
Getting a UniqueId when using RenderControl

I'm using RenderControl(writer) on a set of ASP.NET controls to get the generated server control markup back, for a template. These are form controls, such as radioboxes, input boxes, checkboxes. The problem with this is the control's Parent.UniqueId is not set at this point, not Parent.Parent and so on. This means that the name="" attr...

How can I generate a unique ID in Python?

I need to generate a unique ID based on a random value. ...

C# asp.net Why is there a difference between ClientID and UniqueID?

I know ClientID is used for javascript and UniqueId for server side and that ClientID uses an underscore (_) and UniqueId uses a dollar sign ($) in asp.net 2.0. But what I don't get is why use two different id's. Why isn't possible to just OR use the underscore OR use the dollar sign in both: server and client side. Can someone explain t...

What do you say of chopping type-4 UUID in this manner

Check this, List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { String value = (""+UUID.randomUUID().getLeastSignificantBits()).substring(3, 20); assertFalse(list.contains(value)); assertTrue(value.length() < 18); list.add(value); } This method is passing like char...

JavaScript Object Id

Do JavaScript objects/variables have some sort of unique identifier? Like Ruby has object_id. I don't mean the DOM id attribute, but rather some sort of memory address of some kind. ...

Dynamic Gridview Template and Unique Control (ie textbox, label) IDs ?

When creating a Gridview at design time you can create a template column like this: <asp:TemplateField> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label1"></asp:Label> </ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField> And in the HTML it will give it a unique name like: <span id="gvSelect_ctl02_Label1">blahblah</span> And I...

Generate Unique ID following a specific pattern like "digitStringDigit" in C#

I have earlier generated unique ids by making use of Math.Rando, method or sometimes by using GUID.NewGUID method. This time I am trying to generate a unique numbers which are based on a specific pattern. for instance 123ABC123 - the length of the number will always remain 9 and it will contain 3 numeric digits followed by three charac...