
UIWebview swipes to another UIWebiew

Total nooob here. I'm trying to figure out how to implement a transition from one UIWebview to another with a swipe and still be able to scroll/zoom w/in each webview. Each webview should respond normally to all touches/gestures unless a swipe is detected and the boundry of the view/content is at the corresponding edge of the screen...

How do I know when a page has failed to load in UIWebView as opposed to being "Stopped" by the user?

Hey Guys, I have a UIWebView within my application which I'm using to provide web browsing functionality. I have a button on my toolbar which calls -(void)stopLoading; on the UIWebView. The problem with this is that when this method is sent to the web view, the delegate receives the - (void)webView:(UIWebView *)webView didFailLoad...

Opening popup links in UIWebView, possible?

Hey guys, I have a UIWebView which I'm using as an embedded browser within my app. I've noticed that links in webpages that open new windows are ignored without any call into my code. I've tried breakpointing on - (BOOL)webView:(UIWebView *)webView shouldStartLoadWithRequest:(NSURLRequest *)request navigationType:(UIWebViewNavigation...

Need content in UIWebView to display quickly

Part of my app caches web pages for offline viewing. To do that, I am saving the HTML fetched from a site and rewriting img urls to point to a file on the local store. When I load the html into a UIWebView, it loads the images as expected and everything's fine. I am also caching stylesheets in this fashion. The problem is that when I pu...

HTML5 AppCache in UIWebView

I'd like to make use of appcache in my native application on the iPhone. Though Mobile Safari supports appcache it seems that the UIWebView that you can embed in an application does not. I know with a bit of work, I could simulate some sort of appcache like functionality in my application, but this isn't good enough - I'd like access to...

UIWebView events and hold to select/copy

Hi! I have created a subclass of UIWebView and have added a UIView on top of it in order to catch the touch events and use them. Now, due to the extra view added on top of the UIWebView the text selection is not working at all. When I remove the extra UIView the text gets selected but then I cannot identify the events. Is there a way ...

UIWebView scrollBy replacement.

For an iPhone app I was using window.scrollBy to scroll to the bottom of a page. The page is rendered in a UIWebView. This all worked fine untill sdk 3.0. It is documented that scrollBy is not supported in UIWebView anymore. Is there an handy javascript replacement for window.scrollBy? ...

Scrollable UINavigationBar similar to Mobile Safari

My application uses a UINavigationController and the final view (detail view) lets you view an external website within the application using a UIWebView. I'd like to free up some additional screen real estate when the user is viewing a webpage and wanted to emulate how Safari on iPhone works where their URL bar at the top scrolls up and...


I'm experiencing crashes of an app that uses UIWebView. Usually it's when page is not fully loaded and UIWebView is sent stopLoading selector. Or when UIWebView fully loaded page. I've got EXC_BAD_ACCESS. Stack looks like this: #0 0x95bb7688 in objc_msgSend #1 0x30a671db in -[UIWebView webView:decidePolicyForNavigationAction:request:f...

How Do I change Font color/size/type PDF file resources using UIWebView for iPhone SDK V 3.0

I am trying to display PDF file in iPhone SDK V 3.0. I am able to display PDF file. But I want to change its font size/type/color. PDF file also conatins images. Is there any way to have change font size/color/type of PDF file using UIWebView? If no then is other option is available to display PDF file instead of UIWebView? ...

How to resize UIWebView content to specific dimensions?

Hello, I have an application requirement of displaying custom ads in it so I decided to use UIWebView and load specific url with 468x60 ads generated in it. It works like charm, except one thing: loaded ad is too big (naturally) for 320px iPhone screen and I am unable to force it to shrink a litle bit. What could I possibly do about it...

Archive/Unarchive UIWebView?

Hello I would like to save the current state of an UIWebView to disk in IPhone SDK. I have a UIWebView that loads a website with lots of javascript , I would like to save the UIWebView state, maintaining the state of the javscript variables, http cookies, etc at that moment. Then at a later time, I would like to unarchive the UIWebvie...

i am not able to save a whole webpage in webview

Hi Guys, I am able save page and view it offline and everything is working fine.The only problem is i am not able save a whole webpage in webview.I want know whether there is any height limit to save a webpage. Anybody help me out with this issue. Thanks & Regards, vinod ...

UIWebView "decays" to UIView when added to navigation controller

I'm working on a simple iPhone app prototype in which a selection from a UITableView takes the user to a UIWebView showing some content. My project is based on the "Navigation-based Application" template, so I have a UINavigationController managing flow. The problem is that my UIWebView seems to change into a generic UIView when I add i...

UIWebView and Javascript from button

So I would like to run the following Javascript on an open webpage in a UIWebView: - (IBAction)pushDownoad { [webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString: var myWin=window.open("","myWin","width=800,height=600,scrollbars,resizable,menubar"); var myStr=document.documentElement.innerHTML.toLowerCase(); myStr=myStr.re...

Using the webView method, "loadRequest", do I need to worry about threading? (iphone sdk question)

Lets suppose I am creating an application for the iphone with a webView down at the bottom of the window (the other part of the screen has a button and the user can interact with it). I don't want the webView to stop the user from interacting with the other part of the UI when the webView loads a new url. From my limited testing throu...

<Error>: CGImageSourceGetType image source parameter is nil\n - iPhone SDK

I'm seeing this in the Debugger Console: <Error>: CGImageSourceGetType image source parameter is nil\n I think it may be related to the UIWebView used by the Mobclix ad library. I didn't observe any adverse behavior in my app, but I may be missing something. ...

File Formats Supported by UIWebView

What are all the file formats supported by UIWebView? In my testing, I found that it supports XLS, DOC, PPT, PDF but not XLSX, and DOCX, RTF. It supports image files like, JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, not sure about TIFF or Exactly, what all types are supported is not clear... The UIWebView documentation also doesn't state it clearly. Could s...

iPhone Development - SVG image in UIWebView

Hi all, I'm trying to display an svg graph with associated javascript in my application using UIWebView. The .svg file is stored locally. The problem i'm facing is that the zoom in/out and scrolling is horrible. This happens with large images. I've tested this in simulator. Does anyone know the reason? I've tested quite a few svg grap...

iPhone UIWebView height

Does anyone know if this solution can be approved by Apple submission app? - (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView { CGFloat webViewHeight = 0.0f; if (self.subviews.count > 0) { UIView *scrollerView = [self.subviews objectAtIndex:0]; if (scrollerView.subviews.count > 0) { UIView *webDocView ...