
Can't find control (ASP.NET, MS TEST)

The following test: [TestClass] public class MyTestClass { private TestContext _testContext; protected TestContext TestContext { get { return _testContext; } set { _testContext = value; } } [TestMethod] [HostType("ASP.NET")] [UrlToTest("http://localhost/MyPage.aspx")] public void TestMyPa...

What is the purpose of unit testing an interface repository

I am unit testing an ICustomerRepository interface used for retrieving objects of type Customer. As a unit test what value am I gaining by testing the ICustomerRepository in this manner? Under what conditions would the below test fail? For tests of this nature is it advisable to do tests that I know should fail? i.e. look for id 4 when...

OCUnit & NSBundle

I created OCUnit test in concordance with "iPhone Development Guide". Here is the class I want to test: // myClass.h #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface myClass : NSObject { UIImage *image; } @property (readonly) UIImage *image; - (id)initWithIndex:(NSUInteger)aIndex; @end // myClass.m #import "my...

Creating TCP network errors for unit testing

I'd like to create various network errors during testing. I'm using the Berkely sockets API directly in C++ on Linux. I'm running a mock server in another thread from within Boost.Test which listens on localhost. For instance, I'd like to create a timeout during connect. So far I've tried not calling accept in my mock server and sett...

Testing complex entities

I've got a C# form, with various controls on it. The form controls an ongoing process, and there are many, many aspects that need to be right for the program to run correctly. Each part can be unit tested (for instance, loading some coefficients, drawing some diagnostics) but I often run into problems that are best described with an exa...

Unit tests and Test Runner problems under .Net 4.0

Hi there, We're trying to migrate a .Net 3.5 solution into .Net 4.0, but are experiencing complications with the testing frameworks that can operate using an assembly that is built using version 4.0 of the .Net Framework. Previously, we used NUnit and NCover within our NAnt scripts, but NUnit doesn't like .Net 4...

Way to generate a code that creates a constructor based on the current values of an object?

Hi, What I want to achieve is after loading my object from the database, to generate a code that will give me a block which initializes my object based on its current values so that I can use this code-block in my unit tests again and again without loading it from Db anymore. Is there any tool around to achieve such a goal for VS? tha...

asp.net mvc - How to create fake test objects quickly and efficiently

Hi, I'm currently testing the controller in my mvc app and I'm creating a fake repository for testing. However I seem to be writing more code and spending more time for the fakes than I do on the actual repositories. Is this right? The code I have is as follows: Controller public partial class SomeController : Controller { IRepos...

What's the best way to unit test code that generates random output?

Specifically, I've got a method picks n items from a list in such a way that a% of them meet one criterion, and b% meet a second, and so on. A simplified example would be to pick 5 items where 50% have a given property with the value 'true', and 50% 'false'; 50% of the time the method would return 2 true/3 false, and the other 50%, 3 tru...

Mocking Ajax.IsRequest to return False

I am trying to mock the Ajax.IsRequest() method of ASP.Net MVC. I found out how to do it in order for it to return true: Expect.Call(_myController.Request.Headers["X-Requested-With"]).Return("XMLHttpRequest").Repeat.Any(); This works and returns true. Now I need to test the other branch of the code. How can I mock it to return false? ...

asp.net mvc How to test controllers correctly

Hi, I'm having difficulty testing controllers. Original my controller for testing looked something like this: SomethingController CreateSomethingController() { var somethingData = FakeSomethingData.CreateFakeData(); var fakeRepository = FakeRepository.Create(); var controller = new SomethingController(fakeRepository); ...

WCF REST - How can i test WebCache

I'm trying to test my REST service with WebCache attribute [ServiceContract] [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements(RequirementsMode = AspNetCompatibilityRequirementsMode.Allowed)] public partial class MyContract : IMyContract { [OperationContract()] [WebGet(ResponseFormat = WebMessageFormat.Json, UriTemplate = "items/{cod...

Custom Assertions with MSTest - Handling the AssertFailedException

I would like to provide some custom Assert methods in my MSTest Unit Testing framework. I have my own static class "CustomAssert", and methods like the one below: public static void DatesAreEqualToDay(DateTime expectedValue, DateTime actualValue) { if (!( expectedValue.Year == actualValue.Year && expectedValue.Month =...

How to properly create features, tests, stories and break them down.

I am trying to grasp the entire TDD methodology and as such, I don’t really know how to present this as a nice concise question so here is the long drawn out version. I seem to be experiencing a gap between the bowling (Martin), money (Feathers), and other similar game/simple examples and a fully functioning Enterprise app. I am trying ...

AssertRaises non-callable

Say I have the class class myClass(object): pname = "" def __getName(self): return pname def __setName(self, newname): if not isalpha(newname): raise ValueError("Error") elif self.pname = newname name = property(fget=__getName,fset=__setName) Seeing as these methods are private, and I...

Shoe-horning Integration and System tests into a Unit Test Framework

As shown in a domain-manager article, I am interested in creating an integration test harness that creates a server and many clients, where all of them are running within a single process. But once I achieve this goal I will be very tempted to execute such integration & system tests from within a unit testing framework (NUnit or VS Team...

What's the best way to validate the values of a Set in a unit test?

Okay, often I'll have a method that returns a Set of some sort. The problem with unit testing such a method is that there is no guarantee an iteration over the set will always return the items in the same order. Does anyone have any preferred method of validating a Set? Peter ...

Test::Unit 2.x tests run from rake but fail from autotest

I'm having problems running my Rails unit tests via autotest using Test::Unit 2.0.6. Running tests via rake test:units works perfectly, but when I run the tests from autotest, I get this: /Code/projectdir/vendor/rails/activesupport/lib/active_support/dependencies.rb:105:in `const_missing': uninitialized constant Test::Unit::TestResult:...

How to unit test a class derived from a base class with lots of dependencies?

Im trying to unit test a class in some Java code that I've inherited. Problem is that it derives from a class that is part of the company's application framwwork. Upon construction, the base class does all sorts of 'clever' stuff, initialising connections to all kinds of services that are needed at runtime. But for unit testing purpose...

Unit Testing with Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke

I have a windows phone 7 silverlight app that I'm trying to unit test. My tests fail with the following error: System.DivideByZeroException : Attempted to divide by zero. On the following line: Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() => RaisePropertyChanged("Lat")); I assume this is because there is no ui thread. Do I need to ...