
C++ Problem : "Error external 'C::C()' referenced from C:\C++\CRP.OBJ" ....

Hi, I'm trying to get this: //C.h #ifndef C_H #define C_H #include "c.h" class C { public: C(); int function(int, int); }; #endif which is defined in this: //c.cpp #include "c.h" C::C() { } int C::function(int a, int b) { return a * b; } to work in this: //crp.cpp #include <iostream> #include "c.h" void main(vo...

How to resolve this VC++ 6.0 linker error?

This is a Windows Console application (actually a service) that a previous guy built 4 years ago and is installed and running. I now need to make some changes but can't even build the current version! Here is the build output: --------------------Configuration: MyApp - Win32 Debug-------------------- Compiling resources... Compiling... ...

Compiling libgadu under Windows

I want to use libgadu (library of instant messaging protocol) under Visual Studio 2008. I have downloaded libgadu http://toxygen.net/libgadu/files/libgadu-1.8.2.tar.gz and under cygwin I've compiled it - ./configure , make , make install. File libgadu.h which appeard in include folder I copied to another folder which is marked in VS as I...

beginner c++: virtual functions in a base class

Hi, I'm writing some code where I defined the following base class. class Chorus{ public: //Destructor virtual ~Chorus(); //callback function virtual int callback( void *outputBuffer, void *notUsed, unsigned int nBufferFrames, double streamTime, RtAudioStreamStatus status, void *userData ); virtual void ...

Static class members in shared library

I have a class like class K { static int a; static int b; } I would like to create a shared library (dll) containing this class K. In a cpp file compliled in the library I call int K::a = 0; int K::b = 0; to instantiate the static variables. The dll does compile without errors, but when I use the library, I get the unresolved e...

Unresolved External Symbol

I am working on wrapping a large number of .h and .lib files from native C++ to Managed C++ for eventual use as a referenced .dll in C#. I have the .lib files linked in and everything has been going smoothly so far. Upon wrapping the latest .h file, I hit a snag when 2 functions came back with the link error: error LNK2019: unresolved...

Confused by Unresolved external symbol error

I'm trying to build a wrapper library with VC++'s compiler. ErlDriver.c #define __WIN32__ #define DLL_EXPORT __declspec(dllexport) #include "erl_driver.h" DLL_EXPORT int _driver_output(ErlDrvPort port, char *buf, int len) { return driver_output(port, buf, len); } build.bat cl /I%ERL_DRIVER_H% /LD /MD ErlDriver.c When I attem...

Unresolved external in C-program on Win 32 in Visual Studio 2008

Why doesn't this C-program compile and what does the err messages mean: #include <stdio.h> int main() { char op = ' '; char cont = ' '; int tal1 = 0; int tal2 = 0; int result; int ok = 1; printf("Welcome\n"); do { printf("Which one (+ - * /)? "); scanf("%c", &op); fflush(stdin); printf("Nu...

Why am I getting unresolved externals?

I am writing an immutable binary search tree in c++. My terminating nodes are represented by a singleton empty node. My compiler (visual c++) seems to be having trouble resolving the protected static member that holds my singleton. I get the following error: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "protected: static class boost::sh...

C++ unresolved symbols

Hey I'm getting an unresolved symbol error at linking in my proj. Im linking to an external library, and yes i have set up the configuration correctly, but when in Debug it outputs the following error for every class in the external library: error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol __CAP_EXIT_Function The proj uses the same runtime ...

Unresolved externals with explicit template instantiations. What is the declaration syntax?

Here's some simplified code to demonstrate the problem I have. I have a template function for which I only wish to compile certain fixed instantiations. The function declarations are: // *** template.h *** int square (int x); double square (double x); The definitions are: // *** template.cpp *** #include "template.h" // (template ...

Unresolved External symbol

Hello, I am getting a linking error, and I'm not sure what its referring to. Here is the error 1>Main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: void __thiscall BinaryHeap,class std::allocator > >,class Comp,class std::allocator > > >::insert(class Item,class std::allocator > > const &)" (?insert@?$BinaryHeap@V?$Ite...

Unresolved external using C++Builder packages (with TForm-based classes)

I'm working with Borland C++Builder 6 and 2010, and am having this problem. However, the difference here is that i'm using a FORM compiled inside the package, so, take the example above, but in addition I'm including a form class, like TForm2: class TForm2 : public TForm { __published: // IDE-managed Components TButton *Button1;...

Unresolved symbol when inheriting interface

It's late at night here and I'm going crazy trying to solve a linker error. If I have the following abstract interface: class IArpPacketBuilder { public: IArpPacketBuilder(const DslPortId& aPortId); virtual ~IArpPacketBuilder(); // Other abstract (pure virtual methods) here... }; and I instantiate it like this: class D...

Unresolved external symbol on virtual function

Each of these classes are in separate dll modules: class Base { public: virtual void foo(); void bar(); }; class Derived : public Base { public: // override Base::foo() void foo(); }; In Other.cpp: #include "Derived.h" The module that contains Derived links with Base.lib (not shown are the export/import directives). The m...

Weird unresolved external errors in linked objects

Using Visual Studio 10 C++, I'm having weird link error. For some reason references to a global object won't link to that global object. It is telling me a symbol is undefined yet when I have it view the .cod file the symbol is right there plain as day. The error: FTShell.lib(ftcommodule.obj) : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol...

boost::thread & member function

Hi all, I've facing this problem when trying to use boost::thread: unresolved external symbols: public: __thiscall boost::thread::~thread(void) public: __thiscall boost::thread::thread(void) Does anyone have any idea? ...

Trouble with 'extern' Keyword

Hi, I have a set of global variables and a method in a cpp file. int a; int b; int c; void DoStuff() { } in the header file I have declared them explicitly with the extern keyword. My problem is when I include the header file in another C++ file, I can't use the external variables and the method. It's giving a linker error sayin...

How do I solved Linker errors that go "Unresolved external symbol..."

I am trying to download and build the 'WIC Image Viewer usign Direct2D' from here, but when I build my solution, I am slapped with 56 errors that look like: Error 1 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol _imp_CoUninitialize@0 referenced in function _wWinMain@16 WICViewerD2D.obj Error 2 error LNK2019: unresolved external ...

Why does this virtual destructor trigger an unresolved external?

Consider the following: In X.h: class X { X(); virtual ~X(); }; X.cpp: #include "X.h" X::X() {} Try to build this (I'm using a .dll target to avoid an error on the missing main, and I'm using Visual Studio 2010): Error 1 error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: virtual __thiscall X::~X(void)" (??1X@@EAE@XZ...