
Determining if file exists using c# and resolving UNC path

I am trying to write a function to determine if a file exists. The two methods prove to return inconsistent results (fileExists() seems to provide accurate results, compared to isFileFound(), that returns false positives - i would have expected an exception when trying to create the instance). protected bool isFileFound(string path, st...

SautinSoft HTML-to-RTF and UNC Paths

Has anybody successfully used the SautinSoft HTML to RTF DLL which has images with a UNC path? When we use the component to transform a HTML document with images whose src attribute is pointing to a UNC path the resulting RTF document has the images missing. When navigating to the HTML page directly - with UNC paths as the source - ...

PHP: Mapped Network Drives

Hello all, I have mapped a network drive to a computer in my home network. Now I am trying to access it via PHP - I did this quick test: echo opendir('Z:\\'); This gives me: Warning: opendir(Z:\) [function.opendir]: failed to open dir: No error in C:\wamp\www\webs\tester-function.php on line 3 What have I done wrong here? I don'...

Batch file from UNC path: %~dp0 takes a long time to resolve

When I try to use "%~dp0" in batch files stored on remote servers, sometimes it takes a good 45 seconds for the path to resolve! I have a fast connection and doing other things with these remote servers is quick. Is this normal? Is there any way around it? Any help would be greatly appreciated. ...

Are Extended-Lenght Paths safe to use?

I just stumbled on this article on MSDN that says a path can be 259 characters + NUL termination, but if you prefix it with "\\?\" WinAPI allows you to use the maximum total path length of 32,767 characters. Eager to see it working I tried using that prefix from Explorer (On XP SP3) but it doesn't work at all (on any path). If you...

c# file UNC path LastWriteTime not working

File.GetLastWriteTime(pathname).ToString(); The line above works perfectly for a local file on my c: drive, if I try to a file on a network share using a UNC path I get "01/01/1601 00:00:00" Any ideas how to resolve? my app needs to work of UNC paths. ...