
C#: How to convert long to ulong

Hello, If i try with BitConverter,it requires a byte array and i don't have that.I have a Int32 and i want to convert it to UInt32. In C++ there was no problem with that. ...

What is the best way to combine two uints into a ulong in c#

What is the best way to combine two uints into a ulong in c#, setting the high/low uints. I know bitshifting can do it, but I don't know the syntax, or there maybe other APIs to help like BitConverter, but I don't see a method that does what I want. ...

Can T-SQL store ulong's?

I want to store a C#.NET ulong into a T-SQL database. I don't see any provisions for doing this, as the SQL bigint has the same Min/Max values as a normal long. Is there any way I can do this? Or is catching an OverflowException my only hope? ...