
How to do a UniData Case Insensitive Search with Uniquery

Unfortunately I have to do some interaction with IBM's UniData database system. I am doing this from c# code with UniObjects for .net. I am building an ASP.NET search page that has a single search box. The problem I am having is that the criteria is case sensitive. How can I do a case insensitive search with UniQuery? I could return ev...

Sanitize Input for UniData

Can anyone provide a function to sanitize input for a UniData query? Or provide a list of things to remove? ...

How do associations, @NS and @NV work in UniData Dictionaries?

Does anyone have a quick example of how Associations, @NS and @NV work in UniData? I’m trying to work out associations in dictionary items but cannot get them to do anything. For example, in a record <1,1> = A <1,2> = B <2,1> = Apple <2,2> = Banana I created 3 dictionary items. LETTER and FRUIT, COMBO as follows LETTER: <1> = D <2...