
Sections in UITableView with UITableViewStyleGrouped "taking" background with them on scroll

I have this code to set the background image of the UITableViewController: self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"bg5.jpg"]]; Thats in viewDidLoad. On scrolling the table the part of that background image around each section goes with it, annoyingly. If I add a title and header to these ...

How do I change the searchDisplayController table view style to grouped?

Hey guys, I have a searchDisplayController that searches a UITableView that I have. After entering the search terms, I can see another UITableView that contains the search results. However, I want this UITableView to be GROUPED, not PLAIN (like it is by default). Would anyone know how to do this? Thanks alot!! ...

How do i set section titles to work with UITableViewStyleGrouped?

I set my tabe view to use UITableViewStyleGrouped in IB and the cells look fine, but the section headers still look like they are in UITableViewStylePlain. They are over on the left and position does not not match with cells and they do not scroll when I scroll the cells in the view. I used - (NSArray *)sectionIndexTitlesForTableVie...

[iPhone] delete button is stay out side of UITableViewStyleGrouped cell background

Dear all, I am using a UITableView with style is UITableViewStyleGrouped, but when I set the table is editing = YES, the content cell is scaled so the delete button is stay out side of background as below screenshot How can I make the delete button is stay inside of white background? Thanks! ...