
Segmentation fault doubt

I have observed that sometimes in C programs, if we have a printf in code anywhere before a segmentation fault, it does not print. Why is it so? ...

Oracle PL/SQL - tips for immediate output / console printing

I have a number of pl/sql procedures that can take several minutes to run. While developing them, I've added a few print statements to help debug and also provide some feedback and progress indicators. Initially, I ran these on small test sets and output was almost instantaneous. Now that I'm testing with larger test sets that take sever...

bash: force exec'd process to have unbuffered stdout

I've got a script like: #!/bin/bash exec /usr/bin/some_binary > /tmp/my.log 2>&1 Problem is that some_binary sends all of its logging to stdout, and buffering makes it so that I only see output in chunks of a few lines. This is annoying when something gets stuck and I need to see what the last line says. Is there any way to make stdo...