of table ...

UITableViewController subview: Tell pushViewController to owning UIViewController

I have a UINavigationViewController and inside that I have added a UITableViewController as a subview. I'd like to be able to tell the UINavigationViewController pushViewController from inside the UITableViewController, but I am unable to retrieve the correct navigationController object. I have tried some of the methods discussed in th...

Data driven UITableViewController implementations?

I have a UITableViewController which is starting to get a bit crazy with all the switch statements for each UITableView delegate. Does anyone have any suggestions or examples of more of a data driven implementation for a UITableViewController? I'm thinking some type of data structure which would hold references of where to go to get ce...

pushViewController with tableViewController in viewController

I have an UIViewController, this controller is contained in a navigationController. I add an UITableViewController in this viewController. I would like to call a pushViewController method when I press on a cell of my tableView. I tried this : UITableViewController - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NS...

commit object to next TableViewController

i got a tableview controller. if a cell is selected i perform the following: - (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { ablogSingleCatTableViewController *singleCatTableViewController = [[ablogSingleCatTableViewController alloc] initWithStyle:UITableViewStylePlain]; // Push the detail...

UITableview: How to Disable Selection for Some Rows but Not Others

I am new to iPhone development. I am displaying in a group tableview contents parsed from XML.I want to disable the click event on it (I should not be able to click it at all.) The table contains two groups. I want to disable selection for the first group only but not the second group. Clicking the first row of second group navigates to ...

How to update data in a different ViewController and show it in the parent ?

Hi all, I asked a similar question a while back, but I'm clearly missing something. I have 2 view controllers - one that displays the data and one where data is edited. In my first controller, I create my object: thing = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"Thing" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext]; thing....

Scrollview inside containerView won't scroll?

I have a UITableViewController subclass that has a container UIView which has 1 of 2 subviews: the tableview, or a UIScroll depending on whether or not the view is "flipped". my viewDidLoad() method adds the tableview to the container: [kContainerView addSubview: self.tableView]; self.view = kContainerView; and initializes the UIScro...

iPhone: didSelectRowAtIndexPath not invoked

Hi, I know this issue being mentioned before, but resolutions there didn't apply. I'm having a UINavigationController with an embedded UITableViewController set up using IB. In IB the UITableView's delegate and dataSource are both set to my derivation of UITableViewController. This class has been added using XCode's templates for UITabl...

Redraw UITableView after updating data

Hi I have a UITableview that I load with data async so the tableview might appear without data. I have tired the ReloadData method but the tableview remains empty until I scroll the tableview, suddenly the data appears. The same thing happens when I load a tableview as a detailedview and switching between items, the previoud items data a...

UIViewTableController: "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" When Scrolling Up/Down Past the Max Position of the Table

I received an EXC_BAD_ACCESS when I try scroll up past the top or scroll down past the max position of the table view. This does not happen when tableview is empty but as soon as I add data to table cell and try to scroll up or down to far, I get an "EXC_BAD_ACCESS". Is there a way to prevent the user from scrolling too far? ...

Does UITableViewController allow the table to be in a UIView?

UITableViewController seems to always hijack the View link in IB. So, if I put UITableView in a UIView and link up the View to that UIView, it still doesn't work. Only the UITableView is shown. What I'd like to do is use a UITableViewController and put some labels on top of the uiTableView that can be hidden.. Like loading.. and No resu...

Basic iPhone table question

Hi, In IB, I dragged a UITableViewController object from the library into the project. Then, a tableview popped up. How do I get that tableview inside my already existing window? Thanks, I'm totally lost! Roger ...

Problem working with NSMutableArray to store objects other than just strings in UITableViewController

I am a novice using iPhone SDK and Objective C. I am facing a stupid issue with the NSMutableArray object. I have a Team class and a Player class. Team class has an NSMutableArray object that holds the Player objects. Team class is initialized with initWithTitle:(NSString*)title constructor. Player has Name property. Now, I have a simp...

Modal Views and Delegation

Currently I'm working on an iPhone app that asks the user for login information, verifies this information and presents the user with a table view of their information. On launch the application delegate launches an empty table view along with the modal view to ask for login credentials. The login credentials consist of a standard us...

Easy custom UITableView drawing

All, I found the code in Matt Gallagher site ( http://cocoawithlove.com/2009/04/easy-custom-uitableview-drawing.html ) for this really neat design for a Table View... Im very new to Cocoa and Im having a hard time figuring out how to wire the darn thing in IB... I loved the design and wanted to use something similar in a more compl...

NSFetchedResultsController Crashes When Navigating from One UITableViewController to Another

In my core data model I have a Person entity that has a "to many" relationship a Course entity (I also have an inverse "to one" relationship from Course to Person). Now I have a subclassed UITableViewController that uses a NSFetchedResultsController to display Person objects which works fine. I have this set up so that when you click o...