
How I can print the wchar_t values to console?

Example: #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { wchar_t en[] = L"Hello"; wchar_t ru[] = L"Привет"; //Russian language cout << ru << endl << en; return 0; } This code only prints HEX-values like adress. How to print the wchar_t string? ...

How to get unicodes from Google translation output string.

In google translate web site if i type any word in English and select any other foreign language, it show the exact word in the foreign language. I want the unicode value of that foreign characters. How to get that? ...

Storing UTF8 string in a UnicodeString

In Delphi 2007 you can store a UTF8 string in a WideString and then pass that onto a Win32 function, e.g. var UnicodeStr: WideString; UTF8Str: WideString; begin UnicodeStr:='some unicode text'; UTF8Str:=UTF8Encode(UnicodeStr); Windows.SomeFunction(PWideChar(UTF8Str), ...) end; Delphi 2007 does not interfere with the contents...

How to get number of bytes read from QTextStream

The following code I am using to find the number of read bytes from QFile. With some files it gives the correct file size, but with some files it gives me a value that is approximatively fileCSV.size()/2. I am sending two files that have same number of characters in it, but have different file sizes link text. Should i use some other obj...

Need unicode characters in UITableView from SQLlite database

I have some NSString varibales that incude items like Ð and Õ and if I do cell.textLabel.text = person.name; and if it contains one of those characters the cell.textlabel is blank! I have discovered that if I use NSString *col1 = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:(char *)sqlite3_column_text(compiledStatement, 0)]; To pull my data b...

copy text (Indian language- GUjarati) from word document to web page text area problem.

Hi all, I am developing one site in Indian language (Gujarati). My problem is as below: My client wants that they able to copy Gujarati text from word document and paste into the Text area. But when i copy text from word doc and paste into text area the its get converted to the English letters. http://www.chanakyanipothi.com/gujchan...

string to unicode in c#

Hai i want to use unicode in my code.my unicode value is 0100, am adding my unicode string \u with my value. when i use string myVal="\u0100" its working., but when i use like below its not working the value is looking like "\\u1000"; how to resolve this. i want to use like below one.because the unicode value may vary sometimes. string...

UnicodeString to char* (UTF-8)

I am using the ICU library in C++ on OS X. All of my strings are UnicodeStrings, but I need to use system calls like fopen, fread and so forth. These functions take const char* or char* as arguments. I have read that OS X supports UTF-8 internally, so that all I need to do is convert my UnicodeString to UTF-8, but I don't know how to do ...

Help me translate Python code which replaces an extension in file name to C++.

I apologize if you know nothing about Python, however, the following snippet should be very readable to anyone. The only trick to watch out for - indexing a list with [-1] gives you the last element if there is one, or raises an exception. >>> fileName = 'TheFileName.Something.xMl' >>> fileNameList = fileName.split('.') >>> assert(len(f...

How to read a user's input from the console into a Unicode string?

A C++ beginner's question. Here is what I have currently: // From tchar.h #define _T(x) __T(x) ... // From tchar.h #define __T(x) L ## x ... // In MySampleCode.h #ifdef _UNICODE #define tcout wcout #else #define tcout cout #endif ... // In MySampleCode.cpp CAtlString strFileName; if (bIsInteractiveMode) { char* ...

How do I use Unicode Character Combining with Kanji/Hanzi ?

I'm trying to find a workaround to display old and rare characters in unicode using character combining. Currently I'm converting some dictionaries from EPWING into text and there are 36 different characters which cannot be reproduced using normal UTF-8. Below is the problem section of the epwing gaiji to unicode mappings for one of the ...

Problem with Django/Dajaxice and international characters

Hi, I am having a problem using Djajaxice with international characters... I have a django template...in that template is the following select: <select name="region" id="id" onchange="Dajaxice.crc.regions('my_callback',{'data':this.value});"> <option value="" selected="selected" ></option> {% for region in regions ...

Unicode string php

Hi there ! I have a question! I want to print an unicode string in php (like 'سلام')! but when I use echo only some ??? apear!!! what whould I do??? This happens hen I want to cho string that retrieved from database! echo 'سلام'; result is: ???? I tried using header function but that didn't help me! ...

Converting unicode objects with non-ascii symbols in them into strings objects (in python)

I want to send chinese characters to be translated by an online service, and have the resulting english string returned. I'm using simple json and urllib for this. And yes, i am declaring. # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- on top of my code. The thing is, now everything works fine if i feed urllib a string type object, even if that object c...

What is the range of Unicode Printable Characters?

Can anybody please tell me what is the range of Unicode (UTF8) printable characters? [e.g. Ascii printable character range is \u0020 - \u007f] ...

Unicode File Writing and Reading in C++?

Can anyone Provide a Simple Example to Read and Write in the Unicode File a Unicode Character ? ...

Solving the unicode output in Python

Hi, I have written some code which sends queries to google and returns the query results. Apparently the contents which are retrieved are in unicode format, so when I put them in a list for example and print this list (the whole list together and not member by member) an annoying extra 'u' is always behind all of the members in this list...