
What is LLVM and How is replacing Python VM with LLVM increasing speeds 5x?

Google is sponsoring an Open Source project to increase the speed of Python by 5x. Unladen-Swallow seems to have a good project plan Why is concurrency such a hard problem? Is LLVM going to solve the concurrency problem? Are there solutions other than Multi-core for Hardware advancement? ...

Opinions on Unladen Swallow?

What are your opinions and expectations on Google's Unladen Swallow? From their project plan: We want to make Python faster, but we also want to make it easy for large, well-established applications to switch to Unladen Swallow. Produce a version of Python at least 5x faster than CPython. Python application performanc...

What does Python's GIL have to do with the garbage collector?

I just saw this section of Unladen Swallow's documentation come up on Hacker News. Basically, it's the Google engineers saying that they're not optimistic about removing the GIL. However, it seems as though there is discussion about the garbage collector interspersed with this talk about the GIL. Could someone explain the relation to ...

unladen-swallow with numpy/scipy

has anyone used unladen-swallow with numpy/scipy for numeric/scientific applications? Is it significantly faster in your experience? Any opinions would be great. ...

Are there any builds of Unladen Swallow available?

I realise there aren't any official ones, but I was hoping I could grab an unofficial one from somewhere? I'm running 32-bit Windows XP on x86 hardware (Core 2 Duo). ...

When will Unladen Swallow be "done" or "ready" for real use?

It looks like Google hasn't updated the results section since the Q4 2009 posting. I've been wondering when it will be put in the Python trunk, and if it's, in any way, production ready. Also, "We aspire to do no original work" is in the Q4 plan. Did Google bite off more than what they could handle, or does anyone know what the real sto...

Is unladen-swallow dead?

My project has deferred solution on integration C++ with Python until now. But now this question is raised again. Do anybody know status of project? On Google: (http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow) there is no actual info at all. Can we reckon on this project? ...