
How to Unit Test a custom ModelBinder using Moq?

I'm having some difficulty writing some Unit Tests to test a custom ModelBinder that I created. The ModelBinder I'm trying to Unit Test is the JsonDictionaryModelBinder that I posted here. The problem I'm having is getting the Mocking all setup using Moq. I keep getting Null Exceptions due to the HttpContextBase not being Mocked correct...

Reliable mocking framework for ActionScript?

I'm looking for a reliable mocking framework for ActionScript. I've been using mock-as3, but I'm annoyed with what I feel is a hack-ish solution for triggering events. There are other a few other reasons why I'd like to have some options, but not sure if I necessarily need to go into them. I've also looked into Mock4AS, but the interface...

Resources for Unit Testing Cocoa Applications

I'm looking into unit testing and TDD for a Cocoa desktop application and I'd like to find some code examples. I am aware of Chris Hanson's excellent articles, but I'd like to crowdsource finding some examples of actual tests in a code base. ...

What advantages/disadvantages do MSTest and NUnit have compared to each other?

Since Microsoft created MSTest, I've been using it for unit testing. I never really used NUnit, and I just didn't like the need to have yet another tool installed on my dev box. I've only used the basic features of MSTest so far, and they have satisfied my needs, and I don't really know anything about NUnit. Could someone list out some ...

How to refactor this constructor so it is testable?

I have a class that is a container for a bunch of module objects. Right now the container takes in an array of file paths, then includes the files and instantiates the modules class module { function execute(); } class container { public $Name; public $Modules; public __construct($Obj){ $this->Name = $Obj->Name;...

What is a good pattern for writing unit tests within a Mathematica Notebook?

Can anybody recommend a pattern for unit-testing code within a Mathematica notebook? I am familiar with the unit testing infrastructure in Wolfram Workbench, but I would also like to have a good approach that can be used within simple notebooks in the regular GUI. I've been using a simple "Expect" function as demonstrated below. But t...

External Data File for Unit Tests

I'm a newbie to Unit Testing and I'm after some best practice advice. I'm coding in Cocoa using Xcode. I've got a method that's validating a URL that a user enters. I want it to only accept http:// protocol and only accept URLs that have valid characters. Is it acceptable to have one test for this and use a test data file? The data fil...

What should NOT be unit tested?

I got the impression that some problems are just to hard to unit test. And even if you do it, often such tests provide little value. What code should not be unit tested, apart from getters and setters? (might be similar to this question) ...

database inspection while debugging

I am trying out some cascade options with nhibernate mapping and have a unit test where I'd like to use a tool to inspect the state of the database. I was hoping I could use linqpad to do this, but the connection seems hung while in the debugger. I'd seen a demo not to long ago where SSMS was being used to inspect the db during a debug, ...

Are some logical paths inherently untestable?

I have been using TDD to drive the project that I am currently working on and the results have been fairly satisfying. I did run into a problem (described here; still without a solution or any suggestions!) where there are some aspects of a particular method which may not be able to be tested (as in my example; briefly, I want to be able...

Do setup/teardown hurt test maintainability?

This seemed to spark a bit of conversation on another question and I thought it worthy to spin into its own question. The DRY principle seems to be our weapon-of-choice for fighting maintenance problems, but what about the maintenance of test code? Do the same rules of thumb apply? A few strong voices in the developer testing communit...

Using Mockito to test abstract classes

I'd like to test an abstract class. Sure, I can manually write a mock that inherits from the class. Can I do this using a mocking framework (I'm using Mockito) instead of hand-crafting my mock? How? ...

How do you mock out the file system in C# for unit testing?

Are there any libraries or methods to mock out the file system in C# to write unit tests? In my current case I have methods that check whether certain file exists and read the creation date. I may need more than that in future. ...

testing python applications that use mysql

I want to write some unittests for an application that uses MySQL. However, I do not want to connect to a real mysql database, but rather to a temporary one that doesn't require any SQL server at all. Any library (I could not find anything on google)? Any design pattern? Note that DIP doesn't work since I will still have to test the inj...

Do I need to write a unit test for a method within service class that only calls a method within repository class?

Example I have a repository class (DAL): public class MyRepository : IMyRepository { public void Delete(int itemId) { // creates a concrete EF context class // deletes the object by calling context.DeleteObject() } // other methods } I also have a service class (BLL): public class MyService { pri...

Entity Framework context mock/fake

It should parse EDMX file and create a moch/fake to use in Unit tests. The easiest integration would be by using T4 that we already have in VS IDE. Has anybody seen it on the web? Or is maybe writing it on their own? Or is there an OSS in progress doing this? Anybody? ...

Best practices for HttpContext and testable controlers in ASP.Net MVC

Update: Based on a couple of the answers I have received, I just want to make clear that I am well aware how to go about mocking HttpContext using a mocking framework. I am more interested knowing what the pros and cons of mocking HttpContext are when compared to using wrapper classes around HttpContext. I'm looking for opinions on h...

Does Moq ignore namespaces when setting up mocks?

The second assertion never executes in the unit test below: namespace Foo { public class MyClass { } } namespace Bar { public class MyClass { } } namespace Quux { public interface IRepo { object Get<T>() where T : new(); } } namespace Tests { [TestFixture] public class MyTests { private Mock<...

How can i unit test an object internal to a method in Objective-C?

I'm wondering how to go about testing this. I have a method that takes a parameter, and based on some properties of that parameter it creates another object and operates on it. The code looks something like this: - (void) navigate:(NavContext *)context { Destination * dest = [[Destination alloc] initWithContext:context]; if (conte...

The value of high level unit tests and mock objects

I am beginning to believe that unit testing high level, well-written code, which requires extensive use of mock objects, has little to no value. I am wondering if this assertion is correct, or am I missing something? What do I mean by high level? These are the classes and functions near the top of the food chain. Their input and output ...